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Hideo Kojima Officially Left Konami


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Our dreams came true.

After that insanity that Konami pulled off at the VGA (had to have one last kick in the nuts didn't you?), Kojima is finally 100% freed from Konami's contract.

According to reports, right after leaving Kojima is already planning on making a new game studio and is in talks with Sony.

May this man come back with the best he has and hopefully we won't be screwed over by the same BS that Konami put their fans and their staff through.

Source: http://www.polygon.com/2015/12/15/10220372/hideo-kojima-new-studio-leaves-konami

The perfect ending to this story would be if Kojima managed to get the rights to all his works from Konami back, but let's not get too wishful.

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I wonder if there is some legit reason behind all this,since they cancelled silent hill and told Kojima to go fuck himself,they're basically digging their own graves. its good that he left,since people probably won't buy anymore Metal Gear games that's not made by Kojima.

Honestly, I think only the people who've been reading up on these stories will have that attitude towards Konami. I'm going to guess most of the younger audiences will still buy their games since they ultimately don't care, unless the games suck really bad, but we've seen even when games suck they can still sell tons of copies *cough* COD *cough*.

I do expect their sales to drop in some meaningful way, I just don't know if it'll be enough to really shake them up as a company. Either way, I wish them no good luck after all this crap and I doubt they could ever make up for their horrible mistakes.

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I wonder if there is some legit reason behind all this,since they cancelled silent hill and told Kojima to go fuck himself,they're basically digging their own graves. its good that he left,since people probably won't buy anymore Metal Gear games that's not made by Kojima.

Honestly, I think only the people who've been reading up on these stories will have that attitude towards Konami. I'm going to guess most of the younger audiences will still buy their games since they ultimately don't care, unless the games suck really bad, but we've seen even when games suck they can still sell tons of copies *cough* COD *cough*.

I do expect their sales to drop in some meaningful way, I just don't know if it'll be enough to really shake them up as a company. Either way, I wish them no good luck after all this crap and I doubt they could ever make up for their horrible mistakes.

Honestly, I think only the people who've been reading up on these stories will have that attitude towards Konami. I'm going to guess most of the younger audiences will still buy their games since they ultimately don't care, unless the games suck really bad, but we've seen even when games suck they can still sell tons of copies *cough* COD *cough*.

I do expect their sales to drop in some meaningful way, I just don't know if it'll be enough to really shake them up as a company. Either way, I wish them no good luck after all this crap and I doubt they could ever make up for their horrible mistakes.

It doesn't seem like the sales of their games even matter to Konami, if it did i don't think they would of done all the shit they did.

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Good. Kojima was too good for Konami anyways. Cant wait to see their company value go down for losing such a valuable asset. If your best guy contributes to over 50% of your success, just STFU Konami and do whatever he wants/give him what he needs.

Edited by CeruleanGamer
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I honestly don't fault Konami at all for wanting to get rid of Kojima, and my opinion of Kojima has sort of fallen off in the past few years. MGS4 was decent; a mess of a story, but a good, fitting end to the series. Peace Walker was a fucking mess of a game with horrible mechanics, and bad story, and a stupid decision to release on PSP. 

Ground Zeroes was a good Fox Engine demo and MGSV, while pretty, with enjoyable gameplay, was a poorly written, overly bloated game. It was delayed at least once if memory serves, and I'm sure it wasn't cheap to make. Konami likely rushed Kojima in an effort to make the money back they were sinking in, and companies don't like having to sink more than they originally planned into a game. From a financial standpoint, Konami didn't do anything a normal company wouldn't have done. 

Keep in min, Konami makes more money from their gambling side with pachinko machines than they do video games. Game development is not cheap. Pachinko machines are. Konami, like any business, wants to make money. Easy decision. Money doesn't care about names, or who did what for video games. 

The sooner people realize that money controls game development, and not passion or talent, the less stupid gamers will sound. 

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The sooner people realize that money controls game development, and not passion or talent, the less stupid gamers will sound. 

Without Talent you won't make good games, without good games you won't make money (most of the time).


Got to find a balance. Kojima was likely starting to cost more than Konami felt he was worth from a profit stand point. Of course, all of this is speculation. Konami could simply be literally Hitler. 

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Konami won't be the big name that it used to be without Kojima. It's like letting go of Michael Jordan or Steve Jobs; without those faces, the NBA and Apple respectively won't be the great entities they are today.

Anyways, whatever Kojima touches will be the next big thing. He has the resume and background to support it. Hope I still see some remnants of his splendor with his new games. I wouldn't mind more P.T. games, REAL survivor horror games (none of this bullshit that Capcom does with Resident Evil) or possibly a tactical espionage game similar to Metal Gear. 

Edited by CeruleanGamer
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