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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Me... all the time.

Sometimes people tell me I look constantly pissed off.


I'm not pissed... I am generally deep in thought. xD

>mfw people think I'm glaring at them but there's light shining in my eyes



'Fession: I posted 'I'm also a teeth smiler' in the Princess Evangile thread instead of this and had to beg to lord Flutterz to remove the post.

Confession: I edit about 2/3 of all my posts immediately after I post them because I either made a spelling or grammatical error or I said something stupid.

Edited by Zenophilious
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Confession: I edit about 2/3 of all my posts immediately after I post them because I either made a spelling or grammatical error or I said something stupid.


Confession: I do that too. All the time. It's terrible on Facebook... because I can't just edit my messages to people and I always end up forgetting determiners like "an" or "the". Funny... I am a linguistics student, but I make a ridiculous number of grammatical errors. Luckily I notice them and edit them into oblivion. :P


Confession 2: I wrote "peak" instead of "peek" today. I felt like an idiot. xD

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Confession: I only log in once a day or so during the week, so when you guys go nuts like this and post three pages' worth of stuff in a day, it takes me a while to catch up... and I love it. But now you have to deal with wall of quotes and responses:


Found someone in my high school who likes VNs.

I am kinda sad that if I invite them here I will no longer be able to freely post on the hentai thread without feeling awkward as hell


Just don't tell him your user name. And edit every post where you mention being from Turkey. I'm sure he'll never find out. ...


Sometimes people tell me I look constantly pissed off.


I used to do the same thing - my "neutral" face made me look, at the very best, vaguely grumpty. I was told by a high school girlfriend that I should change that and smile, and keeping at it for a while, I actually succeeded - I now reflexively smile a lot more often than I used to, and even my default expression is usually smiling. I actually highly recommend trying this to all you folks that have a less-than-happy neutral face; at the very least it will make you more approachable (which is certainly not a bad thing), legitimate research claims that it makes you more attractive to the opposite sex (though apparently there may be still more effective expressions... but regardless, "kinda grumpy" isn't one of them), and a lot of people make claims that it makes you healthier and/or happier in certain ways (I have no idea if these last claims are substantiated at all).


Confession 2: I wrote "peak" instead of "peek" today. I felt like an idiot. xD


Meet my favorite twitter feed: https://twitter.com/stealthmountain



Long distance relationships huh.... it sucks when you can't do anything about it. That feeling of powerlessness is real..

From my vast experience of one long-distance relationship: Long distance sucks. Just don't do it. Either break it off, or don't move away from each other. Long distance just doesn't work.

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Today I almost called in sick to work just so I could finish up Licia's arc in Eustia. The two reasons I didn't are 1. the boy crying wolf thing where I don't want to not be able to use the sickness leave thing when I really need it and 2. I was worried my coworkers would come visit after work to see how I'm doing and see how messy my apartment is.

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I think I saw "insufficient smiles" in a psych report on me somewhere, but I do occasionally smile I guess. Not sure how my neutral face is, prolly not terrible yay.


Confession: I have real legit issues with starting anything remotely approaching "work", to the point of nausea at the more extreme end. The one thing I've been able to do on a decently regular basis, based on a task my counselor gave me a while ago, is study Fapanese grammar. Which is actually nice I guess given that I've been making lots more progress on that now.

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