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  1. Like
    EldritchCherub reacted to Verdelish in Harem Tengoku Da To Omottara Yandere Jigoku Datta Youtube Translation   
    Obligatory update post!
  2. Like
    EldritchCherub got a reaction from krill in Reincarnation: Lovely x Cation Translation Project [TLC REQUIRED]   
    Here's a new wordpress website that I have set up for this project that will host all future posts and patches for this project. I'll be updating some of the pages in upcoming days and also update the progress in its respective page. It may not be as aesthetically pleasing as the previous website but it'll have to do under the current circumstances. Rest assured, the project will continue as long as I have another translator to work with... or until I'm the last man standing.
    I'll put up the first post tomorrow, merely as a formality, but I'll be sure to update it whenever there's been any worthwhile progress to report. I'll also put up a post every month in order to notify people of the status of the team/project. It's become clear to me that another translator is needed in order to ensure efficient progress is made, so I'll be working with that goal in mind for the next couple of weeks.
    Without further ado, here's the link for the new website.
  3. Like
    EldritchCherub got a reaction from Schnarf in Reincarnation: Lovely x Cation Translation Project [TLC REQUIRED]   
    Here's a new wordpress website that I have set up for this project that will host all future posts and patches for this project. I'll be updating some of the pages in upcoming days and also update the progress in its respective page. It may not be as aesthetically pleasing as the previous website but it'll have to do under the current circumstances. Rest assured, the project will continue as long as I have another translator to work with... or until I'm the last man standing.
    I'll put up the first post tomorrow, merely as a formality, but I'll be sure to update it whenever there's been any worthwhile progress to report. I'll also put up a post every month in order to notify people of the status of the team/project. It's become clear to me that another translator is needed in order to ensure efficient progress is made, so I'll be working with that goal in mind for the next couple of weeks.
    Without further ado, here's the link for the new website.
  4. Like
    EldritchCherub got a reaction from The Major in Reincarnation: Lovely x Cation Translation Project [TLC REQUIRED]   
    Here's a new wordpress website that I have set up for this project that will host all future posts and patches for this project. I'll be updating some of the pages in upcoming days and also update the progress in its respective page. It may not be as aesthetically pleasing as the previous website but it'll have to do under the current circumstances. Rest assured, the project will continue as long as I have another translator to work with... or until I'm the last man standing.
    I'll put up the first post tomorrow, merely as a formality, but I'll be sure to update it whenever there's been any worthwhile progress to report. I'll also put up a post every month in order to notify people of the status of the team/project. It's become clear to me that another translator is needed in order to ensure efficient progress is made, so I'll be working with that goal in mind for the next couple of weeks.
    Without further ado, here's the link for the new website.
  5. Like
    EldritchCherub got a reaction from kratoscar2008 in Reincarnation: Lovely x Cation Translation Project [TLC REQUIRED]   
    Here's a new wordpress website that I have set up for this project that will host all future posts and patches for this project. I'll be updating some of the pages in upcoming days and also update the progress in its respective page. It may not be as aesthetically pleasing as the previous website but it'll have to do under the current circumstances. Rest assured, the project will continue as long as I have another translator to work with... or until I'm the last man standing.
    I'll put up the first post tomorrow, merely as a formality, but I'll be sure to update it whenever there's been any worthwhile progress to report. I'll also put up a post every month in order to notify people of the status of the team/project. It's become clear to me that another translator is needed in order to ensure efficient progress is made, so I'll be working with that goal in mind for the next couple of weeks.
    Without further ado, here's the link for the new website.
  6. Like
    EldritchCherub got a reaction from Tay in Reincarnation: Lovely x Cation Translation Project [TLC REQUIRED]   
    Here's a new wordpress website that I have set up for this project that will host all future posts and patches for this project. I'll be updating some of the pages in upcoming days and also update the progress in its respective page. It may not be as aesthetically pleasing as the previous website but it'll have to do under the current circumstances. Rest assured, the project will continue as long as I have another translator to work with... or until I'm the last man standing.
    I'll put up the first post tomorrow, merely as a formality, but I'll be sure to update it whenever there's been any worthwhile progress to report. I'll also put up a post every month in order to notify people of the status of the team/project. It's become clear to me that another translator is needed in order to ensure efficient progress is made, so I'll be working with that goal in mind for the next couple of weeks.
    Without further ado, here's the link for the new website.
  7. Like
    EldritchCherub got a reaction from Thomas in Reincarnation: Lovely x Cation Translation Project [TLC REQUIRED]   
    Here's a new wordpress website that I have set up for this project that will host all future posts and patches for this project. I'll be updating some of the pages in upcoming days and also update the progress in its respective page. It may not be as aesthetically pleasing as the previous website but it'll have to do under the current circumstances. Rest assured, the project will continue as long as I have another translator to work with... or until I'm the last man standing.
    I'll put up the first post tomorrow, merely as a formality, but I'll be sure to update it whenever there's been any worthwhile progress to report. I'll also put up a post every month in order to notify people of the status of the team/project. It's become clear to me that another translator is needed in order to ensure efficient progress is made, so I'll be working with that goal in mind for the next couple of weeks.
    Without further ado, here's the link for the new website.
  8. Like
    EldritchCherub got a reaction from Loco15 in Reincarnation: Lovely x Cation Translation Project [TLC REQUIRED]   
    Here's a new wordpress website that I have set up for this project that will host all future posts and patches for this project. I'll be updating some of the pages in upcoming days and also update the progress in its respective page. It may not be as aesthetically pleasing as the previous website but it'll have to do under the current circumstances. Rest assured, the project will continue as long as I have another translator to work with... or until I'm the last man standing.
