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Everything posted by littleshogun

  1. At least Hanachirasu case was not too bad compared to Seinarukana, if only Hanachirasu was had a fan translation patch at TL Wiki before official release by JAST. For Seinarukana, it's planned to be released at 2012 before delayed several times and finally released at 2016 (No translation patch before 2016). As for Sumaga, well either way it's probably will take long time before finally officially released. So just be patient if you look forward to that I guess.
  2. Pretty much what Kiriririri said. To be honest, I just learned about mail at Japanese phone here. So yeah, HatsuKoi MC use email to sent a message to another characters.
  3. Wow, that's very interesting VN that I'd already look forward to it since the time they announced Demonbane there. In fact I'd always eager to see if JAST had the update about this one here each week, although too bad that they rarely give the update there. Thanks for bringing this update there, Decay. Looking forward to the release very much. PS - My usual lame attempt of sarcasm aside, I would just ask JAST something like 'When JAST will release something like Sumaga, or at the very least Flowers Summer Part there?'. I agree that it could at least get JAST some money though. PPS Well, at least the thread title was not as long as usual Nier's thread title there if I may say something.
  4. I knew this is very late. But here's the update for this week. Prologue: 100.0% Common: 100.0% Midori: 100.0% Yukino: 0.0% Runa: 100.0% Kyou: 100.0% Maya: 90.08% Total: 84.97% As for the plan, Tsurezure hope that they could release Maya's patch by this weekend (Therefore see what's their project next). They also said that there's possibility that they couldn't deliver the patch next weekend because the editor was quite busy, although of course I hope it'll be this weekend if we talk about Maya's patch release. That's all for the update.
  5. Hmmmm..... maybe something like Dracu Riot there. Or perhaps you could try something like Little Busters and Yumina as well. Hope those'll be help.
  6. Welcome to Fuwanovel. If you interested with helping, perhaps you could try to visit translation projects section or you could k=just make a post on the thread below. Hope you enjoy yourself here.
  7. Welcome to Fuwanovel, and if you interested to write some of the review from VNs you could share with us. Hope you enjoy yourself here.
  8. There's never late thing to say hello here actually, because in the past I introduced my self after 40 posts and one year here. Anyway, welcome to Fuwanovel and hope you enjoy yourself here.
  9. Extremely straightforward there, so hello too. Hope you enjoy yourself here.
  10. Visual Novel Translation Status (04/15/2017) I knew the title was very cheesy here, but at least it should be obvious what it meant lol. For the explanation, the image header was a hero from recently released otome games Nightshade Gekkamaru (Quite handsome to me lol), in which he was described as one of the ninja from Kouga's family. As for the Nightshade itself, I must admit that the graphic look good and the story was at the post Sengoku wars. Too bad that I didn't quite interested at otome games though, although if you interested with otome I would suggest you to get Nightshade. Anyway, sorry for being very late here once again to write my commentary here. As for this week, unless you fan of otome games there this week was to be honest was quite plain there with no notable updates yet, although there were some announcements though. Let's see what I could write here. While a week ago I was interested with Sekai Project, turned out that their announcement from Sakuracon was not big one (Granted it may be less known convention, but still). As for the announcement, it's from less known company from the info that I could see at VNDB. The premise might be interesting though, but for now I won't quite interested (Maybe I will in the future). Anyway, back to updates we had Fatal Twelve was at 52% translated, KARAKARA 2 was at 60% translated, and Bokukotsu was past over halfway mark translated (53.52% translated). Oh, by the way Nekopara 3 release was delayed to May 26th because of the health problem from the illustrator (Sayori). That's all for Sekai project here. There's also a matter of Overdrive last project thing, which is at least one of Mangagamer April Fools post in regard of Overdrive closing was at least partially true. Because by last project of course it mean that Overdrive was about to be close (Duh). Anyway, as for the project there's still no concrete info as of now (Other than there will be two crowdfunding, one for the initial funding and another for near release physical edition preorder), but at least there's some confirmation it'll be released in Japan and English at the same time. Well, looking forward to Overdrive swan song here then (Quite funny since the writer (Setoguchi Ren'ya) wrote Swan Song in the past). For fan translation, actually other than Nightshade there's another otome VN released here. The VN in question was Ayakashi Gohan which apparently was already in translation for a while there, and had the female MC in three personality (Also had some supernatural thing with ayakashi). Congratulation for the release of Ayakashi Gohan complete patch by the way. As for the usual updates, we had: Eustia was at reaching three quarter mark translated for the prologue (75.82% translated, and overall was at 6.98% translated). Oh, and it was also 37.27% TLC-ed (For the prologue, while the overall was at 3.43%) Loverable was at 31.65% TLC-ed and 17.95% edited HatsuKoi was at 84.97% translated (Maya's route was at 90.08% translated), and they hope that they could release Maya's patch by next weekend. Tsui Yuri was at 86% QC-ed Koiken Otome fandisc was at 3% (ie 709 lines from Shiho route) translated For more progress, there's Konosora retranslation project in which right now Amane's route was at more or less three quarter retranslated (All of other routes were already finished). As for Majokoi, there's no update from the number of translated lines yet although for now we had TLC update though which right now was at 17% TLC-ed (FredtheBarber hope that after MakiFes release the new translator could had more time for Majokoi, or so I'd read in one of his posts). As for the Clover Days, Ittaku stated that he finally started the translation of the Anzu's route although unlike ToHeart 2 in the past, there'll be unedited complete patch though if the translation for Anzu's was complete (I assume it was to avoid similar situation like back at ToHeart 2). Oh, and there's also Nocturnal Illusion Renewal in which the editing was going slowly because the editor was addicted to Persona 5 right now (I understand that very well). That's all for my very late VNTS Review here, and happy Easter there. See you next Sunday.
