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Just finished Kurugaya's Route on Little Busters.

and my opinion on it is

Unsatisfied..Although I did enjoy it, I wish it was a bit longer.

Although I do feel that I didn't finish it properly as I see I am missing the last Cg.

Other then that I am going to try another Route.


The first time you play the route you don't get the proper end, after you finish Refrain you can go back and get the True End.


Just started Hisui's route on Tsukihime, I'm enjoying the 'Far Side'  routes more than the 'Near Side' routes, I didn't really care much for Arcueid or Ciel. It's a shame that Satsuki doesn't get her own route though, I really like her character.

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Just finished Kurugaya's Route on Little Busters.

and my opinion on it is

Unsatisfied..Although I did enjoy it, I wish it was a bit longer.

Although I do feel that I didn't finish it properly as I see I am missing the last Cg.

Other then that I am going to try another Route.

I can't say I'm really fond of that route as well, it may be just me, but I feel like the concept for that route feels a bit too similar to Refrain.

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very curious, how is Steins;gate and Chaos head related?


 Nitroplus came up with a series of games solely related with each other. Kinda like the Infinity Series from Kid. 


 Chaos:Head takes place in the 2000s, Steins;Gate in the 2010s and Robotic;Notes in the 2028 i think. They share certain 

elements so you would notice some things that would enrich your experience if you happened to play them all. But its not like you

need to play one to understand the others.

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Rogue-like as in the dungeon-crawling game?  Or something else I don't know about?

It looks more like a Tokimeki Memorial or some other sim style VN

Maybe rogue like wasn't the correct term since you can save during a session and restore that save. Just a ton of dying until you finally hit the balance you need. 

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Playing Long Live the Queen. Rogue-like visual novel. Build up skills and try not to be assassinated while working your way from being a Princess to a Queen. Very addicting so far.  


This actually looks pretty damn cool. Do you have an idea how long it lasts?

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Completed Grisaia no Rakuen main route. hmm, I think I will complete the prolouge and 2nd route as well. They should count for about 30 % of the game in total. The final game in the series was really good. Sometimes it was a bit over the top, but overall it was great. 9.5/10 in score imo. But as I said before, I haven't read the side routes yet.

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Still busy with my Little Busters..Got less time the I use too for my Vn but getting there..Planning for Komari route and nearly got my Hoshizora No Memoria back.. Sucks when your 2 Tb Drive crashes and you lose all that data.


Oh my >.< I would have a fit if that happened to me. I think I speak for all of us here when I say I am deeply sorry for your loss. 

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Still busy with my Little Busters..Got less time the I use too for my Vn but getting there..Planning for Komari route and nearly got my Hoshizora No Memoria back.. Sucks when your 2 Tb Drive crashes and you lose all that data.


Ughh, I've had that happen to me before D: I understand your pain! *hugs*

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I just read the Rance 1 & 2 Digest editions that came as tokuten with Rance VI, with the patch from Rance Translations.  It's a retelling of the first two games, including pretty much everything except the gameplay.  Takes about 15 minutes to read for the first one, 45 for the second one.  It was pretty funny and gave a better insight on the series' characters.  Ready to move on to Rance III -Fall of Leazas-, though I might play something else first, not sure yet.  I've been thinking of playing some Daibanchou, or continue one of the more "romantic" VNs I had started.


I uploaded prepatched versions of the Rance digests if anyone is interested, I posted them here :  https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/2535-rance-1-2-digest/?view=getnewpost   Hoping this works since I haven't been able to test it on another machine.

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Haha I know the pain that many have when something precious gets taken away from them xD.
But apart from that im getting my Stuff slowly back.
Anyway I am busy with HoshiZora no Memoria and im pondering if I should try load my old saves or start a nice fresh start...
But everytime I compelte a route and i

See Yume in a new area each time..I get excited and I cant wait to do her route.

Ah well I will see firstly if I can load.

Edit: By the way on my last save before crash I was on Chinami Route..I was one route away from the Goal xD.

Edit2: Loads Work..Thankfully the saves saved to my Main drive xD..Banzai To that xD

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