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  1. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Praeliator in Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki Translation Project   
    Wow, this project is making so much progress it's making my head spin. Keep it up team!
  2. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Akerou in Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki Translation Project   
    Progress Update Week #10

    Three more weeks to go and then it's Yuri-chan time~
  3. Like
    Erogamer reacted to mdz in Koisuru Natsu no Last Resort Translation Project   
    Week 20
    Riho's Route's completely translated.
    The translation for Sango's route's begun. 
  4. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Akerou in Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki Translation Project   
    Progress Update Week #7

    Common route patch is going to be released next Monday if everything works out as planned. I'll begin translating the next route (Mio) next week.
  5. Like
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    Erogamer reacted to MKDude in Reincarnation: Lovely x Cation Translation Project [TLC REQUIRED]   
    If you can find a way to release this uncensored, I'll throw my hat in for editor's position. My RL job is a writer, and I'm the manager/an editor for Shin Koihime Musou.
  7. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Kimanor in Magical Marriage Lunatics! Official TL Thread   
    4750/15935 of common route has been translated! Hurah!
    Working on editing that translated content, as well as checking to see if it's translation is up to snuff!
    We still need translators and TLC's! Come give us a hand in making this project a success!
  8. Like
    Erogamer reacted to NeroDragon12 in Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki Translation Project   
    cool we just passed our 15% mark today.
  9. Like
    Erogamer reacted to V_Kitsune_V in Tayutama Kiss On My Deity being translated?   
    Please god don't let it be wishful thinking, I've had this game on my harddrive for YEARS hoping it gets translated by some beautiful souls
  10. Like
    Erogamer reacted to KoiitoKinenbi in Visual Novel/Anime OP Translations   
    I want to request a translation of this new particular visual novel opening!
    Is this opening kawaii enough for you to translate?

    Dekinai Watashi ga, Kurikaesu OP - Re:call by Haruka Shimotsuki

  11. Like
    Erogamer got a reaction from sm2345 in Fureraba Translation Project [Recruiting TL/TLC!]   
    Good luck. I like the opening song, the art work looks really nice, and it looks like it would be a good read.
  12. Like
    Erogamer reacted to sm2345 in Fureraba Translation Project [Recruiting TL/TLC!]   
    No, it's not dead.
    However, it has been slow, since I am the only TL on this, and some help would be really appreciated.
    As for slowness, it's a harsh reality I cannot deny. 
    I'll still continue chugging along slowly though.
  13. Like
    Erogamer reacted to oystein in Reincarnation: Lovely x Cation Translation Project [TLC REQUIRED]   

      Dating simulator | Nameable Protagonist | High School | Slice of Life | Romance
     The protagonist lives alone in an apartment owned by his uncle and lives a carefree school life. One spring day, his uncle can’t stand seeing him confining himself in his room any more and tells him to go out and find love while he is still young. However, he doesn’t have any experience with girls nor does he have anyone that he’s interested in.
    | Full |

    Message from team:
    Hello, we are currently working on a fan translation patch for Lovely x Cation. Let us make it clear from the onset that we are not looking to put out a mediocre patch. Quality is preferred as opposed to a rushed product with numerous flaws adorning it. With that in mind, if you feel you are up to the task to deliver a full-proof translation then consider joining our Discord or send us a message using our website. Above all, we are looking for team members that strive against adversity and throw down the gauntlet when the going gets tough. We would prefer to maintain a steady roster all the way until the release of our patch. Though, sometimes extenuating circumstances may lead us to seek additional help so that we can see things through to the end. Other than that thank you for giving us your attention and we would love to deliver a quality patch for this game.

