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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. 3 hours ago, Jade said:

    Finish playing Aku Josou.

    Can't exactly said it's a good VN with its Crappy route's and quite possibly one of the dumbest reason for Mindbreaking a Heroine. But hey, it's within expectation so meh .:sachi: 

    I play it to see his smile anyway :makina: 

      Reveal hidden contents



    That freaking smile ... Terrefying :makina:

    This is why trap is evil I tell you! :pyaa:

  2. 5 hours ago, Decay said:

    The next two girsaia VNs are linear stories and don't have full amane routes (I think there's some side stories involving her, though).

    There is an after story in Meiykuu and a prolouge story of sorts in Rakuen.

    The Meiykuu route is short of course, but it is a continuation of her route and its quite emotional as well.


    Small spoiler


    That, S&M H-Scene. Jeez Amane ... :pyaa:


  3. Like Decay said, there are two endings. Both are sad of course, but in different ways. The good end is beautiful, the bad end is heartbreaking and depressing. (But still good.)


    I get you, I've had similar experiences with a lot of VNs and animes.

    Planetarian's ending made me sit in my chair and just gaze at the sky for an hour after I finished it. (And I totally wasn't crying :pyaa:)

    Amane's good ending is probably one of the most satisfying and wonderfull, (and kind of cheesy), route endings in a VN that I've ever read. It really got to me too.


    Don't worry though, once you start that new, awesome VN you'll get over it. :sachi:

  4. 1 hour ago, Fred the Barber said:

    You did the twins' routes already? Curious what you think of them. I disliked Asa's route and Yoru's route made my skin crawl, but I loved all three of the other routes.

    Well you didnt ask me, but I love kono oozora so I'll jump in anyways :P

    I personally loved both the twin routes. Especially Yoru's, because ... well. :makina: Ghehehehe

    Well, seriously though, one thing that made me really enjoy Asa's route was: (Spoilers, duh) Hope that I didnt mix up some of the stuff in the routes, it has been a while since I played :P


    First of all, its different from all the others. They actually DON'T reach the morning glory. Like, all the other routes are based around that fact but in this one, they don't. It makes it unique and refreshing. Also, Asa is a really nice character in my opinion. She is that kind of cute, shy younger girl on the outside, but I love how the spin her personality completely when she is alone with Aoi, making her assertive and teasing.

    Yoru route spoilers:


    I loved Yoru's route because it also goes in a completely different direction from the previous routes. First of all, the fact that all 3 of them are in a relationship together makes for interesting romantic scenes, and its cool to see how that got handled in the later part of the story.
    Moving onto the story, I liked how they had to spend time fixing the glider, not just moving towards the morning glory in general, and the way they showed Aoi actually crashing. Like, that was such a big suprise for me. The fact that the twins also starts flying the glider and everything with their grandfather was cool and entertaining.


  5. 2 hours ago, Forgetful Frank said:

    I'm so jealous of all the awesome stuff being posted on here! I was wondering if anyone could tell me of some trusted websites you can buy Japanese stuff from? I'd greatly appreciate it!

    I have a few anime figures I've received as gifts for birthdays and Christmases etc that I'll post pictures of in here when I'm home next and have the chance. ^_^

    Well I really only buy VNs so its mostly just Amazon.co.jp for me with like tenso shipping it.

    But one site I know has a lot of different stuff, and that I have had a very positive experience with myself is AmiAmi.com


    Recently got my special edition of Miagete goran, yozora no hoshi o. Its so beautiful :kosame: A little out of focus though. 

    Not ashamed to say, I´ve listened to the entire soundtrack 3 times. :P 




  6. Hah, wow, I read the title and went... O___O 

    I´ll leave the answer to that question for a different thread :makina: 


    But yeah things like this happens to me a lot. I just randomly stumble upon a VN, like the art or the synopsis; what have you. Then I just add it and end up playing it. To be honest, half of the VNs on my list have been discovered like that. 

    I haven't really downloaded the wrong one ever though. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, xToki said:

    For example, say, people like cats, lots of people like cats.  Just because they like cats doesn't mean they have to commit animal abuse.  Unless every catlover is secretly doing unspeakable acts to poor kitties behind people's backs, and I have no knowledge of this because I live under a rock or wat.  Well, if that's the case, someone remind me to stay faaar away from catlovers from now on.

    :pyaa: D-Damnit! They are on to us! Everyone, hide your kittens!


    Nah dont worry about it. The reason we mentioned is in order to make sure you dont get in trouble. It´s not that people think you are a pedo, its the fact that the topic of lolis in a general sense is quite touchy feely on this forum. Basically, avoid talking about loli H-Scenes etc. Saying you like lolis is no problem though, dont worry :P 

    Just do a quick read through of the rules and you should be fine. 

    With that out of the way, welcome once more! :sachi: 

  8. A-Another one. :sachi: 

    Dont really have a hated OST, so I´ll just stick with protagonist and heroine. 

    Alright, uhh just one, umm, ok favorite portagonist: 


    Kazami Yuuji. Not much to say other than he is the best MC ever. 




    Counterpart: Makoto from school days. Yeah, no one saw that coming :makina: 




    Most loved heroine: 


    Habane Kotori from Kono oozora, already explained her in one of the previous threads



    Counter part: Rika from Euphoria. UGH I hated that selfish little girl sometimes. Geez. Her selfishness in the games is seriously kind of scary at times. Screw Nemu, this chick is the true evil in Euphoria. 


  9. These threads never gets old :P 


    Hmm, I´d say Midoriba from Shuffle. His jealousy towards Rin, hilarious comments and silly shenanigans makes him an awesome supporting character. My favorite Midoriba moment is the sincere way he asks: "Hey Rin, can I beat you up?" When Rin´s harem kicks in for real. Such a good friend :sachi: 



    Also, on that note, Mayumi is another awesome supporting character from Shuffle! (Mmm, Heterochromia..!)  


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