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Everything posted by Steve

  1. ICHIGOOOOOOOOO~ +253 internets for kodomo-h image! Ive been looking for the 3rd part of the game (the one with this exact loli as main heroine) since it released but never was able to find it Even made topic about it here http://forums.fuwano...te-of-ichigo-1/ edit: thanks for the image, I just checked for the game again and someone finally released cracked version! yaay, all thanks to you
  2. Im accepting donations in form of this: http://page10.auctio...tion/m116254761 http://page10.auctio...tion/m116218399 I especially want that scythe key chain, the glass and the mare key chain xD So if someone buys it and doesn't want those and only wants the other stuff, send the rest you don't need to me! xD disclaimer: your donation doesn't go towards any project or anything, just towards my happiness xD
  3. Well what I do is download the Japanese game, get 100% save and enjoy the scenes. Recently I loved http://vndb.org/v4249 For other Japanese I would recommend Shining Star collection or Shiritsu Sakuranbo Shougakkou collection (I can send you torrents for those). As for English, there isn't that many, don't know any pure loli but for example Hatsukoi has the imouto and loli route translated (the imouto is flat and small too so maybe something like Risa, the loli is even lolier xD) But thats normal VN, not nukige. Nukiges don't generally get translated, especially the loli ones. But then again if you are playing nukige, you don't really need translation if you just play the H-scenes like me. Oh and also some of the realtime 3d rendered ones with free H-mode are good, I loved for example Love Death 3, Musume 3D. And for pictures, you can check the post I made here including lot of safe pictures http://forums.fuwano...-moe-explosion/ For not so safe ones and explicit ones you would have to come on ts, its pretty common there xD
  4. Yeah, when picking a game I look at the sexual content and skip the game if I don't like the stuff there, such as yaoi, urination, bestiality, violence, NTR etc. I like H scenes that are expression of love as I am a big romantic xD
  5. I just want my DRM free versions I used to get for all indie games before (that means no steam, no origin, no other drm), I still have the installations which they used to distribute through torrent for games I really liked, I can just save it and play indie games whenever I decide to, not counting on steam or anything else having good download speed (whenever there is dota or tf2 update, steam downloads very slowly). DRM free is the way to go! Go go go GOG.com~
  6. You should just try them once, close door to your roo or whatever, put Do not disturb sign for roommates or whoever, and enjoy your private time with the girls in the H-scenes. You can never get that close to a character in any other form of media Love them, make them happy, I guarantee they will make you happy too! xD
  7. You might want to track this translation project as well: http://vntls.org/project/dote-up-a-cat/ Risa was really awesome character, yes. But if you wan the most lovable loli in the existence of English translated VNs, play Hoshimemo https://fuwanovel.net/novels/hoshizora-no-memoria We are currently working on translation of the fandisc for this game as well And if you want some other recommendations for lolis (including pure H loli games, image artists etc), you might want to hop on TS and ask me for some loli related stuff xD We just use text chat so you don't even need mic.
  8. yeah I was with humble bundle from the very start and email subbed just after the first indie bundle, they had really good indie games. That's why I don't like companies like EA taking advantage of that website for their own promotions of their shitty DRM service...
  9. that means they already get certain cut from it and just hide it! EA IS EVIL! but srsly, I don't want these games in humble bundle, I want indie games :/
  10. remember putting it all on charity if you decide to buy it, EA doesn't need more money, there is nothing humble about this... there should be indie games, not this, humble bundle is going to shit if they let even more companies make that their free marketing campaign...
  11. Well, Im tempted to join, although Im not sure if I have 2 hours to compile a post of my regular length xD
  12. Hm, I think Meru is slowly working on this. But to be honest the most important part of the game (imouto route) is already done
  13. Nah its fine, its your ideas you believe and that is a good thing. The series you mentioned as overrated are the ones that have like some catchy thing about them which makes them popular, ultra cute henneko with awesome OP, catchy OP video and song in nyaruko, cute and awesome OP in yuru yuri. So they are very popular and maybe that is what you saw as overrated (lot of youtube vids etc) Those are the ones I saw and I loved them all, they are good, I loved them but they had some cons as well. Together actually with To Love Ru, in henneko and nyaruko the MC is so indecisive that it sometimes hurt me and I was yelling at the screen "JUST HAVE SEX WITH THE GIRLS ALREADY" but I still loved the shows and that's how I rate it. The show can be not as good and I enjoy it at that time so much that I just think its near masterpiece, if I watched it in different mood, I might not like it. It can be same with VN, I might fall in love with some girl there (and marry her or Mare-y her I could say ) and I will forgive it some things I didn't like (like I already said once in VN discussion, I didn't like Asuho's personality in her route in Hoshimemo, yet I still rated the game 10 as the amount of good stuff just overweighted the not so good stuff and I found my biggest love in the world there). So overall enjoyment you get from something depends on many variables which can change over time. What I don't get is how can someone watch something he doesn't like, finish it and then rate it low and bash it, if you don't like something, just drop it, don't finish it and maybe some day you will have mood for it and enjoy it as much. I actually know that To Love Ru season 1 was really perfect fit at that exact time for me, as I was just in the mood for that specific kind of ecchi and if I watched it some other time, I would probably not enjoy it so much to love it that much.
