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Everything posted by Nashetania

  1. What the hell, there will be no nuke, are you utterly mad? But yes, retaliation is to be expected, also, i know that he's an asshole, but for now, saving Bachar Al-Assad is the best way of action. i've been waiting any day now for Putin to launch the nuclear strike he's been talking about No nuclear strike will happen and you know it. The radius is too big and it would also affect the innocent.
  2. I actually wonder how much this will affect the politics. Poland already denied its immigrants' quota because of that. Furthermore, will the Europe/US go even more on offensive in Syria? Apparently, the terrorists were threatening France that if they don't stop supporting the bombing, there might be more attacks...
  3. According to the news, one of the attackers was from Syria
  4. And yet I have chin hair, a light mustache, and peach-fuzz on the sides of my face and neck. How do you explain that? By "hair" do you mean the few fibers? Also who has hair on neck...
  5. I was once taught a very important lessen: Never shave until you are absolutely ready to face the onslaught of hair nearly everyday. Shaving is too early for you, Shiko. Though my armpits are fine. It just happened when I was removing the hair from razor... with my finger. And I used a lot of force ...Sometimes, I feel dumb.
  6. Usually chase scenes are good with the theme. First time I heard it was when I was like 12-13? It was in this video https://youtu.be/IzdpF8sEFD8?t=3m35s You would have to watch whole episode to understand what happened though
  7. So my finger ended up in band aid... I'm starting to question my shaving techniques
  8. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay
  9. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay And I hope you forget about what has happened in the fuwanovel chat too.
  10. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here
  11. Confession: I feel really hyped/pumped up today for some reason!!! I feel like I can take on the world~! (This might be result of my workout, high protein or insanity) You're quite dumb
  12. B-baka! Just promise me you'll turn off notifications of me, cuz honestly the crap I say on these forums are downright embarrassing I Indubitably agree. Confession-that's-not-really-a-confession-and-more-like-a-random-fact-about-me: I hate having my eyes messed with, especially when there's something in one of them I can't get out. Like an eye, for instance?
  13. Confession 1: I just realized that the post I made had a mistake but people liked it anyways. I said "I'll Fuwanovel decide" when I meant to say "I'll let Fuwanovel decide". Confession 2: I just realized that there are masochistic and sadistic classes (from I to IV) and I belong to III (masochist of course)
  14. You just had to mention it... I wouldn't have noticed until now
  15. From what I know, people prefer informal terms rather than the formal ones.
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