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Everything posted by Nashetania

  1. Happy Birthday Fluttez and Segai!
  2. >Location: Czech Republic ABANDON SHIP! That's what I thought when I first saw you. And you just had to mention it...
  3. Thanks! But, I thought nobody expected the Spanish Inqusition? I'm special!
  4. Fortissimo! I don't see why it would be considered bad end too~
  5. Hello and welcome! Also, I expected the Spanish Inquisition
  6. Spoiler for Princess Evangile (Ritsuko route)
  7. Thank you also... I approve of your profile picture/waifu.
  8. Hello and welcome to the Fuwanovel!
  9. And I see you're still rotten to your core. Thanks.
  10. Too soon. But I don't plan anything special, since my country doesn't celebrate it. I might draw a picture though.
  11. I was left alone for 8 days. I had to do all chores and cooking by myself and I also had to take care of 2 cats while attend school and I don't think it was that big of deal.
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