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Everything posted by Nashetania

  1. Someone... Someone actually calls for me...? ...Am I needed?
  2. I believe Jade is asking if a blind girl will be ok with him being ugly.
  3. Good. I never liked you in the first place.
  4. When I'll find harmony and forgiveness, this will play;
  5. Confession: I still think SAO is good anime...
  6. I didn't really play Umineko that much (just barely) and I'm not interested in it so... yea.
  7. Confession: Noire is finally back and I'm so happy
  8. *Opens wide* W-wait... What did you call me...?
  9. Schwarzritter. o/ By then, I'm already...
  10. Confession: Saw a plane flying outside for about 5-10 minutes, I can die in peace now.
  11. I hope you burn in the depths of hell
  12. Oh, is that Meme (the girl)? Although, I liked Me!Me!Me! way more.
  13. Am I like, the only one who doesn't like this kind of music?
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