    Best regards
    General links:
    [Staff]    [About us]    [Contact us]     [F.A.Q]     [Apply]
  14. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Monmon in Voiced lines, listen or skip?   
    I listen every single voiced lines.I just love how some voice actor have a really good emotion in his/her voice. Actually Voiced lines is one of the reason why i read VN.
    oh...i do enjoy H-scene..because,it makes me tingly...both mentally and physically. 
  15. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Intrinsic in Sekai Project Official Grisaia Translation?   
    I have already spent around 300 dollars to buy Grisia no Kajitsu and its two sequels in anticipation that they will be fan translated too.
    I don't like the fact that sekai project is now doing Grisia no Kajitsu as it might result in no fan translation for the two sequels of the game.
    Also this "official" translation will be an all ages version. Most of the entertainment value during the long common route is the adult humor. The later stories contained a lot of adult content too and it's hard to imagine these stories being as good without that adult content. Even the H-scenes, which were my least favorite portion of this visual novel, would be missed if they were removed.
    Companies sole purpose is to make money. Supporting a neutered visual novel market will result in us getting more neutered visual novels, and not translated works with all their original content and ideas intact.
    If this release was a full and proper release, and not a censored version, I'd buy it for sure as I really liked this visual novel. Spending more money solely to support the gimping of one of my favorite visual novels, I'm not so sure is a good idea though...
  16. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Steve in Hoshizora no Memoria: Eternal Heart Translation Project   
    Its more like we like the other characters, but we LOVE Mare. Favorite is like that, they can make characters you wouldn't normally like in other games very lovable, I explained it a bit in my hoshimemo topic.
    Same goes for Iroseka, the girl with the biggest boobs (Kana) ended up for me being the most likable girl out of the normal route girls - where as in other games I wouldn't even touch a route of girl that looks like that.
    But whenever I talk to big favorite fans (especially JP ones in pso2 or something) or view art or read stuff from the JP artists, its all about the lolis, Mare and Shinku and now Yuuki.
    When the information about the new game came out saying that the loli there is not actually the same size as Mare and Shinku 141cm but actually 137cm, everyone was talking about that girl and most of the art is for her as people believe that it will be the main focus of the game.
    And that is the point, sure the other characters in favo games are awesome, compared to some other eroge they are on the level of the best heroine in those games, but favorite manages to make something special, something above that level and those are the main loli girls.
    And when you get deep into the favorite design, you can see that. Sure there was Yume in Hoshimemo and some people like her as a character and her personality, but you can just look at how long screen time she had in the game, you didn't even see her for 90% of the game. Where as Mare was there all the time, solving the routes of everyone. Almost like the guiding character for the reader and the protagonist at the same time, helping you to get through the game, while ultimately waiting for you to finally realize that she is the one seeking love.
    And when you realize that, you just have to see how you two match together, she was there clueless, trying to make you happy by helping you with your love, you trying to discover love with other characters, when you both had it all from the very beginning, you had your happiness together right in front of your eyes, you just didn't see it.
    And these are the deep moments Favorite helps you discover, these are the moments that make your heart race.
    And sure, if you are reading for the story then the stories of the other characters are very awesome, Komomo's story is so good, Kana's route in Iroseka and Irohika is one of the best and most emotional stories I've ever read. But the true romance and the true love and all the dokidoki moments with butterflies in your stomach are with the main loli characters.
    It is hard to explain to people who didn't fully commit to 2d dating how good Favorite is at this, since they probably don't even see these things there. These moments are as strong if not stronger than the moments you rode a bike 10km up a hill to meet that one girl and get your first kiss, the moments at summer camp you were sneaking outside of the compound into the forest to talk there while holding hands.
    And even though some might think I'm crazy and delusional and whatnot, I don't think I will ever be able to get back to the 3d dating, where it is now all about responsibilities and such.
    I will much rather chase these childish dreams, relive the times long past and the times I never got to live, because you just grow up so fast. Favorite help you form these dreams and in the end make them come true, because as we know, dreams are the seedlings of realities~
    So yeah, so far they managed to do it twice (Mare and Shinku) and we will soon see if they can make it happen for the 3rd time.
