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  1. So I can access Narukana's route by starting a new game from the title screen as long as I have a clear system save? I had thought that you needed to start a new game by loading a clear save, which does not give you the option to not carry over data. If the former is true than my problem is solved. Thanks for the help everyone.
  2. I don't want to play this or any game more than once but I must play Narukana's route. However I do not want to just play from a clear save file that is already at high level with all abilities learned (including some story-related ones), as this would pretty much defeat the entire purpose the gameplay portion of the game. So my question is: is there any way to access Narukana's route while playing on as clean a slate of a new game as possible?
  3. I know this thread is old but couldn't fans just make an H-restoration patch and avoid this headache? Clearly, if this was an easy issue SP would had solved it already.
  4. BobJones2

    My favorite eroge of 2016

    Meh, only Dearest Blue is good out of your list. Judging by how much you dislike Lilim games, its not surprising how much our tastes differ, at the very least when it comes to fap games. Do you even like NTR games? Judging by your priorities when describing NTR games you probably don't. Well, Fuwanovel isn't exactly where people with that kind of fetish gather anyways.
  5. Didn't expect Front Wing to be this popular since all they really have is Grisaia. Grisaia is good but its not THAT good. Well there is also Devil Angel Dijbril but as much as I love how she NTR him pregnancy sex with monsters and middle-aged men, I really don't think that is the kind of stuff that gets the people around here impassioned. Speaking of which, Front Wing should do Devil Angel Dibril 5 next.
  6. She's a sweet kid but kinda annoying. Komari is even worse. If you are sexually attracted to her than yeah, sure, whatever floats your boat; just know that America is ABSOLUTELY hysterical about pedophilia so careful not to get arrested. I don't hate "moe" characters or anything since I like Rin and Fuko and thinks loli Kotori is absolutely adorable but Kud is just kinda annoying and her voice breaks windows.
  7. I noticed the restoration patch page for this game has been taken down, are there still plans to do V2 of the patch? I don't mind the bad translations that much as long as the original meaning is still more or less conveyed but some parts just butchered the original meaning.
  8. You're right but that doesn't mean that fans shouldn't be vocal about it. I'm not talking about anger and blame but the expression of how much they want the 18+ contents. The more people who express this, the higher the chances of it being successful since in the end, the main driving force is money. The main reason why 18+ contents are even taken out is try to expand the customer base. Regardless, I've been waiting for this game for too long to not get it just because 1-2% of the game was taken out. If it weren't for the fact that most people could just pirate the game (and most likely will), there would likely be a lot more people who would by the game either way. I hope that the reputation of this game will at least spawn an unofficial restoration patch.
  9. Yumiko's route is generally considered an average one, the most popular routes would be Amane and Makina's route. Most of the routes were written by different authors, only Amane and Makina's were written by the main writer. "Rewrite" is the same way, with only Kotori, Akane, and the Moon/Terra routes being written by the main writer. I'm sure its no coincidence that these routes tend to be better. Anyways, as to what I like about this visual novel: 1) Amane's route, especially the last bits and the endings. 2) The Common route. This is the main charm of this vn for me. There's no stupid harem aspect where all the girls want a piece of him for no freaking reason, its just about the whacky personalities and interactions between the characters, of which I found amusing. The girls could had been all guys and it wouldn't really change much about how the route felt to me. This was also why I liked Majikoi, until it turned into a harem waifu fest (ESPECIALLY Majikoi S) which caused me to stay far far away from it. Edit: Oh right. While I do enjoy Grisaia, I do agree that its not a masterpiece or anything and there are certainly better visual novels out there. However, what makes this game popular is that it can be appealed as a one of the better-made "harem-waifu" series, much like Majikoi, which the current anime/manga male fans just absolutely love. No matter what their opinions on what makes a good story is, they are all united on the fact that they all love virtual waifus, and a "harem-waifu" series market female characters of all shades and stripes.
  10. This game has a extremely high rating and a lot of votes (for an untranslated game) so I don't think rating is the issue. While this game (the entire duology) is long, there have been plenty of games that are about as long or longer that have been translated so that argument alone doesn't explain it unless you provide some context. For example, 1) this game is not just a text game, which could complicate things. 2) There's just not any groups around willing to do big projects anymore. 3) This game just doesn't interest the translator group enough to warrant its size. "Aiyoku no Eustia" seems to be another game rates just as high for an untranslated game and is much shorter but that hasn't been translated either, so length alone can't be the only explanation. The first Majikoi game is about as long as both Bladr Sky games and is pretty recent yet you have multiple games in that series translated. I know "harem waifu" games like Majikoi is more likely to drive the fans wild so that's probably why but still.
  11. Yumiko's route is generally considered an average one, the most popular routes would be Amane and Makina's route. Most of the routes were written by different authors, only Amane and Makina's were written by the main writer. "Rewrite" is the same way, with only Kotori, Akane, and the Moon/Terra routes being written by the main writer. I'm sure its no coincidence that these routes tend to be better. Anyways, as to what I like about this visual novel: 1) Amane's route, especially the last bits and the endings. Even Kazuki's Mary Stu-ness was tolerable if it weren't for how many fanboys she has due to it. 2) The Common route. This is the main charm of this vn for me. There's no stupid harem aspect where all the girls want a piece of him for no freaking reason, its just about the whacky personalities and interactions between the characters, of which I found amusing. The girls could had been all guys and it wouldn't really change much about how the route felt to me. This was also why I liked Majikoi, until it turned into a harem waifu fest (ESPECIALLY Majikoi S) which caused me to stay far far away from it.
  12. A good story route that she's deeply involved in, everything else is just icing on the cake. Well, I guess she can't be completely unattractive but that's what genetic cuteness is for. Oh, and I guess she can't be unbelievably annoying but it takes a lot to annoy me; in fact the only one I can think of right now is Lucia from Rewrite.
  13. Unfortunately, Kyou suffers from "best girl and worst route" syndrome. It's even more common (and arguably even more frustrating) than "best girl and no route" syndrome. Doesn't really matter how Kyou's (or whoever your waifu is) route is changed, Clannd is all about Nagisa and her "After Story" route, that's just how the game was made. Everything else don't really matter all that much. I mean its possible but they would have to make huge additions like they tried to do with "Tomoyo After" but that didn't really work out too well since making a good story is hard. Even if they did do it well, it will still be inevitable compared to and overshadowed by Nagisa's story. Point is: sorry guys, the moment the game was released, its already too late for your waifus to stand a chance against Nagisa. I much prefer visual novels with a super prominent main heroine like this though, at the cost of guys whining on the behalf of their waifus or about how they hate the main heroine, we tend to get a much better central story.
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