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Hoshizora no Memoria: Should I complete all routes?


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Are all the routines interconnected, such as the former revealing important information or is plot relevant for the latter routes? I ask cuz in visual novels, I always tend to just play the main heroine's route since I really don't have the time to complete all the routes; however, this game requires you play all the other heroine's routes before Yume's is unlock. I was thinking I'm just gonna skip through all the other heroine's route if they're all pretty independent of each other.

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As you finish the girls' routes, Yume starts randomly appearing throughout the game (she appears more often the more routes you complete) until eventually (when you complete all routes) you can go after her.


I don't believe any of the routes really give you a crazy ton of information about Yume so I believe you should be fine if you skip them if all you want is the Yume ending.

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dont really get your question, but yes,you should play through ALL of the routes to understand everything the story has to offer, including the little mare troll route @the end. even if you might dislike some of the females, their routes arent very similar & they provide you (reader) with lots of different informations like the mc´s past, family issues etc.

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dont really get your question, but yes,you should play through ALL of the routes to understand everything the story has to offer, including the little mare troll route @the end

While I agree he should experience all the game has to offer, none of the routes really provide you with useful insight regarding Yume.

Maybe Asuho a little, but she appears again in Yume's route and does the same thing she did in her route so it's still obsolete.


So you don't really need to know what the other routes have to understand Yume's route.


I do think the game loses a lot of charm if you just head straight to Yume's route, though. But objectively speaking, you can skip all the routes and go for Yume.

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Hoshimemo would be a 7/10 if I only read main heroine route, but yeah whatever floats your boat; you don't really need info from the other routes to understand the main one.


A lot of the stuff presented in Chinami's route is essential to fully understand the story and setting regarding the main heroine. Kosame and Komomo's are important because they give you info on whatever-the-fuck Mare and Komomo are, I forgot the Japanese word used. Asuho's doesn't reveal anything and Isuzu's only reveals something really insignificant about You's father. Also revealing Yume's name doesn't really spoil anything in the game. They just don't reveal it until you've gotten into her route. 

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As you finish the girls' routes, Yume starts randomly appearing throughout the game (she appears more often the more routes you complete) until eventually (when you complete all routes) you can go after her.


I don't believe any of the routes really give you a crazy ton of information about Yume so I believe you should be fine if you skip them if all you want is the Yume ending.

That's probably the most annoying part about this game. You don't necessarily need to read their routes for the true route, but they all have a minor significance to the storyline and characters. And while you could complete the true route without that knowledge, it won't have the same level of immersion that it would otherwise. If you add on to the fact that every side route except Chinami's is poorly written, you end up having to make a chore out of reading them. I feel that the gains far outweigh the losses if you do decide to read them though, the final route is superb. Since I usually rate VNs based on my experience with every heroine route, I ended up giving this a 5.1 overall, but the true route by itself was an 8.5 to me.

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I honestly thought Yume's route was kinda rushed and meh, but to each their own.  You really shouldn't skip routes unless you absolutely hate the character and just can't stand reading it; I skipped Isuzu's route because she's a terrible person, but I read all the rest.  There are bits in several of the routes that are very important, if not vital, to read if you want to understand what's going on, so really, skipping through them is not advised unless you make sure you don't miss the scenes in them that explain the plot.

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I honestly thought Yume's route was kinda rushed and meh, but to each their own.

I didn't notice anything wrong with the pacing. Then again, I tend to not notice pacing issues unless they're blatantly bad. I've never heard anyone complain about it being rushed though.


Komomo best girl

I'm more of a Kosame guy. She's adorable.



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Are all the routines interconnected, such as the former revealing important information or is plot relevant for the latter routes? I ask cuz in visual novels, I always tend to just play the main heroine's route since I really don't have the time to complete all the routes; however, this game requires you play all the other heroine's routes before Yume's is unlock. I was thinking I'm just gonna skip through all the other heroine's route if they're all pretty independent of each other.

to fully complete it yes you need to do all routes.

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Asuho and Aoi's route almost pissed me off with how stupid the drama that was being shoved in my face was. 


"Waaaaah I didn't know Nihongo so I have no friends. Since I have no friends I'm going to treat people who want to be my friend like SHIT"


Oh, and Yume's route was easily the best. It may have been a little rushed, but honestly not a lot of the content in it could have been dragged out without ruining it. 

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Asuho and Aoi's route almost pissed me off with how stupid the drama that was being shoved in my face was. 


"Waaaaah I didn't know Nihongo so I have no friends. Since I have no friends I'm going to treat people who want to be my friend like SHIT"


Oh, and Yume's route was easily the best. It may have been a little rushed, but honestly not a lot of the content in it could have been dragged out without ruining it. 

I dunno I thought their routes were alright other than that, Asuho is my 2nd favorite heroine behind Mare

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I dunno I thought their routes were alright other than that, Asuho is my 2nd favorite heroine behind Mare


Oh don't get me wrong, I really liked Asuho which was the only reason I was able to stand her route. The drama in it was so ridiculous I couldn't bring myself to believe that someone could even believe something that stupid even if they lacked self-confidence. 

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Oh don't get me wrong, I really liked Asuho which was the only reason I was able to stand her route. The drama in it was so ridiculous I couldn't bring myself to believe that someone could even believe something that stupid even if they lacked self-confidence. 

I dont disagree with the drama, it was pointless but I mean it was just one portion of what was otherwise a great route.

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