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Everything posted by Nashetania

  1. Beat DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou, Ketsui and Espgaluda 2 and we'll talk. You don't seem to get it... It's not about difficulty.
  2. This can signal one of two things - she likes you and cares about your runny nose... or she's sick of you asking for tissues. Or maybe my memory is bad and I was the one who put it there. But if that's the case, it must have been there for weeks and it just seems impossible for me not to notice until now.
  3. Confession: Today, I found a packet of tissue in my desk. I don't remember putting it there at all. So I asked the girl who is sitting behind me if she put it there. The thing is I had really bad rhinitis these days and that's why I bought lot of tissue packs for myself. But...! I never ever bought this brand. And every time (in the past) I asked if the mentioned-girl had tissue because my nose was running a lot, she gave me the pack that was same brand. Although she denied putting it there, I still suspect her.
  4. It's football, fuck dammit! What this guy said ^ Also, my class is full of your "soccer snobs" lol. One of my closest friends is huge (on yandere scale) fan of Chelsea too.
  5. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay
  6. Is it that big of a deal? o..O it is for me. For once its actually a girl that has some of the same interests as me and didnt "just" fall in love with me. Actual fact: People with different interests and people who are polar opposites tend to be attracted to each other more and their relationships are usually healthier than with couples that have same hobbies etc. Either way, good luck.
  7. Nope since I'm not a Scandinavian Why must you break my heart like this, huh? I need an excuse to go to somewhere in Scandinavia already! Confession: Finland is not part of Scandinavia "Finland is part of the geographic region of Fennoscandia, which also includes Scandinavia and parts of Russia." Yes I know that what about it..? Y U SO MEAN?
  8. Nope since I'm not a Scandinavian Why must you break my heart like this, huh? I need an excuse to go to somewhere in Scandinavia already! Confession: Finland is not part of Scandinavia "Finland is part of the geographic region of Fennoscandia, which also includes Scandinavia and parts of Russia."
  9. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay
  10. Or maybe it's the girls?! Possible tsundere?!! Nah, I mean I sure have never been rejected. We can't all be womanizers Natural selection
  11. Don't sweat too much over it, what is done is done Sure. My perfect track record of getting rejected when asking girls out is still intact, at least. Obviously you are doing something wrong
  12. Confession! I think this sentence is confessionable
  13. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here :Teeku:
  14. Hello and welcome to the forum! Did you come from Sparta?
  15. This video motivated me for real https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_oWZUVI2k4
  16. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay
  17. I wish I had as much of an exciting life as you... Er... No no no, I'll stay back here in my comfy house. But please, don't let me keep you, go set yourself on fire or whatever. But... But don't you long for adventure?! To have great experiences?! See? Shikomizue gets it.
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