    I'll put up the first post tomorrow, merely as a formality, but I'll be sure to update it whenever there's been any worthwhile progress to report. I'll also put up a post every month in order to notify people of the status of the team/project. It's become clear to me that another translator is needed in order to ensure efficient progress is made, so I'll be working with that goal in mind for the next couple of weeks.
    Without further ado, here's the link for the new website.
  9. Like
    EldritchCherub reacted to Decay in Dark Blue Intro Scene Translation   
    Can I participate as a representative of your average VN reader? My Japanese is basic at best, so I can't adequately judge accuracy. I would rate stuff based on how well they read in english, to a native english reader.
    edit: I'll take sanahtlig liking this post as acceptance of my unlearned self participating in this discussion.
    I've been outspoken about bad translations before, much to the chagrin of some other posters. I like to call it as I see it, so I may be a little harsh, these are just my own unfiltered opinions. I mean nothing personal by any of it, it's a purely objective look at their quality.   Unacceptable (the translation is so bad it is difficult to understand at times and makes you want to stop reading entirely):  Konosora - Really bad translation in all respects. Seems to be wildly inaccurate, on top of reading like complete crap.  Koitate - Large portions of this translation are written incredibly poorly, making it difficult to read and understand at times.  To Heart 2 - Well, about a third or more of the current partial patch can be considered unacceptable, while the rest could be considered passable or even satisfactory. It's clear the translator has been working on it for years and has gotten better at both Japanese and English over that period of time. The routes he translated first, however, are very rough. Yosuga no Sora - The Sora and Common routes are okay, the rest is borderline incomprehensible. Flyable Hearts - Or any other obvious machine translation. Unreadably bad, even if you try to edit it into something better.   Passable (They will deliver the story, but the writing itself may not be particularly entertaining): Cross Channel - Apparently misses a lot of the subtext, but you know what they say, ignorance is bliss. At times I found myself rereading a few lines in order to figure out what was going on, but apparently it's also difficult to understand in Japanese, too, so it's hard to say whose fault that is (if anyone's). Sekien no Inganock - Ixrec's attempt at translating the prose was mostly a failure and it feels pretty amateurish as a result. Fate/Stay Night - Well, I could just list everything translated by TakaJun here. He's a Japanese native and obviously understand that language, but his command of the english language is not adequate for writing compelling fiction. Stiff and unnatural sentences are prevalent throughout all of his translations. SakuSaku - Akerou runs into the same problem TakaJun did when writing sentences, and the same kind of stiff and awkward writing is present here. And he most probably isn't as good as him at Japanese. Higurashi - Littered with typos and grammatical errors, it's borderline between unacceptable and passable, but ultimately the story can be understood well enough.    Satisfactory (Easily understandable and strong, natural-sounding writing): Phoenix Wright - Yes, it obviously deviated from the Japanese script by quite a bit due to its westernization, but the translated script was written very well and it delivered the intended comedic tone of the game perfectly in a way all americans and europeans could understand. Cartagra - It went through years of TLC and editing hell but it came out a solid product, with a pretty good english script.  Ayakashibito - The funny scenes are funny for all the right reasons, the intense action scenes are described in a detailed yet easy to understand manner.   Excellent (Not perfect, but you would barely even know it's a translation if you weren't looking VERY closely) DanganRonpa (fan translation) - Black Dragon Hunt is a skilled translator and Ritobito is probably the best editor currently working in the scene. A good, eclectic script that was a joy to read.  Grisaia no Kajitsu - Koestl is a very funny person, he has a strong understanding of Japanese, and his writing is excellent. Every character had their distinct flavor come across perfectly and the english script was absolutely hilarious.  Saya no Uta - Makoto is easily the most talented translator in the scene, and that can't be more evident here. Extremely creepy, emotionally impactful, and disturbing in all of the spots it is meant to be.    -------------------   I want to make some observations from these evaluations. Depending on the VN, it is possible to translate humor well despite not being a very good english writer. Majikoi may be an example of this. TakaJun's Majikoi script still felt pretty stiff, but it was still funny because Majikoi relies heavily on situational comedy. You're still able to understand the humorous situations the characters get themselves into, or the absurdity of a character's actions, and that's still funny. On the other hand, Grisaia relies heavily on the actual writing. I shudder to think what a Grisaia no Kajitsu translation by TakaJun would look like, but it most probably wouldn't be very funny. You need a strong talent for writing in order to translate that kind of humor well.   I didn't list Rewrite because I wouldn't know where to put it. Maybe Satisfactory, even though it's probably not all that better than the other Ixrec translations listed at passable. Again, this goes back to the style of the original writing. Rewrite relies much less on the strength of its writing than Cross Channel and Sekien no Inganock, instead relying on the characters and the overall storyline. This means that you don't necessarily need to be as strong of a writer in order to translate the work. On the other hand, if you're working on something that does rely heavily on the quality of its writing, then "it allows you to understand the story" simply isn't good enough. This is the main problem I run into when I see people advocating machine translations. There's much more to a written work than the story.   I also want to strongly disagree that there are "too many highly critical people around". I think in general Fuwanovel is a very soft community, terrified of making criticisms and biting the hands that feed them. This is actually a detriment to the community, Fuwanovel is too soft. I'm sure a lot of people will disagree, but I think people can afford to speak their minds a bit more, and translators should be more receptive to cricism. I'm not saying we should become 4chan, because that place has the complete opposite problem where literally everything is shit and everyone should kill themselves for trying. If you really are translating purely for personal reasons, then you're free to keep your translation to yourself. But if you release it for public consumption and plan to continue translating, then you're going to have to deal with the public, and the public have the right to express their opinions. I'm also not saying that we should be catered to, but I would at least like to be able to express my opinion without being lambasted for doing so. I could probably rant about this particular subject for days, but I'll refrain.
  10. Like
    EldritchCherub reacted to Kurokusari in Lil' Kuro's Corner   
    Done with Eldritch's request:

    Definitely much harder than I anticipated it hahaha. It's been too long since last I did something like this. It's quite refreshing.
    Edit: While I'm at it, here's another good place to find renders: http://www.game.familyrenders.com/. It has some visual novel renders mixed up in it and there are also other links to anime/manga renders.
  11. Like
    EldritchCherub reacted to Rose in Signatures Hub   
    (I can't make a proper banner right now so have a sign I made a while ago, just until I get my pc back)   One of the greatest joys of using a forum is undoubtedly having a pretty signature and/or avatar to show off. Thinking that, I decided to create the Signatures Hub, a place where people can share their works, tutorials - as well as those that do not belong to them, as long as proper credits are given to the creators -, resources and tips. In addition, everyone is free to ask for a signature/avatar, I'm sure someone will take your request and make a really great one.    For those who make signatures and avatars not for their use, but just because you enjoy doing so, you can drop them here for people to pick them up. This was something I did on a forum years ago, and I think it'll work well here too. People who want to learn how to make signatures can ask for opinions on their works and help with improving, also possibly taking requests once their confidence has build up enough for it.   Please, keep in mind the avatar and signature rules we have on the forums. No explicit nudity (genitalia and female nipples are in this category) No pornography (this includes implied sexual acts and bodily fluids) No gore (disembowelment, dismemberment, torture, etc.) No offensive content (profanity, hate speech, offensive symbolism, etc.) No seizure inducing GIFs (or GIFs that make people's eyes bleed in general) No signatures exceeding 400 Kbs in filesize   Lexicon As we have discussions about the works posted here, I found it relevant to add a lexicon for those who are interested in learning and don't know what is being said. Also, please check it before making a request as "Render" is word whose meaning is fairly unknown when it comes to signatures and alike.  

