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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. 1 minute ago, Zidan209 said:

    Hey, i was just wondering if there is any VN like that, i don t expect much because it sounds weird. But if you happen to know about some, i would aprecitate. I bet it would be awesome and original VN with such protagonist.

    Ps: don t come here and talk about Deadpool, it has nothing to do with him :D

    Haha you read my mind :wahaha:


    Anyways, have you checked out this list?


  2. So the fact that the VNDB page for XX of the dead is essentially completely empty has been bugging me so I have been updating it, though my Japanese is kinda poor so... Can somone translate the summary into English for me so I can (or you for that matter) add it to the VNDB page? I'd translate it myself, but I think the result would be pretty bad :makina:

    EDIT: I did try my best to translate it, and uploaded it to VNDB. Go ahead and edit it if my tanslation is complete trash. (which it might be :miyako: )


    Summary in Japanese:











    辛うじて生き延びた 若者達の時間が――始まった。

    My horrible attempt at translating it, (please no bully :yumiko: )


    The year is 20XX. Winter has just begun.


    Coming from who knows where, ”that” arrives, marking the end of normal life




    Falling in love for the first time, there are still those who dont know,


    There are those who have found the reason to stay alive and those who havent; either way, everyone are torn apart equally.




    Still warm bodies are rolling,


    The bodies which used to be living turns into ”those”, breaking the world around them




    The future of the world crumbles before people´s eyes




    Snow fell from the cloudy sky that day


    For those young people, the time of barely clinging to life began



  3. 44 minutes ago, Katatiko said:

    Hi, I have a problem with If my heart had wings, when...

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    characters they are a Club again and are going to fly again with Asa, the game goes to the tittle screen.


    It happens after this screenshot.


    If someone could help I'll be very grateful.

    Its been a while since I played but ... Isn't this actually an ending? :michiru:

  4. Went ahead and watched the video, left a comment on the video itself as well, but to sum up: The girl voice... Please. No :wahaha:

    Overall its fairly entertaining to watch, though you dont need to read out every line; people can read it themselves. Focus more on reactions to what is happening and stuff like that.

    Also, for other VN games, setting the text speed to instant isnt a bad idea. That way you wont happen to accidentaly click the screen and skip a piece of dialouge because you wanted the text to appear instantly.

    Most of these VNs seem to think we read incredibly slowly :makina:

  5. 2 minutes ago, TexasDice said:

    Okay, let's talk about a game that will come out in 3 days and that we will forget about in 3 minutes. :illya:

    Hey, lets face it, this is a title we wont forget about, ever. 

    Those damn H-scenes are branded into our brain and will stay there forever.

  6. 6 hours ago, Kanbe said:

    Your commentary and face annoys me.

    :vinty: ...


    Erhem, anyways. So for the Steins;gate etc you are looking at a really long VN. How exactly would you handle that? Would you actually play the entire thing and make a large amount of episodes, or  would you be cutting out "trivial" parts to keep it more mdoerate length wise?

    I think keeping the entierty of a VN playthrough might be a little stale, as its a book, so it has "boring" parts. During this, I can see it being hard to commentate and you might end up just sitting there in silence.

  7. 1 minute ago, Arcadeotic said:

    Rather interesting. Once again, you jump the gun on these discussions.

    Oy, I wasnt the one who made the previous ones! :pyaa:

    3 minutes ago, Arcadeotic said:

    Anyways, all I'm expecting of this is cute nekos, Coconut, some ridiculously good H-scenes and more nekos. Oh and heterochromia.

    You say that like those things combined isnt the best freaking thing ever made :makina:

  8. Its been a while since my last update, so I thought I´d just get one out now. 


    Basically, I have had a LOT to do at school recently, and so there hasnt been much time to write. Chapter 7 has actually been 50% finished for a few weeks...

    Good news though, my vacation starts in a few days, so during it I will have a lot of time to write. I will get chapter 7 finished then, and hopefully I´ll even get far into chapter 8! The end is near folks :miyako: 

    I´ll edit this once the chapter is finished!

  9. Still havent been able to fix it, but if you simply right click to hide the text, when it comes back up again its the fixed version.

    It still breaks when you go to the next line, but all you need to do is right click again and left click again to bring back the text to get the line corrected.

    Kind of a pain to read that way, so if anyone has an actual solution, bring it on, but for now its at least readable.

    @mitchhamilton Dont know if you saw the PM, but yeah, this is a somewhat awkward fix at least.

  10. If I were you I'd make sure I did my research on each game / company I considered making videos off before actually doing anything. You don't want your channel getting copyright strikes right off the bat.


    Also, try to make sure you do something unique with the "gameplay". If it is literally just the VN and no commentary or anything of the stort, then its like I said above, pretty much just stealing the vn.

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