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Thatcomicguy last won the day on November 7 2022

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About Thatcomicguy

  • Birthday June 4

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    That Comic Guy

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Fuwa Senior

Fuwa Senior (4/11)



  1. Rejoice Fuwa for I have returned and I bring glorious news to help bring about the BL Revolution Announced in the very early hours of this morning JAST is officially bringing to West - DRAMAtical Murder Togainu no Chi Lamento -BEYOND THE VOID-!
  2. Demoted on my Birthday What a cruel Mistress you are Chairman Maggie
  3. Is ʇɥᴉs ɹǝɐl lᴉɟǝ¿ Mɥɐʇ,s uǝxʇ ʍɹᴉʇᴉuƃ ndsᴉpǝ poʍu¿¿ ˙˙˙˙Oɥ ʍɐᴉʇ
  4. I haven't been active here on the forms for a few weeks besides lurking and we've gotten quite a few new member since this was first posted. So I thought to bring this gem back for a second life to see if the new bloods have any funny things to add.
  5. Less meaningless bad ends that don't do anything expect take you back to the main menu Less Lolis *Sorry Mitch*
  6. I blame Mitch for this issue not being fixed.
  7. Why are you never on our discord anymore? :'(
  8. Haha True though it did lure to the thread so half cocked it kinda work
  9. If you think about it. By out laying it this badly will draw more people in to call it out, thus getting the word out. Whether on purpose or not that's a solid PR move
  10. Sign me up Durka. I feel I should represent my Celtic ancestors by fighting naked, covered in blue war paint for the old gods with a spear and shield.
  11. Congrats and Don't worry you'll be hearing a lot more from me, @SeniorBlitz and @MaggieROBOT when we over throw the Moderators and install a BL loving leadership. Muwhahaha
  12. If one isn't named Dickatus Biggatus I'm going to be really disappointed
  13. May as well jump on the bandwagon for my 1 year anniversary on here.
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