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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Whenever I get hit by a woman, I just pretend to be a masochist. It works well, and I'd often be considered a hero for doing it, lol. Some women at my high school would be really nasty, so it's satisfying to a lot of people when you can effectively piss them off.


I feel like these girls suffer from entitlement issues and I surely would like to see their self-appointed tiaras shatter before their faces. But pissing them off is a one day victory - it's going to bite you back later in the butt. Don't ever underestimate a maiden's revenge fantasy. 

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Confession: As I'm leaving my job in 2 weeks, I notice that the women politics here are getting pretty out of hand. It's like mean girls. Since I'm leaving, I'm staying incognito so that I can leave on good terms. But for the few other males that work with me, they're getting ganged up on and bullied. Yesterday, my friend got put on blast for telling a girl to lose weight. I guess they've been friends since kids but she didn't take his good intentions very well. As the women pounced on him, I saw his eyes look up at me for help. I shrugged my shoulders. There wasn't much I could do. I hope he learned a valuable lesson that day. 

that sure one hell of a scary story. ganged up, by women. :scottsune:

confession : i've never been 'pounced' by women. since i (by my knowledge) put effort to NOT bump whatever is their 'button'.

you know what they say, make one girl your enemy and the whole school turns unto you, and i know they will serve their revenge cold.


women sure are scary. :vinty:

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Confession: I haven't been posting nearly as much lately due to exams coming up.

I just want it to be over so I can have my 4 months of summer.


Confession: Words cannot express how envious I am of you right now. A 4-month vacation sounds like an impossible dream to me.

Confession 2: Starting about a year ago, I seriously consider quitting my job every few months. I tell myself I can afford to do something crazy like take a year off, and that I'd have no problem getting a job again when I'm ready to go back... but I never quite convince myself.

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Well, it's time for a twofer.


Confession 1: I took an evening nap and slept in til 9:30 PM.  I'm really livin' large.


Confession 2: When I was trying to catch the bus today I found a bunch of people gathered around a guy at a bus stop that was lying facedown on the sidewalk.  I'm pretty sure he had a stroke, since the cop that was checking to be sure he was still alive had to help him up, and after he came to he was slurring his speech and couldn't remember what town he was in.  I have to say, I found it to be a very sobering and disturbing experience.  I just hope the guy had medical insurance.

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Confession 2: When I was trying to catch the bus today I found a bunch of people gathered around a guy at a bus stop that was lying facedown on the sidewalk.  I'm pretty sure he had a stroke, since the cop that was checking to be sure he was still alive had to help him up, and after he came to he was slurring his speech and couldn't remember what town he was in.  I have to say, I found it to be a very sobering and disturbing experience.  I just hope the guy had medical insurance.

just how much alcohol did he actually drink.


confession: i've never drunk alcoholic drinks.

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just how much alcohol did he actually drink.


confession: i've never drunk alcoholic drinks.

Yeahhh...he wasn't drunk.  I've been around enough wasted and stoned people to tell when someone is wasted and or drunk off their ass.  This guy was most definitely seriously sick.


And really?  I'm underage and my parents frequently let me have sips of booze, slowly introducing me to alcohol so I wouldn't be tempted to go out binge drinking like a "winner".  Good sake is amazing.

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And really?  I'm underage and my parents frequently let me have sips of booze, slowly introducing me to alcohol so I wouldn't be tempted to go out binge drinking like a "winner".  Good sake is amazing.

My parents do the same but I'm not really into drinking. Like Ren said apple juice is the gentleman's drink.

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My parents do the same but I'm not really into drinking. Like Ren said apple juice is the gentleman's drink.

Nah, nah, apple cider is where it's at.  I guzzle the stuff whenever we have some around, and my mom and sister just look at the empty container, then at me, then back at the container, and shake their heads in amazement, because it lasts all of one day.

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Nah, nah, apple cider is where it's at.  I guzzle the stuff whenever we have some around, and my mom and sister just look at the empty container, then at me, then back at the container, and shake their heads in amazement, because it lasts all of one day.

Confession: That's how my parents look at me and 18-packs of coca-cola... 2 of them last me a week :amane:

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Yeahhh...he wasn't drunk.  I've been around enough wasted and stoned people to tell when someone is wasted and or drunk off their ass.  This guy was most definitely seriously sick.


And really?  I'm underage and my parents frequently let me have sips of booze, slowly introducing me to alcohol so I wouldn't be tempted to go out binge drinking like a "winner".  Good sake is amazing.

well, i'm the opposite of yours, actually.


confession : see, my father is a drunk.

so i've been telling myself not to become a bad drinker (person) like that constantly, since, what? 6?

though every year my mom makes strong arak-ed chicken so i more or less have some resistance to alcohol. and i sipped my mom's precious wine and sake a bit cus of curiosity. :wahaha: well, i'm not saying alcoholic drinks are bad, it's the person's self control.

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Confession: I don't drink often... but when I do... I drown myself. Like... that last time I got REALLY drunk, I actually blacked out. Blacking out is a scary experience.. I woke up in the morning with no idea how I got onto my friend's couch with a bit of a gash on my forehead (according to video evidence... I full on faceplanted into a bunch of gravel). Needless to say, I have avoided consuming that much since then.

Chances are that I'll be picking up my bottle of scotch from my friend's place after exams are over and celebrating.. alone. xD

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Confession: I hate beer and wine, wine is like drinking vinegar and if I want to drink something bitter I drink tonic water <3

have you tried adding sugar? or milk?


Confession: I don't drink often... but when I do... I drown myself. Like... that last time I got REALLY drunk, I actually blacked out. Blacking out is a scary experience.. I woke up in the morning with no idea how I got onto my friend's couch with a bit of a gash on my forehead (according to video evidence... I full on faceplanted into a bunch of gravel). Needless to say, I have avoided consuming that much since then.

Chances are that I'll be picking up my bottle of scotch from my friend's place after exams are over and celebrating.. alone. xD

yea, you don't know how annoying it is to deal with a bad drunk while you yourself are sober.


confession : a mosquito got sucked into my nose when i was sneezing. it's fucking disgusting

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