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Diablo III like a BOSS! Very awesome game, really like it now. Tons of things changed and the game is much more addicting than D2.


And .. I haven't touched Hoshizora for a week now D: ... fuck that damn bug on Komomo's route .. urghhh!!


I was reluctant to play Diablo III for some reason, but I've been seeing people praise it a lot these days, so maybe I'll give it a try now that I don't have any VN to play ;o;

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Bought Ace Attorney Dual Destinies yesterday. 


Being unable to make the text appear instantly on the screen is really bugging me

Oh, yes... 

I'm going to get it too, soon enough. Maybe this month, perhaps early October.


I'm not actually sure why the text doesn't appear instantly on the screen. The previous ones had the same problem, but it was fixed after you read said text once, does that happen here too?

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Oh, yes... 

I'm going to get it too, soon enough. Maybe this month, perhaps early October.


I'm not actually sure why the text doesn't appear instantly on the screen. The previous ones had the same problem, but it was fixed after you read said text once, does that happen here too?


The problem is reading said text the first time. I am pretty much the polar opposite of people that wait for voiced lines to finish: I usually double click in VN's to make the text appear instantly and I get to the next line as soon as I read the current one. One could say I'm a hasty VN reader. I don't know about reading a second time. I think the issue isn't present in the testimonies though.

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The problem is reading said text the first time. I am pretty much the polar opposite of people that wait for voiced lines to finish: I usually double click in VN's to make the text appear instantly and I get to the next line as soon as I read the current one. One could say I'm a hasty VN reader. I don't know about reading a second time. I think the issue isn't present in the testimonies though.

Then the issue is that the text appears at a speed too slow for you. I see. (because voiced lines certainly aren't the problem)


As for the testimonies, I'm not too sure. I think it's less noticeable because you're going back and forward and that means you can instantly display the text, since you've already read it.

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Reinstalling Bloodlines, since I found out I had uninstalled it in a misguided attempt to fix the issues my computer was having.  So, in about 2 hours I'll be able to play it again.  I wish I could get better internet.  Almost everyone I know has a better internet connection than me, and somehow everywhere in my town can get fiber optic connections except my neighborhood.  I don't get that logic.


Probably just gonna screw around in Saints Row 4 a little bit while I'm waiting.  It's kinda funny, SR4 reminds me more of Prototype than Prototype 2 did.

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I'm playing ArcheAge on the EU server Dahuta. If anyone's interested in playing (you can start now, for free), whisper me. My character is called Vera and I'm a firran "ranger".


I was playing Dragon Quest VIII and was going to start Planescape: Torment, but ArcheAge kinda has my attention for now.

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Finished Dual Destinies DLC episode...and I really liked it. It hit all the right notes for humor, put in just the right amount of drama for a light hearted story like this, the characters in the case were all interesting enough that I wanted to know more about them as the story went along and the resolution was surprisingly satisfying. I think this may be my favorite episode of the game (not series though...that's kind of up in the air) as it has all the elements of what I like about the Ace Attorney series so well put together.



Considering how things turned for the orca from Free Willy after it was released, I'm not sure if Crab's backup plan would have gone well



Resuming playing Senran Kagura, currently  on the first chapter of the Hebijo side. So far while it had a slightly slow start it is doing a better job introducing the characters than in the Hanzo storyline. Will admit these new playstyles are going to take a little getting used to, though that's what the side missions are for. I've gotten used to Mirai through that and have started the same with Yomi (so her first special move is basically Wind Scar :lol: ).

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Finished Dual Destinies DLC episode...and I really liked it. It hit all the right notes for humor, put in just the right amount of drama for a light hearted story like this, the characters in the case were all interesting enough that I wanted to know more about them as the story went along and the resolution was surprisingly satisfying. I think this may be my favorite episode of the game (not series though...that's kind of up in the air) as it has all the elements of what I like about the Ace Attorney series so well put together.



Considering how things turned for the orca from Free Willy after it was released, I'm not sure if Crab's backup plan would have gone well



Resuming playing Senran Kagura, currently  on the first chapter of the Hebijo side. So far while it had a slightly slow start it is doing a better job introducing the characters than in the Hanzo storyline. Will admit these new playstyles are going to take a little getting used to, though that's what the side missions are for. I've gotten used to Mirai through that and have started the same with Yomi (so her first special move is basically Wind Scar :lol: ).

I always disliked playing as Mirai (which is bad because they make you play as her a lot).   Yomi is very powerful but leaves herself open a lot in 1-on-1 fights.   Hikage and Haruka can be great if you use them right. 

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So, is Senran Kagura anywhere near decent? I played a spinoff called Windy X Windam, and it just kinda confused me...


I had to look that one up, but to answer your question Senran Kagura is from what I've played an enjoyable beat 'em up style game with what's been a decent story so far. Each girl has their own unique fighting style and it's fun to figure out how to make max combos and how quickly you can beat your enemies. The game does have its flaws though as the side missions can get repetitive if you want to either clear each level with everyone or level grind plus in later parts of the game (at least with the Hanzo story) you have to deal with perhaps the most difficult enemy this game could possibly offer...an unstable camera effect.


Couldn't find any connection between SK and the game you mentioned; you sure you're not mixing it up with Izuna, a ninja rogue-like RPG which does connect with it?

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I started to play Conception II on Vita. Downloaded the demo and like it XD found pretty funny the system of classmating lol but the thing that dissapointed me was the voices especially the females ones :/ well, it's always the same with Atlus :c I have to start to learn japanese soon...

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So...started VtM:B, screwed up my character accidentally, deleted him and started over again.  Is there a specific history anyone would recommend for a Toreador focusing on guns and persuasion?  Ex-SWAT is nice in theory, but I don't like the severe DEX cap.


Dexterity isn't that useful, it's tied to like... sneaking and lockpicking? You can mitigate the hit to your lockpicking through the bloodbuff ability. Ex-Swat looks pretty ideal for what you're doing. Beautiful monster is a good alternative, +25% presence is nice.  

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Dexterity isn't that useful, it's tied to like... sneaking and lockpicking? You can mitigate the hit to your lockpicking through the bloodbuff ability. Ex-Swat looks pretty ideal for what you're doing. Beautiful monster is a good alternative, +25% presence is nice.  

Yeah, I actually found that out after I had deleted my saves and scoured the internet for advice on histories and info about which stats are the most useful.


By the way, is sneaking based on line of sight, noise, or a combo of the two? The meter turned yellow and red when I was behind several objects and not moving.

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Yeah, I actually found that out after I had deleted my saves and scoured the internet for advice on histories and info about which stats are the most useful.


By the way, is sneaking based on line of sight, noise, or a combo of the two? The meter turned yellow and red when I was behind several objects and not moving.


I'd wager it might be tied to both or another system altogether, but I'm not actually sure. There's only a couple of missions where you're heavily pushed toward using the stealth mechanics, and any character can get through those with patience. I did play through the game as a stealth character once, but obfuscate  pretty much makes being seen a none issue.

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I'd wager it might be tied to both or another system altogether, but I'm not actually sure. There's only a couple of missions where you're heavily pushed toward using the stealth mechanics, and any character can get through those with patience. I did play through the game as a stealth character once, but obfuscate  pretty much makes being seen a none issue.

Just wondering, since the visible stealth meter doesn't seem to actually go up or down for any particular action, at least that I can tell.  It seems a little wonky.

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