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Ever finished a VN without stopping?


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Noh I was never able to do that, the reason being that I like (more like need) sleeping too much , the longest time I stayed awake in my life straight was 24 hours and if I push myself to that limit I will fall asleep for 15-20 hours straight.

In addition that (but this is a secondary reason) I get distracted easily,like I have skype, league of legends , facebook ..... etc.. and lastly real life and if I leave a vn, I might lose interest in it amd leave it then come back to it later (god how much I hate it when I am immersed in reading a vn and my parents drag me out for whatever reason ;-; )

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If you count completing one route as finish, then yes. Quite a lot of VNs were  short enough in earlier days (I started with VNslike 15 years ago) to do it. They tend to be longer these days, so I don'd do it so often now. After finishing one route, I often lose interest, so it takes much longer to finish the rest of the game (I tend to leave some uninteresting heroines unfinished). On the other side when I read Majikoi I finished all routes and enjoyed them.

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Never. I've often tended towards marathoning near the end of series, but I think I will plan not to do that in the future. The reason is when I marathon like that, I'm so conscious about "is this the end? end?", and feeling like drowning in so much text, that I don't think I enjoy the final chapters as much as I would with a fresh mind.

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Noh I was never able to do that, the reason being that I like (more like need) sleeping too much , the longest time I stayed awake in my life straight was 24 hours and if I push myself to that limit I will fall asleep for 15-20 hours straight.

In addition that (but this is a secondary reason) I get distracted easily,like I have skype, league of legends , facebook ..... etc.. and lastly real life and if I leave a vn, I might lose interest in it amd leave it then come back to it later (god how much I hate it when I am immersed in reading a vn and my parents drag me out for whatever reason ;-; )

VNs are master race.

uninstall lol. NOW.

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I spent countless hours on some titles, but almost never finished any of the longer vn's in one go. It's often way too much for a single sitting and the longer you sit, the less enjoyable it starts to get if you're forcing yourself to continue. Taking breaks is the best way to go and some titles even require that; having an appropriate ammount of time to digest what you've read, letting it flow and take over your imagination makes it a lot more pleasant.


Withdrawal periods happen regardless whether you took in something fast, or not. It's more of a matter, where something was so enjoyable, you simply can't live without it anymore; you've been used and exposed to it so much for extended periods of time. Of course, everything has an end. Then you're left with emptiness in your heart and sadness starts to overwhelm, because you know those blissful moments are no more - the story ends and there's nothing else that can replace it. We often relieve those moments afterwards, until they finally fade away and we're ready to move forward. It is a reading addiction of sorts, just like drugs. A certain state of mind. That's what it is, at least to me.

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I generally take at least two short sessions before I really sink into any story - VN, novel, video game, whatever. Those first few sessions will usually be somewhere around half an hour long. Once I'm invested enough, then I can easily spend 3-4 hours with a story in one sitting, but that's about my maximum, and that still is not going to be enough to get close to finishing any of the VNs I read, since I always seem to pick rather long ones.

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I finished Ley Line 1 and Kono Oozora in non-stop

started saturday early in the morning, pulled a one-nighter and then finished it sunday night

I use to do it when friday and/or monday is holiday.


And Im pratically doing the same for Ley Line 2〜3 now,

as it is Golden Week over here >-<;


I either dont feel like sleeping,

or im just too sleepy to move, turn all the thing off and prepare the bed,

so I keep on reading and listening in a tranquil mood for hours.

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I can finish a one route in one sitting if it's really something fantastic, but a whole and long novel - never. I'm a little busy with my studies, so I can't spend all my time on reading. Indeed, I can spend my time on it on weekends, but I'm such a slooowpoke, so it's a bit difficult for me to finish even some short stories in one sitting, sometime. For instance, I was reading Eden* two days, and it took me a week to finish Cartagra (with all endings)! 

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