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Fuwanovel Confessions


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  The animation was pretty good, though, and the voice acting was pretty decent, from what I can remember, but that was about it.

Sorry I laughed xD

I mean the seiyuu always do good work x)

At least it's always better than the adaptation xp

Confession : oddly enough I don't feel like I'll like the uni even though it's to learn jp :vinty:

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Speaking of Day[9], he just started a Fallout 1 Let's Play :wafuu:


Confession: I haven't and probably will never watch SAO because of the stuff I've heard about it


The first three episodes are reasonable enough, just that after that you have to stop watching and pretend the show was better than what it turned out to be.

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First part of first season was good, and the shouldv used original theme more (locked in game with a possibility of death) , but in the end they fucked up and we got elfs, guns and stuff.


Confession: Im feeling like i overstimate my toleranse to weird stuff.....i need to improve :amane:

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