    To make things more organized and easier, if you want to make a request, please use the following model: Request: (Signature and/or Avatar) Character: (Specify where the character is from) Render: (If you already have a chosen one) Typography: (What you want written in it, the text) Other: (Anything else you may want to say/ask)   Meogii and Kurokusari have their own threads where they accept requests, so if you want something specifically from them, you can leave a comment there or send them a PM. Meogii's thread Kurokusari's thread
  12. Like
    EldritchCherub reacted to joehawks12 in police officer in trouble for using a clannad meme   
    Don't forget clapping triggers anxiety.  Remember to use jazz hands and check your fucking privelege cis-gendered scum.

  13. Like
    EldritchCherub got a reaction from TehRealOne in Boruto (Naruto Manga Ending Spoilers You Were Warned)   
    And just when I thought naming your son North West was bad enough... should've just called him Naruto Jr.
  14. Like
    EldritchCherub reacted to Akerou in Irotoridori no Sekai Translation Project   
    Irotoridori no Sekai

    I didn't really plan on announcing this so early in time, but after discussing it with my team, we've decided that there's hardly any point in keeping it a secret seeing as how far things have progressed by now. Quite on the contrary, it may even waste time of others who could possibly decide to work on this title. It is also for that we can use the chance to fill the last 1-2 team slots.   Anyhow, that's enough with the foreword. As the title already implies, our team is going to pick up Irotoridori no Sekai. This is not some sort of spontaneous decision, but has been in planning for quite a while. Actually, I've been wanting to translate IroSeka even before I read SakuSaku. The reason I didn't is simply because I wanted to accumulate a game's worth of experience before I tackled this one so that the best possible translation is achieved.   This project will have no impact on the SakuSaku progress whatsoever, all time I'm going to put into this - albeit it won't be all that much until I'm done with SakuSaku - is going to be extra time taken from my free time. SakuSaku translation is estimated to finish within the next two months.   As is customary, I'll start posting weekly updates once I finish SakuSaku Translation. I'll put up a project page as soon as I find the time to do some custom design and stuff.   Game Info


    Opening Movie


    Current Status

      Menu Page 2
    The Team


    Contact me
    Email: [email protected]
  15. Like
    EldritchCherub reacted to Yotek in ACEN: Ryukishi07   
    So I figured I'd make a post here just to give some information on Ryukishi07. He is one of the special guests at ACEN (Anime central) this year. I'm a terrible writer but figured I'd give some information/highlights that I got from one of his panels today. Also, I'm crazy tired so I'll clean it up later. Tomorrow, I'll either update this post or just add a new one about his new game announcement.
    So first, some pictures. Please forgive my photography, I don't have very steady hands.
    Here is his panel slideshow (yeah.... he only had one slide)

    Here are a few pictures of him.

