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Your longest anime fest?


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As in, how long have you ever watched anime, going from one episode to the next? Do you guys usually just watch one anime in a day or find another and keep going until you feel like dying of exhaustion?


I personally just finish one and then keep going on to the next one.. ^^; I'm the kind of person that can stay up as long as they want and never get tired~ It's the best when I'm in an ultra Otaku mood :3


Here's a loli for ya~~


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I can easily watch a 12 episode anime in a day and i've done it before. As long as i get into the show itself i can go through it easily. What you call ultra otaku mode I guess can be applied to this as well. If i find the anime boring i probably won't be able to do this though.

I watched Elfen Lied in one day for example. It was a feels overload but it was so worth it.

Although with time i notice i'm not as into marathoning shows as I was before. Maybe i'm getting old? I don't know but with almost 400 anime watched i don't have the same mentality I had when i first started.


The longest i stayed up watching the same anime was most likely Gintama. I was just so into it I couldn't stop watching even if i wanted to.

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I usually watch 1-3 episodes a day. Over a year ago, when I first got into anime, I was watching naruto (in hindsight I think it's not that great, but I loved it at the time) and one day, I watched 23 episodes in one day. I wish I had that kind of free time now...

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I've long lost the ability to watch the same anime for more than 2-3 episodes at a time. Major exceptions being sports anime and certain specific slice of life.

But I always have lots of stuff started at the same time so I just switch back and forth when I don't feel like doing something else.


Edit: to answer the question, the longest I did was 18 episodes of TTGL in a day, with 2 episodes of Gintama inbetween iirc. I probably paused at some point but it must have been short.

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Max I've done was when I first got into anime. I remember finishing a 24 episodes one and watching half of another.

I only do this kind of thing with VNs now, though. I've gradually lost my interest for anime, now I only watch 2 or 3 per season whereas I used to watch 10~15.

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It has happened that I've watched a whole anime 12 ep series in one run (maybe short pauses for instant food/drinks) on weekend/holidays. I remember I watched Madoka and Bakemonogatari and then Nisemonogatari like that.


Now however I haven't actually watched anime in some time, the VNs keep me too entertained and busy.

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Back when I was in the prime of my anime days, like when I hadn't seen that much, I would watch for hours on end.  My longest time was actually the second time I watched One Piece, which lasted about 33 hours.  That's when you discover that humans actually DO pass out from fatigue when they don't sleep.

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The longest I have ever marathon-ed an anime was probably Code Geass which I basically watched almost the entire first season in one sitting and finished the second season very soon after. I don't have exact numbers but the only time I took a break was when I needed to sleep. Another contender was when I was 11 years old and I started watching Bleach on the internet and finished a good deal of the Soul Society arc pretty quickly, that was my first anime marathon.

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When it comes to anime my stamina is usually very high. I have no problems sitting through 26 episodes of something. I even tried to watch through 50+ episode animes before (like the entire Code Geass series or Law of Ueki and such) but I would sleep inbetween, at least take a nap, then continue to the end.

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