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Everything posted by Nashetania

  1. Does it have to be translated? If no then go for Fortissimo. If yes then... Princess Evangile...?
  2. You two sure know how to waste precious time.
  3. no ithas to be BREAKFAST. You understand right, Voko? Well it is the first thing I eat in the day. Then don't wake up at 1:00 PM.
  4. toppings? I don't remember that much, sorry
  5. You sure have it tough! I have a brother who is 21 years old. He is NEET and lazy as fuck (he never goes out) to the point he asks for money instead of earning it (when he got kicked from university, he didn't do anything 8 months. He just stayed home, didn't even go out, and played games). Also, he is pretending to be a girl when he is talking with other "girls" because he likes "yuri" so much. Fucking disgusting... Oh, did I also mention he sent me and my father a letter to court, just to get money from us (he thinks the fact he didn't get any alimony after getting kicked out of school and doing for 8 months is wrong)? Fun.
  6. Don´t worry you can talk English with me if that is better for you Of course we can be friends! I hope I´ll enjoy my stay here on fuwanovel I fixed the question XD But sure, English is fine!
  7. I can't find the emule section either :S i miss that donkey Blame Fluttez again.
  8. Ich begrüße dich zu Fuwanovel! Ich hoffe, es gefällt dir! Können wir Freunde sein? P. S. Sorry for my broken German.
  9. Overlord. It's an anime. I definitely recommend watching it. It's like SAO, just better. http://www.anime-planet.com/anime/overlord Thank me later.
  10. I recommend getting Nashetania as your waifu. ... or Albedo.
  11. Hello and welcome o/ Je parle parfaitement le francais!
  12. Is my waifu popular? People are stabbing me every time I come into any chat (not just Fuwa) when they see my name Other than that...
  13. O no... If I die, please someone take care of my kittens.
  14. pretty much this, you can have the most intelligent, pretty, that enjoys video games, visual novels, etc etc but that is going to screw you up and leave you the minute that something goes wrong, let it be a money problem, health, etc etc (something important) then everything else doesnt matter and that person is not worth it and sadly most of the people out there are like that... when things get tough everyone leaves that's the human nature i guess I'm glad someone agrees with me!
  15. You die once and you can't play the game EVER again? That's load of bullshit. Agreed.
  16. The rules are simple; VN + Banana(s), go. Examples: Which one is your favorite? More bananas are welcome!
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