    Again, unorganized list of interesting points, will be cleaned up later.
    The main discussions of his panel was related around his writing of Higurashi and Umineko.
    The writing style that he uses is a bit different than most. Instead of creating outlines and having expectations for his endings, he has a more fluid free writing system. He will often write without having any idea how he is going to end his stories.
    One of the biggest influences for writing was his friend BT. He would write out ideas and provide them to him to see how he would respond. His goal was often to create surprise in his staff and readers (As I'm sure any of us are aware of if seeing any of his work).
    An interesting story that he told us was that when creating Higurashi, he was actually very influenced by the film "Independence Day". At one point, he was actually trying to find a way to make them fight aliens. (thank god he didn't). Apparently, there is a section where Keiichi and Rika are preparing for a fight, and that was taken from a scene in that movie. (Never seen the movie... I know, I'm horrible). Ever since then, he has a strict rule of not consuming content when writing.
    He is a big zombie fan... though not so much Japanese zombies. He likes the way they portray zombies in the West. Also.... He's not apposed to the idea of creating a game where zombies go for girls panties. (Yes, I'd play that too)
    With characters, he always has 2 sides to them. The example he used was Rika. She comes of a young, cute, and super sweet. However, when alone, she is actually quite different. He also avoids telling how characters feel. Instead of telling you, he likes to convey their emotions and motives through their words and actions. He feels that by doing so, it builds a better connection as it is your interpretation. It also prevents having a very solid baseline so he can throw you for a loop later.
    An interesting question that was asked was about the setting for Higurashi. He got the idea for the setting after reading Seishi Yokomizo's "The Village of Eight Graves". (That was a interesting fun fact).
    Now for some Umineko information. (FYI, It's on my to play list, so this is even more of a text dump than anything else).
    Umineko was fun for him because of the fact that there was so much feedback after each game he came out with. He actually would go through all the feedback he could to see how people were responding to his game. Umineko actually turned into a game for him as well. As the readers were taken down different paths, he got to enjoy how they responded and created fun for them as well.
    One thing I found unique was that he actually changed the 3rd game. Originally, there was a character that was introduced in the 5th game. This was actually intended to be the 3rd but he didn't want to drive everyone into despair.
    The last thing I have was a fun "quote" from his panel. Granted, everything he said was through a translator (my Japanese isn't good enough yet) but it stuck out to me. "The sadistic edge of writing is important". I think this can be interpreted in a lot of ways. He really made it apparent that the writing itself is his inspiration. It could be the sadistic part is the feedback from his audience, or even the content of his works. However, I think one thing is for certain. From what I have experienced of his works, they are amazing and I look forward to giving an update on his new game tomorrow.
    Hope at least someone found this useful. Please chalk up all errors to my horrible writing, note taking, or poor tolerance for sleep deprivation and alcohol.
    EDIT: Part 2 Here- http://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/10153-acen-ryukishi07/#entry282310
  16. Like
    EldritchCherub got a reaction from Fluxx in Hey guys!   
    Hi! Hope you like it here.
  17. Like
    EldritchCherub got a reaction from FruitsPunchSamurai in What are you listening to right now?   
  18. Like
    EldritchCherub reacted to SovietGames in Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll [Romance | Drama | Mystery | Eighties] [KICKSTARTER ENDED]   
    The Eighties; the romanticism of the early rock’n’roll; the making of the trans-national corporations; the spirit of freedom and rebellion against society. Political intrigues, world unbound by the vice of globalization, and the birth of modern business model. The time when money could buy everything and meant nothing.
    The main character, Nikolai, is a son of two engineers who emigrated to Japan from the Soviet Union when he was a child. After his parents' tragic death in a production incident, he has been living alone, attending a local school for foreigners and children from wealthy families. One day he gets caught in a whirlwind of events, intrigues, political schemes, and complex human relationships. Is he destined to get out of this storm unhurt, or will he be swept away by the hurricane of life that is more complicated and threatening than he could ever imagine?
    This and many other things you will find in Love, Money, Rock'n'roll", a new visual novel in development by Soviet Games. Immerse yourself in an engrossing story, find the secrets of the powerful Corporation and the purpose of the mysterious Project, choose your path and find your love.
    Dozens of hours of gameplay
    With more than 300 000 words planned in the script, LMRnR is one of the longest visual novels out there.

    An immersive tale
    Full of love, intrigues, music, betrayal and self-sacrifice. With a multitude of choices that define the development of the story.