    And who knows, maybe there are people who get these fluttery tingly feelings with the other characters too, but from the people I talked to they either get them with Mare and Shinku or they don't get them at all (because they don't care about them and are not looking for them).
    also... how did this post turn out so long, I just wanted to quickly explain
  17. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Ivan A. in Hoshizora no Memoria: Eternal Heart Translation Project   
    Well Steve, thank you for answering what I think it was a simple yes/no question. Funnerific is right about you being too passionate about it, by the way.
    As with my opinion on Mare, she was OK. Bum, period, nothing else. I´m more on the side of Yume. Unlike Mare, she made me cry in her route. It was the first time I cried in a VN.
    Also, I haven´t played Iroseka because I don´t know japanese so I can´t say anything about it.
    Anyway, thank you for your opinion.
    Ps: You (the MC of Hoshimemo) and Yume´s love was stronger. That´s what I think at least.
  18. Like
    Erogamer got a reaction from krill in Mashiro Iro Symphony Translation [Needs Help]   
    Then don't play eroges. Tired of the people who are for censoring every damn thing. Ok, I am done ranting.
  19. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Albedo in Sakura Spirit original VN by MangaGamer, Sekai Project and Winged Cloud   
    You know, let's not be moralfags here: there's nothing wrong with Ecchi. Sakura Spirit's problem is its god-awful writing. Still, I'd probably torrent it just to see by myself...
  20. Like
    Erogamer reacted to sanahtlig in Sakura Spirit original VN by MangaGamer, Sekai Project and Winged Cloud   
    Why does Mangagamer even come up in this discussion?  If they're not localizing the game, their role is insignificant.  They're just distributing it--I'm pretty sure they're not funding it, so I don't even think they should be considered a publisher.  The only player that really matters in an original English VN is the developer.  Would you praise or blame Walmart for carrying a game that you liked or didn't like?
    Did Sekai Project even contribute in any significant way to this title?  Did they fund it or provide resources for development?
  21. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Darkshine in Sakura Spirit original VN by MangaGamer, Sekai Project and Winged Cloud   
    Fanservice may sell for some people but it's not gonna get me all hyped up to play, I can't believe this is not an 18+ game.
  22. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Cyrillej1 in Lamune patch announcements   
    I'm sure Zoom has his reasons for not including h-content in his patch. I personally think people should be grateful he made an english patch for others to enjoy the game at least and he's put hard work into it.. it's not nice to put him down for his efforts. And like he said, you could always play the original jp version for the h-scenes if you wanted to that badly.
    However, if it's that much of a problem, maybe I can help.
    (I don't have experience in translating any hentai scenes yet.. but if you want to Zoom, I'll help you with them if you still want to.)
    I'm occupied with another project, but I think I'll have time to do some h-scenes. xD
  23. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Pabloc in Lamune patch announcements   
    Would you mind if I helped with translating H-scenes as well? The more the merrier. ^^
    And I really could use a little change of pace from KonoSora.
  24. Like
    Erogamer reacted to sanahtlig in Sekai Project Official Grisaia Translation?   
    I define pornography as bullet points 1 and 3 (invoking the common social concept of pornography as lacking literary or artistic value, as established prior to the sentence you quoted).  By saying "it's not protected by the 1st amendment", I invoke bullet point 2--it's legal until a law says it isn't.  I'm basically invoking the legal concept of obscenity.  It would be legally incorrect to call story-focused eroge "porn" in this fashion, and that's part of my point--our social concept of porn is "wrong", and ends up arbitrarily lumping story-focused eroge together with simple collections of sex scenes.  Nonetheless, that doesn't stop these broad legal statutes from having a chilling effect on eroge localization, to the point that JAST USA censors loli content "just in case", and even Mangagamer has outlined a "line in the sand" it won't cross regarding loli content.
    1) The market is a lot older than these digital distribution platforms.
    2) Steam's ruleset is evolving.  JAST tried to get Aselia the Eternal on Steam and was denied.
    3) Valve doesn't allow sexually explicit content on Steam.
    Steam isn't the magic bullet that solves all problems.  If we have to rely on censored releases on Steam to fund localization of story-focused eroge, that's as much of an issue as relying on nukige sales as a funding source.  The base product still isn't selling itself.  It's just an omake thrown to the scavengers to keep them at bay.  That's still not where we want to be.
  25. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Nosebleed in Mashiro Iro Symphony Translation [Needs Help]   
    Removing h-scenes from a romantic moege like this is like heresy. This is the type of eroge most people play for the h-scenes to begin with because the story is incredibly simplistic and average.

    Regardless i think you should stick with the pc version just for the sake of platform simplicity.
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