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Everything posted by Nashetania

  1. Confession: I have to memorize REALLY long poem but I would rather do fun stuff
  2. Hey, I was going to say that Man, I love that movie. It still amuses me that Disney didn't want their name on it until it turned out to be a huge success, and then they re-issued it as a Disney film. Apparently they thought it was too scary and dark to be a successful kids movie. I loved it too. Especially the songs (I sang along with the first song)~
  3. Mikado069 Either way, hello and welcome! o/
  4. Y U NO use Windows 7? *Puns around*
  5. I think most if not everyone watched it already
  6. clearly every male is a disgusting pig that wants to get laid at every possible second. check your privileges What a ridiculous statement..... Weren't you getting a stripper or something anyways? Lol.
  7. You must be either fool or slightly insane to come here... But welcome anyways! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  8. I used to be the "evil guy" when I was smaller. But now I'm the "good guy"
  9. O no... Also, was it really needed to make the topic three times? Lol.
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