  14. Hm, I don't watch much anime but from what I tried, Full Metal Alchemist really didn't seem that good from first 2 episodes I watched (and then dropped it), but can't judge the whole show as I didn't finish, maybe it really is epic at the end. But if the anime cant get my attention after 2 episodes, its already a bad trait. For underrated, I must actually say opposite of yours, To Love Ru is like one of the best things and I was surprised it has like 5/10 rating. Kiss x Sis OAD is actually the best thing and has really low ratings. As for what you mentioned, Seitokai no Ichizon was funny for me in the first episodes but then the jokes seemed to always be the same or similar so I dropped it. And AIR is great story, but the anime was too short (from like 100h VN to 6h anime), that's why its lower rated, lot of the important stuff remains unexplained and felt like rushed very quickly. But you should always remember to not pay much attention to ratings, as you can see, best thing for one can be boring for others, therefore receiving average rating of like 5 or 6. The best thing is just to try first episode and if you like it, continue, if not, drop it. I find ratings something personal, I give it number in comparison to other things I watched, not other people and I have different scales than other people. So looking on ratings of other random people you don't know (are not your friends so you can't ask them why they gave it such number) is never going to work. Just ask friends with similar tastes for recommendations or read review of someone you know likes similar things like you and it will work much better, average rating number is really unimportant number and means basically nothing.
  15. good, every account received free character slot so you can make a loli now Or maybe you could before, is it 2 characters per ship now or 2 total who knows... Anyways we are ship 2
  16. the question is, is your character loli-like? (flat chest, smallest height etc xD)
  17. It is a name selection, you are supposed to input your chosen name in Japanese, however you do not have Japanese locale, therefore you cannot display the name and it only shows weird symbols. https://fuwanovel.net...japanese-locale Change locale and you can change the name or you can click to leave the default name.
  18. There are 6 basic heroines in the standard LB and 3 extra heroines in the EX version. Now in order to unlock the access to the EX heroines, you will need to finish the original game first. The EX does not add much extra content to the original 6 routes, mostly just the H scenes (and some extra scenes), for which you can get additional installation of LB EX with 100% save and play them after you finish the route, which is what I did and it worked just fine. And then when the EX translation is finally finished, you can play the 3 remaining routes (which is what I will do). However if you want the whole experience at once, you might want to wait. You will still need to play the routes of the original games (with the extra H scenes) in order to unlock it but you will not need to transfer like saves or anything. So it depends on you, you can easily play the original game and not experience the H scenes if you are not into them (but is it really what you want its eroge after all, enjoy the ero ) and then play the extra routes when its done. The original game is masterpiece even without the extra routes
  19. Moved the topic to correct section, Download and Requests section is for sharing downloads and requesting downloads, for fan translation projects and recruitment, this is the correct place to ask as most translators or hackers only check this section.
  20. awesome school mystery SoL with some of the greatest characters ever is Hoshizora no Memoria. Everyone loves Mare and lot of people love Chinami (where as some haters don't, but she is so good imouto character).
  21. The difference in voiced protagonist is as follows: MC has a voice = 3rd person story about the MC MC doesn't have a voice = first person, much more immersing experience If I would compare it, I would same its the same difference as Mass Effect (3rd person story about Sheppard) and Dragon Age: Origins (first person story where you are the main character). That said, I prefer VNs where MC doesn't have a voice, exactly for that reason - I, Steve, want to be the one who romances the girls xD
  22. Gold, although I don't play much (I have like 20 ranked games since HoTS came out). How can I then say its one of the best games of all time? Well its simple, the esport surrounding it brought me so much entertainment time, maybe even more than any other game from the list. The competitive match is always different in some way, unique. Yes, it might be exactly the same strategy the players choose, but the outcome is always different, dependent on the players themselves. Builds are only the foundation of the strategy in the game itself, you can copy exactly the same opening as some progamer but you can never be able to make the exact same decision later in the game, not even them can make the exact same decision in 2 similar games and that's what makes SC2 so good. (for more talk, there is sc2 topic in general, we talked lot about the esport side of the game there so you can read and join topic).
  23. It is impossible to say 5 games for the whole 17 years or how long I play games, I can't compare experience I had as a child with experience I have now. So rating if like Worms: Armageddon was better than Dark Souls is impossible. Something that could have been the best game for me when I was 10 could now easily be pretty boring as it is outdated. But I can name few that I spent most fun times with, ill skip the very childish years and just jump to PC only. (I try sorting them about the time they were released but I didn't look at exact years so it might be wrong) Unreal Tournament (98) Counter Strike Fallout 1, 2 Worms: Armageddon Battlefield 1942 Trackmania Battlefield 2142 Counter Strike: Source Hitman: Contracts DotA (1) Trackmania Nations Forever Hitman: Blood Money World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Fallout 3 Starcraft II (both wings and hots now) Minecraft Fallout: New Vegas Unepic Terraria Tribes: Ascend FTL Planetside 2 Dark Souls XCOM: Enemy Unknown Awesomenauts And I am pretty sure I missed lot of great games. I might be able to make 5 top games per year, but not per ~17 years I am playing games on PC.
  24. What Luch said, stuff like Pot Player supports basically anything you can come across anyways and you don't need to install anything useless. The times when you needed codec pack to just play a video are way behind us as good players just have the support.
  25. Hm yes it seems like a bug with the English patch. If you didn't use 1.2, that might be it but it can also be just a bug, there are already some errors caused by the English patch as the game is tricky to hack. Since you remember the scenes, you probably didn't miss anything but it just forgot to save the progress or something. I guess skip through will make it 100% complete.
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