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Are you a "phubber"?


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aka addicted to your phone.



I definitely phub harder than anyone I know. I sleep with my phone and bring it wherever I am. the paint on the back of it is even peeling off I use it so much and I haven't even had it a year.




here is a quiz. I basically got a 8 expect I never tried the relapse so I don't think those count. Nor can I drive.

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The first thing I reach for after waking in the morning is my smartphone.

Do you sleep with your smartphone next to you in bed?

Agree and agree. Do you know what an alarm clock is? You wake up, grab it and turn it off.


I have argued with my spouse, friends or family about my smartphone use.

Agree, they always tell me to spend more time on my phone than never.



3-4 “Agrees”

You have not yet reached your tipping point but need to carefully assess how your cellphone is impacting your life.

I don't think the "award winning dr." author thought this through at all. (I couldn't put enough quotation marks around the words "award", "winning" and "dr.", so I won't even try.) 

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I got 4, although half of that is due to the fact that I go to sleep with my phone playing music nearby and the first thing I do when I wake up is turn it off, and who wouldn't panic if they thought they'd lost a $100+ gadget with a ton of their personal info on it?

What is a $100 phone look like?

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This is humorous and blatant leading questions.

The first thing I reach for after waking in the morning is my smartphone.
Do you sleep with your smartphone next to you in bed?

Yes, because I use it to check my email to see what my college professor may have sent out.  I also charge it next to my bed on my bedstand.  It literally replaces my housephone.

I often use my smartphone when I am bored.

I often play games and read when I'm bored too.  Both excellent uses of time, and both what a smartphone was designed to deliver.

I find myself spending more and more time on my smartphone.

Considering the fact that smartphones are supplanting the need for desktop computers, and everything they are used for in a standard profession, yes I do. 

I have gone into a panic when I thought I lost my smartphone.

I also go into a panic when I lose my wallet which only contains my driver's license, student ID, and maybe $10.  I better well damn panic when I lose my phone which is worth $400

James Roberts, Ph.D., is The Ben H. Williams Professor of Marketing in Baylor University’s Hankamer School of Business

Clearly the good docter who went to school in business knows how to psychologically evaluate people who have real addictions  :wahaha:




What is a $100 phone look like?

This is what a $300 phone looks like.  Silicon prettier than jewelry if you ask me.


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Got a 1 in score. Use my phone as a alarm. Lol.


In all honesty I shouldn't look down at the phone addicts. I use my computer pretty much all day. Lol. Watch tv on it, read, chat, play games. 

I can go without a comp for multiple days. But it does get boring after a while.


The only thing I prbly actually kinda addicted to use forum use and chatting. It's become a daily fun habit to check if there is something new to read. : /

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This is humorous and blatant leading questions.

Yes, because I use it to check my email to see what my college professor may have sent out.  I also charge it next to my bed on my bedstand.  It literally replaces my housephone.


I often play games and read when I'm bored too.  Both excellent uses of time, and both what a smartphone was designed to deliver.


Considering the fact that smartphones are supplanting the need for desktop computers, and everything they are used for in a standard profession, yes I do. 


I also go into a panic when I lose my wallet which only contains my driver's license, student ID, and maybe $10.  I better well damn panic when I lose my phone which is worth $400



Clearly the good docter who went to school in business knows how to psychologically evaluate people who have real addictions  :wahaha:




This is what a $300 phone looks like.  Silicon prettier than jewelry if you ask me.


maybe I'm just used to galaxy and overpriced iphone that I have.

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This is what a $300 phone looks like.  Silicon prettier than jewelry if you ask me.



I love how the time is 4:20


maybe I'm just used to galaxy and overpriced iphone that I have.

Probably, you can get a low-end smartphone for <$100 and a decent one for $100-$300

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1. Agreed. I use my phone as my alarm.

2. Nope. It's usually on my bookshelf.

3. Agreed.

4. Nope. People actually do this?

5. Nope.

6. Maybe?

7. Nope.

8. Agreed. It did kinda cost a bit.

9. Agreed? They tell me to use WeChat more.

10. Used to, but I quit playing the game responsible.

11. Tried and succeeded.

12. I can probably do it again.


4. Almost there? Though honestly it's closer to 2 than 4.

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0, i literally just bought a phone a few weeks ago for the first time in years, and it's not even a smartphone. :makina:

I find it stupid that 0-2 means you're scared of technology or live under a rock but 3-4 already means you need to be careful.

So basically there's no option to be a normal human being who just casually uses a cellphone?

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I use normal phone, I charge it once in 3 weeks. I extensively travel through country and sometimes could be weeks without charger. You know how J2ME browser on a phone looks like? :) Opera Mobile J2ME. Great invention.


Only people who never were outside in the wild could tell things like above...

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I got 3, I don't really use my phone other than as a tool and when I have nothing else to do.

But this "test" is one of the stupidest tests that i have seen that goes out with the notion to be taken somewhat seriously. Who would not panic or at the very least feel some anxiety when they believe they have lost their smartphone? That's like loosing your keys, you don't want those to end up in the wrong place. And what's with "I often use my smartphone when I am bored.", if you have something to cure your boredom with most people would reach for that instead of just staring into empty space.


I rate 0/10

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