    Dozens of hours of gameplay
             To ensure best possible flexibility and performance 

    Four heroines
    Each with her own story, temper, and several possible endings

    Lots and lots of art and music
    Several hours of music, more than 80 event CGs, more than 80 BGs, and all of this – of prime quality

    LMRnR is planned for release on Windows, Windows Phone, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, and as a web-version simultaneously
    Official SoundCloud playlist
      Himitsu     Himitsu is Nikolai’s childhood friend. She is kind, caring, she always worries about him, sometimes even too annoyingly so. But is simple friendship really enough for her? Maybe the years of devotion earned her something more?  
      Catherine is Nikolai’s ex-girlfriend who left Japan about a year before the beginning of the game’s events. Their parting wasn’t the prettiest and Nikolai still carries quite uncomfortable memories about it. Perhaps he would have forgotten them with time, but Catherine suddenly returns and, moreover, transfers into his class. Why did she return? Does she still love him? Does he still love her?  
      Ellie is the granddaughter of the board chairman of the school Nikolai goes to. She is a self-willed, proud girl and thinks highly of herself, but cannot be said to lack ardour. Is everything really as simple as it looks at the first glance, or is there more than meets the eye behind the image of a spoiled young lady?  
      Kagome is the representative of Nikolai’s class. He has never paid attention to her before, but a certain sequence of events makes them come to know each other. Kagome isn’t loved in the school, and she isn’t really burning with desire to become friends with anyone either. Is there a reason for her behavior? What hides behind the facade of a simple unsociable girl? What secrets does she hide?  
          Planned Languages: Russian and English
    Planned Platforms: Windows, Windows Phone, Linux, Mac, Android, iOS, Web Planned Age Rating: 18+/16+. The game will be released in two versions.
      Please visit our website and read the first blog post for additional information about the game.
    You can also send us an e-mail and follow our twitter, tumblr, facebook, and RSS feed for future updates!
  19. Like
    EldritchCherub got a reaction from Tay in Reincarnation: Lovely x Cation Translation Project [TLC REQUIRED]   
    Sorry about the lacks of news concerning the project. Our translator recently moved into a new apartment so he was deprived of internet for a few months because of that, he'll get to work on his route pretty soon.
    Apart from myself the only other member that regularly frequents the IRC is the hacker. One of our leaders (Oystein) that was also in charge of the website but he hasn't shown himself in months, and unfortunately there is no way to contact him about the website at this time. The other leader (Darkquake) is probably on a trip somewhere, but when he returns I'll pester him about making a wordpress site so we can post updates there instead of relying on this thread.
    Other than that, just follow this thread and I'll post more news whenever it becomes available. Thanks for your patience and support. As long as we've got a translator at our disposal I'll make sure to keep pushing forward even it takes years to release a completed patch.
    Edit: In other news, I've recently edited Lovely x Cation The Animation - 01 and you can stream it for free here. Hopefully it can satiate your appetite just a bit for things to come.
  20. Like
    EldritchCherub got a reaction from Karakkan in Reincarnation: Lovely x Cation Translation Project [TLC REQUIRED]   
    Sorry about the lacks of news concerning the project. Our translator recently moved into a new apartment so he was deprived of internet for a few months because of that, he'll get to work on his route pretty soon.
    Apart from myself the only other member that regularly frequents the IRC is the hacker. One of our leaders (Oystein) that was also in charge of the website but he hasn't shown himself in months, and unfortunately there is no way to contact him about the website at this time. The other leader (Darkquake) is probably on a trip somewhere, but when he returns I'll pester him about making a wordpress site so we can post updates there instead of relying on this thread.
    Other than that, just follow this thread and I'll post more news whenever it becomes available. Thanks for your patience and support. As long as we've got a translator at our disposal I'll make sure to keep pushing forward even it takes years to release a completed patch.
    Edit: In other news, I've recently edited Lovely x Cation The Animation - 01 and you can stream it for free here. Hopefully it can satiate your appetite just a bit for things to come.
  21. Like
    EldritchCherub reacted to Verdelish in Harem Tengoku Da To Omottara Yandere Jigoku Datta Youtube Translation   
    No problem ^ ^ Episode 11 is up, too!
  22. Like
    EldritchCherub reacted to zoom909 in Funniest Out-of-Context VN Quotes   
  23. Like
    EldritchCherub got a reaction from Kenshin_sama in What are you listening to right now?   
    Touhou FTW.
  24. Like
    EldritchCherub got a reaction from Stray Cat in What are you listening to right now?   
    Touhou FTW.
  25. Like
    EldritchCherub got a reaction from ExtraMana in True or False   
    Next person has been nominated for something they didn't want to be a part of. (ex. student council, community service, etc.)
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