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IPB 4: Info and Error Reporting

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I don't know if this has been mentioned earlier but every time I reload the site when changing topic the colors of FuwaFabulous reset to the original state for 0.1 second until it loads my current setting. I don't know if it is the site or my Internet having some problems. It is great but a bit unstable.

Two additional edits:

1. I hate the current line break when you jump 1.5 row. Could we get an option to change it?

2. When I post something my FuwaFabulous jumps to the original colors too and I have to refresh the site/select another topic to get the correct colors.

Edited by SilverLi
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Nay and I put up a copy of the old forums. It wont let you post new content, but you can go back to old posts, click "Edit", and copy all the contents (and put them in the new boards). I'm still working on the IPB 4 problems, mind you, but this is a critical tool which I hope will help.

Links in this thread: Old Forums Backup Online: Use It to Grab Lost/Corrupted Content

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EDIT: Themes have up until now been using 95% of your screen space. I just changed the "FuwaFabulous" theme to fill 100%, instead. Give it a look over: which do you like better?

EDIT 2: If you want to see 100% with your own eyes, switch over to FuwaFabuous (as it is currently set at 100%). The screenshots below are just of the index, but the topic views are appreciably different at the two percentages.

Screenshot 95%:



Screenshot 100%:



Edited by Tay
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Also: widened FuwaFabulous slightly. Decay says it made a big difference. Let me know if you feel the same.

Eh? Why? Everything is already too wide?

EDIT: Themes have up until now been using 95% of your screen space. I just changed the "FuwaFabulous" theme to fill 100%, instead. Give it a look over: which do you like better?

EDIT 2: If you want to see 100% with your own eyes, switch over to FuwaFabuous (as it is currently set at 100%). The screenshots below are just of the index, but the topic views are appreciably different at the two percentages.

Screenshot 95%:

Hidden Content

Screenshot 100%:

Hidden Content

65-80% seems like it would be good, unless you are using a 4:3 or vertical display. But maybe that's just me.

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Probably depends on your screen width. On a 1920x1200 monitor something like 65-80% makes sense, not so much on something around the 720p range.

Well I'm using a 1440p monitor and i have to literally turn my head to see everything. Luxury problems i guess, but I hate it more than Chinami.

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Then make your browser window narrower. Creating a bunch of empty space in the margins for everyone isn't the solution.

Perhaps not, but perhaps there could be such an option, having windows that don't cover the whole screen is disgusting. And I also rarely encounter websites that cover up as much space as Fuwa.

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FuwaFabulous is at 99% right now. I like it a bit better than 100%, but 95% is still my personal favorite (see Temporal for an example).

NEXT: I'm going to be working on an experimental FuwaFabulous clone, which will change up a whole buncha stuff. I'll post here when it's done, and you can go check it out.

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Alright. FuwaFabulous (Experimental) is now available for anyone to try out. I'm trying several different layout options, so any feedback is appreciated!

  • New forums display layout (Grid instead of list)
  • I think I did away with the discoloration of the main elements (to red) when you make a post
  • Different header logo for atorq
  • Behind the scenes fixes
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Alright. FuwaFabulous (Experimental) is now available for anyone to try out. I'm trying several different layout options, so any feedback is appreciated!

  • New forums display layout (Grid instead of list)
  • I think I did away with the discoloration of the main elements (to red) when you make a post
  • Different header logo for atorq
  • Behind the scenes fixes

I like it, but i think it would look better if the grid was centered. The grid works a lot better on this width.

Discoloration is now greenish.

And some of the grid element things look like this http://i.imgur.com/1MRJj2c.png

Edited by atorq
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