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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Pretty sure that was a reference to the Skype group's "Kiriririri is a moe dog" circlejerk...

Pretty sure it's not because starlessn1ght isn't part of skype group


Confession: I couldn't last after 5 days and fapped today , and there goes my no fap month : 3

You are weak just saying : D

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Ehm moving on with this conversation that isn't suited to this thread at all, actually grisaia's common route is good since it has comedy, top notch slice of life comedy I am telling you, that's the best thing I laugh, and that's probably the reason why I finished the common route in two days during the exams, it's not long at all.

I don't like comedy, and I haven't laughed a bit (even if I did, I couldn't care less). It just feels too too random, and the character interactions, aside Yuuji/Makina or Yuuji/Yumiko aren't very appealing.

I do remember seeing him on FSG (Fuwa Skype Group) a few times...

You are blind, then.

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You are blind, then.

Pretty sure people seeing things that do not exist are simply called hallucinating people, not blind.

Anyway I am not surprised that you despised that common route because it is complete eventless slice of life comedy and nothing else. Comedy is its only appeal besides getting to know the traits of the characters, and if you find comedy pointless you are bound to find GnK's common route to be boring, it's understandable.

Thd bottom of the Dead Sea currently isn't as salty as the last 30 posts jn this thread.

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You are weak just saying : D

All Humans are weak. I might just be a little bit weaker, that's all.


I don't like comedy, and I haven't laughed a bit (even if I did, I couldn't care less). It just feels too too random, and the character interactions, aside Yuuji/Makina or Yuuji/Yumiko aren't very appealing.


You don't like comedy then this is just a simple different in tastes , nothing more to the argument. 

And plz who wouldn't laugh seeing scared yumiko's face and hear her scream, who wouldn't laugh seeing deep tunafishman or whatever it was called, who wouldn't laugh seeing best english teacher makina, who wouldn't laugh seeing michiru screaming due to dying her hair... there are many funny moments in that common route, and I would gladly read it over and over again. 

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You don't like comedy then this is just a simple different in tastes , nothing more to the argument. 

And plz who wouldn't laugh seeing scared yumiko's face and hear her scream, who wouldn't laugh seeing deep tunafishman or whatever it was called, who wouldn't laugh seeing best english teacher makina, who wouldn't laugh seeing michiru screaming due to dying her hair... there are many funny moments in that common route, and I would gladly read it over and over again. 


I didn't in any of those. The first one just made me go: "Aw~ So cute~" Cuz Yumiko is cute.

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Ehm moving on with this conversation that isn't suited to this thread at all, actually grisaia's common route is good since it has comedy, top notch slice of life comedy I am telling you, that's the best thing I laugh, and that's probably the reason why I finished the common route in two days during the exams, it's not long at all.


Confession: I couldn't last after 5 days and fapped today , and there goes my no fap month : 3


There goes one fallen brother. I'm still staying strong on my 4th week now. 9 days left~. Told you it's torture.

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There goes one fallen brother. I'm still staying strong on my 4th week now. 9 days left~. Told you it's torture.

It started with it's ok if I look at some ecchi photos for a while and ended up with porn. But but but Itried.png

I will go for a 25 days no fap :Kappa:



Confession: I passed 1k


I feel old now

No 1000th celebration post? : <

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Confession: I have no idea when I'll make a milestone thread. Probably on one year.


Do I get any special mention?   :illya:


I have a lot more, but I'm too lazy to post them. You can guess who they are. :holo:


Flutterz, Kosaki, Taco, Zeno, Noel (madvanced), Chewy (Mustkill), HMN, Kaguya, Rose, Zakamutt, hsmsful (I wonder if it comes with his sister or niece...), Nosebleed and Sarayne

Mancrush? Idk, maybe Kosaki. I'm kinda like a shoujo manga protag; I'll admire from the distance, and he's fun.




Confession 2: There are too many people for me to mention in a milestone thread and give thanks to for being part of my experience here. Some come, some go. I'm glad some are still here though. <3

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I said arabic Harmful, as far as i know, Arabic isn't a religion, thus, it's not blasphemy0


Oh and also, why do i care, Blasphemy isn't even a crime, MUAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA! 

I didn't mean blashphemy literally but whatever floats ur boat


I'm joining the 'no-fap for one month' club.

wut huh I don't even

Kosaki plz


Edit: I feel some temptation to make a no-fap for one month club thread :holo:

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I've pretty much run out of valid "milestones" until 5k posts which is going to take a while (I'm definitely not going to track how many years I've been here so that's out).


...and that's fine. Milestone threads are gonna get silly as things progress anyway, lol.

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