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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Confession: Here's a little list of the stuff I've found cleaning cars so far:

 - $7.40 in change

 - a pair of sunglasses

 - lots of screws

 - the cardboard tube from a toilet paper roll

 - a half-eaten apple

 - a sweater

 - a pack of smokes

Not the best of loot, still waiting for that legendary two-handed sword drop.

Confession: When you said half eaten apple, I first read it as half eaten people.


Confession 2: I've been in about 6 relationships, not including the people I was "talking" to.

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About a month, so not quite as early, but the doctors gave my mum a really odd drug that doped her up and myself, so my already undeveloped lungs (my oxygen supply went down quick slowly apparent), starved self had even more problems lol (my umbilical cord went rotten, forced my mum into labour cause I couldn't breath or take in any nutrients ect ect) I went blue for a little while after I was born (lol, my poor mum)

:michiru:  I didn't even know that umbilical cords could do that.  Do you know what that's called, like as a diagnosis?  I'm not getting anything in Google.


Confession: Here's a little list of the stuff I've found cleaning cars so far:

 - $7.40 in change

 - a pair of sunglasses

 - lots of screws

 - the cardboard tube from a toilet paper roll

 - a half-eaten apple

 - a sweater

 - a pack of smokes

Not the best of loot, still waiting for that legendary two-handed sword drop.

There's a rule in my house: if you leave your change lying around, I will take it, and you'll never see it again.  That's partially how I always can have cup ramen  :sachi:

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Only problem is I already have a body pillow, but it's 100x50 not 150x50 like most dakis. And not only do I not want to spend extra money getting another pillow, it's also harder to hide a pillow than it is a pillow cover. Oh, and pretty much every website I've checked besides ebay either doesn't have Kud dakis or is sold out. >.>

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So not only girls?


I've had my doubts for a while, but...

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Confession: When I first saw the word "moe" I thought it was pronounced like the beginning of the name "Monique", which is something like "moh" (I'm really bad at writing phonetically, forgive me).  I didn't find out how it was really pronounced for about a year :sachi:

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So not only girls?


I've had my doubts for a while, but...

yep, i've fucked traps.  

Like i said, i'm just a slut.  If it's pretty, i can fuck it.

There was also one straight up guy that i fucked, but it was college, and i was experimenting, and i was hammered.  Doesn't excuse the fact that i banged a dude but...Gah.  GAHHHHHHHHHHH......


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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Confession: When I first saw the word "moe" I thought it was pronounced like the beginning of the name "Monique", which is something like "moh" (I'm really bad at writing phonetically, forgive me). I didn't find out how it was really pronounced for about a year :sachi:


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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Confession: When I first saw the word "moe" I thought it was pronounced like the beginning of the name "Monique", which is something like "moh" (I'm really bad at writing phonetically, forgive me).  I didn't find out how it was really pronounced for about a year :sachi:

Best Japanese mispronunciation I ever heard was when a friend of mine (whose mother was Japanese so he totally should have known better) pronounced `hokage` in Naruto as `hokedge`. (basically he pronounced with a soft `g` and the `a` as `eh`)

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Best Japanese mispronunciation I ever heard was when a friend of mine (whose mother was Japanese so he totally should have known better) pronounced `hokage` in Naruto as `hokedge`. (basically he pronounced with a soft `g` and the `a` as `eh`)

Wow.  That's...that's just pathetically hilarious.  Hats off to your friend.  I remember someone pronouncing it "hokaje", which sounds a lot more stupid, in my opinion.


I find it funny when people miss-pronounce Japanese, when it's actually really easy to pronounce. Everything is pronounced as it's written, there's no weird irregularities.

I guess it helps that Finnish has for the most part exact same pronunciations for letters.

To be fair, though, moe is a little tricky.  English has trained me not to always pronounce words exactly how they're spelled, so when I saw "moe", I immediately thought, "mo", or "moh".  English does not help you much when you're trying to pronounce words from other languages.

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I used to produce anime in a way that made it rhyme with the word "lime." to be fair, I was in third grade and I didn't have any other friends who knew what anime was, so I really had no way of knowing better.

Wait you produced anime


Sooo...like "an-eyme"?  That's interesting.  I used to pronounce "fatigue" as "fat-i-gew", so you're not alone in horribly mispronouncing things when you were a kid.  My parents kinda laughed me for saying "fat-i-gew"  xD

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I find it funny when people miss-pronounce Japanese, when it's actually really easy to pronounce. Everything is pronounced as it's written, there's no weird irregularities.

Say that to the two incarnations of ふ, the compression of the し、つ、く etc sounds in compounds, and Japanese pitch accent :makina:


Confession: I once used the Fapanese pronunciation of anime and my German friend didn't get what I was saying


Confession: Until very recently I was pronouncing segue "seeg" and hiatus "hi at us".

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i remember buying my first anime product at a jc pennys when i was like 9.  It was in a bargain section, and it was a collection of like the first 3 episodes of trigun on vhs, for like a buck.  Those fools.  On that note, how the hell did that end up there. There wasn't even a media section in jc pennys for that matter.  And there still isn't.  I still don't understand how or why it was there.  It was the only thing in there that completely stuck out from the rest of the shitty stuff.

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I used to pronounce "fatigue" as "fat-i-gew", so you're not alone in horribly mispronouncing things when you were a kid.  My parents kinda laughed me for saying "fat-i-gew"  xD

Omg I used to say that too! In the sixth grade I was called on to read aloud in class and the word fatigue was there so I said "fat i gew"  My english teacher gave me this face 


 and was like "Uhm, fat i gew?" in front of the whole class.


Confession: I was so embarassed.

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