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Everything posted by Zakamutt

  1. I think we'd get some good memes from it, so I'm guardedly positive
  2. If you have problems at relatively few points, and character wrapping works in your vn, you can try simply adding enough spaces to cause a character break when needed. I don't recommend this for working on anything long, though. Well, maybe you could automate it with a monospace font...
  3. 絵クロマンサーと言うタッグは最近ツイッターに見ただよね。それは昔の絵を再掲する感じが、こっちはちょっと違いよね、なんか「猫ロマンサー」と言うかで、このスレを永遠の存在に、即ち―― 「そは永久に横たわる死者にあらねど 測り知れざる永劫のもとに死を超ゆるもの」 tl;dr and translation: because I felt like having it be alive
  4. Blankspace. Puzzle ADV gameplay (not super hard) vn, sharp dialogue, strong characterization for both heroine and MC; ending might be the biggest sticking point but it's not particularly unhappy. Fairly compact.
  5. Shinsetsu Mahou Shoujo - real good free SRPG hybrid with a very fleshed out story that goes much further that you might expect. Unfortunately engine is jank. True Remembrance - cool stuff on memories and how they make us Symphonic Rain - admittedly not entirely unpopular, but definitely lower popularity. The fan translation is recommended if you read translated, and I don't say this lightly. A story with a lot of cool insert songs relating to the narrative, fleshed-out character studies, and delicious drama. Torta best girl Soundless - good EVN denpage? YEP Blankspace - well written dialogue, unusual characters and plot for the medium, puzzle gameplay actually not too bad (except when replaying for new endings...)
  6. ...did you just jpg resave it enoiugh for the image quality to noticeably decrease? ...it's a png but there's clearly something going on... what the hell... oh you scaled it down...
  7. Using discord as your CDN for your picture? Daring, expect it to be dead soon enough. well whatever have an edit
  8. It looks like the translator for kimihane is maria, so it should be a good tl bar any weirdness. I liked the original version when I read it so I'm happy someone competent is on it.
  9. To be honest, at this point it might be wiser to just see if you can get an old krkr engine exe and run it with the extracted scripts rather than try to reproduce whatever the original author did. I guess it depends on whether it's freeware or not, but if it's really short and old, then maybe...?
  10. Were there any particular challenges in translating the VN? Wordplay, obscure cultural stuff, etc etc. How strong is the yuri? I imagine it'll be good enough but you never know...
  11. Why are you linking a literal german news site when you could be linking the original blog post?
  12. >no votes I can't even shit on your taste! smh anyway consider yourself noticed. I probably did nickname you, I nickname everyone
  13. There are two categories: 1. random moege n4-kun translator joining a project with 4 other people without even having finished the game in Japanese and somehow the project eventually finishes with everyone firmly hating the game these are pretty bad at picking their game 2. Chad picking what they WANT to translate these are good at picking their game if they finish
  14. A commercial flop only faintly hints at something actually being bad.
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