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I wish that Sony and Microsoft would just let people have cross-console multiplayer.  It's stupid that if you want to play with friends that have one console you either have to buy it or just give up.

You can wish, but those two are in competition for the console market. It'd be suicidal for either of them to do such a thing.

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You can wish, but those two are in competition for the console market. It'd be suicidal for either of them to do such a thing.

Not saying that I think it's gonna happen, it's just ridiculous that you can't play with your friends if they have different consoles.  Sony and Valve let people play Portal 2's co-op on the PC and PS3, but that's not as big as cross-console multiplayer would be.

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Not saying that I think it's gonna happen, it's just ridiculous that you can't play with your friends if they have different consoles.  Sony and Valve let people play Portal 2's co-op on the PC and PS3, but that's not as big as cross-console multiplayer would be.

Again, not only is Valve pretty influential as the console market sees the PC as something completely different (even though we could totally be the only "console" and everything would be just as fine).


People who're looking for consoles are the people who aren't looking for PC's. So it's not a competitor, but a partner who may actually increase the sales, hence them affording to allow cross-multiplayer.

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Started New Game+ on Xillia 2. I don't normally bother with trophies on PS3, much less for long JRPG's; but I really like this game so I think I'm gonna platinum it. May be a little grindy but I took a look and nothing seems out of reach. But man, I can't wait to get fast travel/dash back. I got so used to fast travel and dash in the first play-through it feels really weird having to jog slowly like some sort of savage.

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Got my relic weapon novus in final fantasy xiv today, now begins the long trek of nexus (about 20 hours of grinding).


For the most part this grind hasn't been that bad, did atma in a day and finished my animus books in about 4 days, did novus in one day.  I don't feel bad for the people who did this when it first came out, because they had no easy way to get the mythology tomestones to buy all their books nor did they have it easy getting the alexandrite compared to now; working on the relic for a primary weapon for most of the jobs before nexus as getting an item level 110 weapon was the easiest thing to get and most of them were better than the relic.

Conclusion:  waiting to do the relic was the best choice as it is MUCH quicker now than before by a large margin.

and to show off:


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Finally gotten a chance to play Dangan Ronpa 2... that game is so amazing. However, it is such a time sink. I don't know what it is but I'll start playing... then I'll realize it's 5am. I don't like the characters as much as one, but it does have everything that I loved about the first one.

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Smash 4 just got done downloading, that's going to be my weekend I suspect.

Due to my incredibly packed upcoming week I think I'm going to have to hold off till next Friday.  Afterwards it will receive my undivided attention. 


I have to say though I am quite fond of the story in P4U so far.  

Adachi made all my hopes and dreams come true.

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