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Everything posted by Nashetania

  1. Confession: 99% of games I have on Steam were gifted to me... for some reason... Guess people like me.
  2. TFW friend (other) gifted you a game on Steam... again. Like, 90% of games I have on Steam were gifted to me without me even asking for them..
  3. I heard drooling while sleeping is sign of stupidity And I droll while sleeping almost every day...
  4. Confession: I took a nap and after my nap, I found myself drooling...
  5. TFW girl in my class had t-shirt with text: "Broke your heart just for fun" The worst part is that she doesn't even know what it means, because like most people in my class are terrible in English.
  6. Next person would survive apocalypse
  7. True Next person studies or studied law.
  8. because everyone in here except Schwarzritter is pervert. And because of that...
  9. TFW you're already sleepy at 9:00 PM since you couldn't take your usual nap during afternoon since two people kept you awake on Skype Good night.
  10. False. Next person likes milk overall.
  11. I feel like someone is pulling strings in shadows without me knowing...
  12. TFW you get more and more people from Fuwa on your Skype
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