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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Maybe your superpower is that you're always about to bang?


I call a logic error, if that were his power he wouldn't be a virgin.


Even if he just got lots of fanservice but no actual sex he'd still spend his time with women rather than being here.  xD

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I call a logic error, if that were his power he wouldn't be a virgin.


Even if he just got lots of fanservice but no actual sex he'd still spend his time with women rather than being here.  xD


Given my progress towards becoming a wizard, that would be very ironic and incredibly hilarious.  That "superpower" actually sounds like it's from some terribly written hentai comic  xD

I was thinking of something more along the lines of the Hulk's "That's my secret Captain, I'm always angry about to bang", where Zeno does a bang-up job (get it?) of controlling it.

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In a few years she'll show up and say "Zeno-kun, remember when you promised to play tag with me?"

I actually laughed out loud. That was great.  :wahaha:


Confession:  I actually had one girl outright say they liked me and it took me two whole years to even notice what had happened.

I might actually bring something to the table here: Recollections from my former middleschool classmates, about a girl in my class who apparently liked me.


Don't read if you don't care. I know I wouldn't.

*I changed my name in these to Texas and her name to Mathilda. Because that's a funny name. 


Mathilda: "Texas, did you forget your atlas again?" 

Texas: "It's way too heavy and I hate carrying it around..."
Mathilda: "Come, share mine?"
Texas: "Okay. Thank you."
*happend basically everytime the book was needed in class.*
Mathilda: "If you wait, we could go to the bus stop together."
Texas: "Sorry, I want be home as fast as possible."
Mathilda: "Texas, do you have a group for the upcoming presentation?"
Texas: "I'll probably tag along with my friends. See ya."
Mathilda: "What are you doing?"
Texas: "I'm handing out invitations to my halloween party. It's gonna be amazing, I have snacks, music and I'm even making the food."
Mathilda: "Oh wow, I wish I could come too..."
Texas: "I have to go and give Jenny her invitation."
Mathilda: "Hey Texas, my birthday is on saturday, do you want to come?"
Texas: "Sorry, I don't go out on weekends. Bye."
*Mathilda reads the essay I got an A for*
Mathilda: "You are really creative, why can't you always give it your best?"
Mathilda: "You shouldn't skip school so much, it feels empty without you."

I thought she was just being friendly (and annoying), but after I remember how she'd always hang around my desk and even visit me daily after I changed schools... Daily...
Uh, maybe it was true? I don't know, I'm no psychic. mysterygirlemoticontgrbm.png
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I actually laughed out loud. That was great.  :wahaha:


I might actually bring something to the table here: Recollections from my former middleschool classmates, about a girl in my class who apparently liked me.


Don't read if you don't care. I know I wouldn't.

*I changed my name in these to Texas and her name to Mathilda. Because that's a funny name. 


Mathilda: "Texas, did you forget your atlas again?" 

Texas: "It's way too heavy and I hate carrying it around..."
Mathilda: "Come, share mine?"
Texas: "Okay. Thank you."
*happend basically everytime the book was needed in class.*
Mathilda: "If you wait, we could go to the bus stop together."
Texas: "Sorry, I want be home as fast as possible."
Mathilda: "Texas, do you have a group for the upcoming presentation?"
Texas: "I'll probably tag along with my friends. See ya."
Mathilda: "What are you doing?"
Texas: "I'm handing out invitations to my halloween party. It's gonna be amazing, I have snacks, music and I'm even making the food."
Mathilda: "Oh wow, I wish I could come too..."
Texas: "I have to go and give Jenny her invitation."
Mathilda: "Hey Texas, my birthday is on saturday, do you want to come?"
Texas: "Sorry, I don't go out on weekends. Bye."
*Mathilda reads the essay I got an A for*
Mathilda: "You are really creative, why can't you always give it your best?"
Mathilda: "You shouldn't skip school so much, it feels empty without you."

I thought she was just being friendly (and annoying), but after I remember how she'd always hang around my desk and even visit me daily after I changed schools... Daily...
Uh, maybe it was true? I don't know, I'm no psychic. mysterygirlemoticontgrbm.png


That is precisely the kind of person we gloomy types don't tend to attract.

Or maybe we do, and shoo them away because they're annoying. Only to regret it a few weeks down the line.

