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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. Dont know much about the rest, but ikinari anata ni koishiteiru has not been edited and so the game has quite a lot of "engrish" in it. Also the story is apperantly 90% tsundere girls being mean to the MC.

    (Which sounds awesome to me but ... might not be something everyone would enjoy :makina:)

    Got a thing for the Tsun Tsun's eh? :yumiko: haha

    There aint nothin' better in this world than a good old tsundere with twintails my friend.

  2. I expect a single h-scene for both "new" characters and none for the old, with an overall reading time of 2 hours. Because drawing porn takes time and is way too expensive for a product primarily selling an all ages version.

    This all-ages nonsense needs to stop, or at least the devs should release the R18 version later and not completely ignore it. 

    Well they are releasing a 18+ version :michiru:

    Denpasoft will release it just like the first game, if I'm not mistaken.

  3. Pretty sure we've done this thread before :illya:


    Lol sorry about that. I didn't check for older posts. I guess I'll take this opportunity to say "Maybe I'm just reviving the post? (Lame excuse)" 

    Meh, its like buried by now. Doesn't hurt to get a new one going :P Don't think anyone minds to be honest.

    *Gets slapped by the mods*

    Owchie :michiru:

  4. Pretty sure we've done this thread before :illya:


    Anyways, for me its Grisaia on Kajitsu. My cousin brought it home for me, helped me install the patch and I was hooked after like 1 hour into the game.

    Though after that, I found some VNs on my own, and the first and second VN I played were nekopara vol 1 and If my heart had wings. Loved if my heart had wings, and nekopara helped me appriciate the beauty of nekos. (Let's face it, without nekos this world would be in chaos!)

    Not once during any of those 3 did I find myself bored, and so I was pretty much hooked on VNs instantly. Love at first sight :sachi:

    Though now my stupid school keeps getting in the way, and I barely have time for 1 VN a month... :jinpou:



  5. Oh my... You say comedy yuri game? Is...is that possible that I apply fort the art? (é o è)
    There is my most recent sprite (still work in progress, thought...), I don't know if the style is okay with your story (moe/kawai, rather "childish" girls) but if you want me on the projetc, I'm here! (^ o^)/

    That looks really good! 

    This is not a game though, just to clarify that. Its a book, kind of in the style of a light novel. 

    If you still want to do some work on this, that would be great. We can talk more over PMs if you are interested :) 

  6. Cherry blossom miku - http://www.zerochan.net/full/1697640 , the kawwii is strong on this one: http://www.zerochan.net/full/1113157

    snow miku 2011?, 2014? or 2016? http://www.zerochan.net/full/1644436

    white eve: extremely hard to find but if i'm not mistaken there should be one in the game gallery. edit: yes there's one: https://projectdiva.wikispaces.com/file/view/ULJM05472_00051.jpg it looks better on the game.

    Thanks! I have the first cherry blossom already, but the rest are new.

    Doesnt matter much what year the snow miku is from, though preferably 2014.

    Still need some good infinity art, its in my opinion the coolest but its so hard to find. Cmon artists! Make me proud!

  7. Pixiv is the way for the best pictures and wallpapers, but finding them is the hard part tho. here some exapmles, http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47012865 & this guy has a lot of miku works http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=7210261

    Thanks! Yeah I completely forgot about Pixiv. 

    This guy seem to have some decent stuff for some of the different outfits. 

    Will this one help?

    Hidden Content

    Not quite what I was looking for, but still appreciate the pics. :sachi: Fellow Miku fan, high-five! 

    Snow Miku you say? If my memory serves me right I do remember seeing a Snow Miku hug pillow. Will that do?


  8. Yeah both good, though it's primarily normal Miku. What I'm trying to find is some of her in different forms / outfits, preferably the four I listed above; Infinity, Cherry blossom, snow miku, white eve. Kind of difficult to find. :vinty:

    Got a handful of good ones so far.




    I do not know if that helps, but it was the best I found.


    http://photobucket.com/images/hatsune miku avatar


    Seems to be mostly normal but there is a lot so I'm sure a few of them are hidden in there ^^

    I appriciate the effort, thanks. :)

  9. Confession time: :yumiko:

    I love hatsune miku; honestly... like, I don't know what it is, but I think its uber satisfying to watch and listen to her. The point of this thread is basically:

    I've been looking around online for some good high quality wallpapers / graphic pictures of miku in a few of her outfits, Infinity, Cherry blossom, "snow miku", white eve. But I haven't really been able to find anything.

    EDIT: Got a lot of cherry blossom, primarily need snow miku, white eve and infinity now.

    As long as it looks nice I don't mind if its fan art; as long as it is recognizable as her its fine. I've checked some sites though I haven't been able to find much. Probably just me being horrible at searching.

    Would be awesome if someone could help me out.


    EDIT 2: This is how her infinity and white eve costume / forms looks for reference. If you can find some good art of those outfits I will give you a hug! :sachi:




  10. I already did that it still doesnt work. Well i opened the visual novel it appeared the blues side bar but the translations dont

    Hmm, then I'm not sure what could be causing it.

    You could try using this, I personally think its a much better program. Other than that I'm afraid I can't do much. Sorry :wafuu:

  11. No problem, I'm sure a mod will move it if they think its a problem :P Nothing to worry about.


    First of, make sure you have not cliked hide subtitles on the side menu, as if this is enabled, it will not appear.

    Have you gone in under translators and turned on more than one? It could be that the one you are using is having problems.



    Other than that I am not sure what could be causing it as I very rarely use visual novel translator. I personally prefer this


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