  11. By the way, what I meant complicated is that the history between Japanese and French people that cause Japan to pronounce 'charles' in French way instead of English way. Other than that, perhaps you right about Charles and Carla there (Fairy Tail use that method actually). Back to topic, to tell the truth my Deardrops playthrough was delayed because of some circumstances. I'll try to resume my playthrough in this month.
  12. That's quite interesting data there, and as for OELVN I would said that perhaps sometimes they could be in equal with Japanese VNs in term of popularity (But not right now). The reason I said this because majority of the OELVN was quite bad to say it bluntly (Sakura series anyone), and yet there's some good OELVN like Lucid9 and of course Katawa Shoujo. In the end, as for OELVN thing I chose to just take a note at it. PS - To be honest, for now I kind prefer Japanese VN. But I also knew that there's some interesting future for OELVN there.
  13. Late to the party here. Anyway, welcome to Fuwanovel and if you need some help just ask us. Hope you had fun here.
  14. As for your question, you probably mean something like good and popular VNs which is untranslated. In that case, my answer here according to VNDB average score would be something like White Album 2, Subahibi, Island, Oretsuba, Sakura no Uta, Saihate no Ima, and Irotoridori no Sekai. Keep in mind that some example may less popular though. Hope those could answer your question. PS - As for both of Subahibi and Island, it'll be localised by Frontwing in the future.
  15. Me? Maybe Majikoi if only at least it had proper true routes in the first VN, instead of spreading it across two sequels like Grisaia (And Kajitsu didn't even had aftermentioned 'true route'). Although I think both of those were had some good points though.
  16. Of course they were, although I must admit it was very rare choice for a woman's name (Less than 10 characters). As for the characters there's one from Fairy Tail, also in one of PreCure series (Doki Doki), and another from Freezing (I knew the former two weren't human, although one of them (PreCure one) was able to transform into human). As for the naming, according to another thread at Gamefaqs, it was said that for Charles name they use the French one (It's 'sharla' instead of usual 'charles', and the reason for that was quite complicated to say the least).
  17. Interesting discussion about Charles name I guess. Although if I may say something about that, the staff probably want to make someone who is half English and also want MC called one of heroines 'Lulu'. So we had Charles here as heroine's name, and keep in mind that Circus made Da Capo 3 with Japanese player as the main costumer (I'd already saw some anime characters with Charles name, so it's not that surprising to me).
  18. If I may say something I prefer more serious approach with some hint of comedy though (For now at least). But it's not that I dislike another approaches here though. PS - Good luck with your VN there.
  19. littleshogun


    To be honest, I thought it was strange that Clephas was reviewed a minori VN in rather positive way. Then turned out it was Kiririri's review (I knew that Clephas dislike (ie hate) minori in the first place). Anyway, good review there. Looks like it'll be interesting one especially looking from the graphic (It's minori after all), although too bad though that it's still being translated there.
  20. By the way, I'd checked using my save and looks like the most important choice was at the ero DVD selection at April 22nd. So, in regard of common route choices maybe it didn't really matter. I'll do another test about that later.
  21. As for that matter, I still didn't test it yet (I'll test it later). Although for now, I would say that it was matter though (I mean common route choice). If I may give the tips here, save at every time when you'd encounter a branching with five choices. The reason I said that was because the branches were very important branch.
  22. I would say just try to do that by yourself (I mean posting your original VN thread at VN Talk section), because to tell the truth I didn't knew the regulation about that. Although I could tell one thing though that most of the users here didn't really had problem with that. That's all I could say for now, and good luck to your project.
  23. Late to said this, and I knew that this is the second time I said it. But let me said happy 34th birthday to our @Okarin there. Hope you had good year ahead.
  24. @Vorathiel Hope you ready for enduring three routes then, because if you want to play Kukuri's end you must get three ending before got that. Yes, three endings which consist of Yukiko's, Misuzu's and Yuka's. Good luck. Interesting that you interested with Hakuai (aka Lesbian Nurses) there. To each of their own I suppose if we talk about opinion in regard of Yurirei, although I'd found that it was quite relaxing VN.
  25. As for that, I think the walkthrough from Tsurezure should be sufficient for get all routes (Yes, including both of Maya's and Yukino's). Just look at the walkthrough here, and hope it'll be help.
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