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I actually laughed out loud. That was great.  :wahaha:


I might actually bring something to the table here: Recollections from my former middleschool classmates, about a girl in my class who apparently liked me.


Don't read if you don't care. I know I wouldn't.

*I changed my name in these to Texas and her name to Mathilda. Because that's a funny name. 


Mathilda: "Texas, did you forget your atlas again?" 

Texas: "It's way too heavy and I hate carrying it around..."
Mathilda: "Come, share mine?"
Texas: "Okay. Thank you."
*happend basically everytime the book was needed in class.*
Mathilda: "If you wait, we could go to the bus stop together."
Texas: "Sorry, I want be home as fast as possible."
Mathilda: "Texas, do you have a group for the upcoming presentation?"
Texas: "I'll probably tag along with my friends. See ya."
Mathilda: "What are you doing?"
Texas: "I'm handing out invitations to my halloween party. It's gonna be amazing, I have snacks, music and I'm even making the food."
Mathilda: "Oh wow, I wish I could come too..."
Texas: "I have to go and give Jenny her invitation."
Mathilda: "Hey Texas, my birthday is on saturday, do you want to come?"
Texas: "Sorry, I don't go out on weekends. Bye."
*Mathilda reads the essay I got an A for*
Mathilda: "You are really creative, why can't you always give it your best?"
Mathilda: "You shouldn't skip school so much, it feels empty without you."

I thought she was just being friendly (and annoying), but after I remember how she'd always hang around my desk and even visit me daily after I changed schools... Daily...
Uh, maybe it was true? I don't know, I'm no psychic. mysterygirlemoticontgrbm.png



I can't believe anyone could be that dense :amane:


That poor girl, you were really mean to her as well!

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If you're a brick, then I'm osmium.  When I was in elementary school I had a girl kiss me on the cheek and say, "I love you," and then I asked her if she wanted to play tag or some other stupid shit  xD

Confession: In kindergarten, I liked my friend so much.. the best way I was able to express it was to kiss her on the cheek  :nervous:. I think it surprised her, lol.


To this day, I still wonder what she thought about it or if she even remembers. xD

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Confession: In kindergarten, I liked my friend so much.. the best way I was able to express it was to kiss her on the cheek  :nervous:. I think it surprised her, lol.


Now, if you did this to a guy... It would be pretty obvious :sachi:


Wait... That's what that former classmate who asked me out also did to me in college whenever I helped her out... Ohhhhhh shit

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If you look back on it now, don't you think you deserved it? Also, if I were you I'd look her up and finally apologize appropriately...

It's been six years, she's probably living happily ever after.


Confession: When a girl pissed me off in grade ~3 I chased her with a compass (the pointy kind) :amane:

That's not nice. You should travel back in time and chase her with a gross bug instead.  :makina:

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Confession: Sometimes I come up with random programming projects which often involve gathering stats from websites. I made a program that calculates your Dota KDA because the website I used only showed KDA per hero, I made one that calculates Fuwans' like/post ratios, and now I want to make one that lists all the likes that have been given out so you can figure out how many likes a Fuwan has given and from whom a Fuwan has received likes.

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I feel that some of u guys have a misconception about the difference between extroverts and hyperactive people.

Also I think I remember telling my cousin (who is my same a ge and who I talked about few pages earlier) told me it would be nice if we married each other when we were 11 years old and she came back from overseas after 6 years and she started to stay and talk with me again and we went out multiple times together...... umu.... I better escape this evil plan ;-;

Confession: A guy whom I knew since a year (he plays tennis too) is like (he texted me) hossam what will u do if u knew that I or any of your friends was ur sis's bf? U know she's really cute (Basically he's the typical alpha guy in any social society especially sports clubs who would want to know a girl and have fun with her for a couple of days then leave her when he is bored and he's younger than me by three years).I told him that I will probably not know you ever again and I will probably do that after beating the shit out of you.He said but dude isn't it better if the guy who is your sis's bf is someone u know , that way you will know she is safe.I told him I never trusted a guy like him and my sis won't be safe with him and she's 2young4 this shit. Plus I am not the kind of tolerant open-minded guys who would let that happen.He then said he was kidding .I told him u better be kidding if you want us to be friends or even acquaintances , u cunt . He then changed the subject.

I also told my sister in order for her to be careful. This terribly ruined my mood.

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