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  1. Like
    Rose reacted to Darklord Rooke in Taisho x Alice Localisation shenanigans   
    They lifted character summaries and the story summary straight from a fan site without accreditation and without asking for permission. They since said they have gotten their own team to offer a unique translation, but it looks to have only been edited (and paraphrased,) and not retranslated.
    This example of a non-translation doesn’t bode well for a company who has never translated anything before. It makes me question whether they actually have any in-house translators, or whether they intend to use the money they raise on kickstarter (yes, they’re going to kickstart/crowdfund) to go hunting for one.
  2. Like
    Rose reacted to Fred the Barber in VN translators on Twitter counting down   
    I saw Conjueror's "5" a couple days ago and actually responded to Gare's "3" this morning; didn't know about the others. I'm assuming it's the much-hyped "secret project". Speculation seems pointless right now, though; I'll just wait patiently for Friday.
  3. Like
    Rose reacted to Darklord Rooke in VN translators on Twitter counting down   
    Lifted directly from Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/comments/4lwz70/a_bunch_of_vn_translators_on_twitter_such_as/
    I caught 1 of those tweets but missed the rest of them. Personally I'm hoping for something with gameplay, but that's just me.
    And yes, I just copied the post wholesale. Yes, that's the second time I've done that today. Yes, I'm a lazy, lazy man. No, I'm beyond caring. Yes, I WOULD like some cookies, thank you for offering.
  4. Like
    Rose reacted to Darklord Rooke in Tell me all that you know about love   
    Love, often confused with lust, is when you care as much (or more) about the other person as you do about yourself. You pay attention to the other person, you take an interest in the other person, you prioritise their well being higher than the ability to watch the weekend footy match in peace. Their habits will irritate you but you endure them because they are important to you.
    Lust, often confused with love, is when all you care about is pleasuring your penis (or female equivalent.) You pay little attention to the other person, don’t take an interest in the other person, and prioritise your entertainment and comfort over their well being. Their habits will irritate you which will lead to you seriously considering ending the relationship because there are many ways to pleasure your penis (or female equivalent) that don’t involve putting up with annoyances.
    Love at first sight is a lie, while lust at first sight often takes place. That lust can often develop into love, but when it doesn’t these relationships will often fail.
    The strength of a love lies in its ability to withstand conflict yada yada, etc etc, and so on and so forth.
  5. Like
    Rose reacted to Nosebleed in The developers of Shan Gui lost the right to publish the game they made   
    I am baffled and saddened: http://steamcommunity.com/app/307050/discussions/0/357287304431021101/
    I had been following this story for a while and it now seems to have reached its peak, with Magenta Factory (the developers of Shan Gui) giving up on publishing the game because they are unable to file a lawsuit against the guy who fucked them over. All problems that had happened before seem to also be related to this one guy.
    And I thought Youtube was the site that had the most atrocious copyright policy ever, but I should have realized the DMCA system is an overall problem for every site.
    So now these Chinese developers are forced to give up on a game they made because a guy kicked them all out of the team without authorization and they do not have the funds to fight in a court of justice. Regardless of whether the game is good or not, I think it's really sad to see a developer who just wanted to publish their game getting fucked over like this.
    I know you can make the argument that "they should have known who to trust" but I find that not very compelling because it's usually pretty hard to know who's going to screw you over. And I'm sure the developers also placed their faith on Steam as a platform in case something went South, a choice which has clearly betrayed them now.
    What do you guys think of this situation?
  6. Like
    Rose reacted to Dergonu in What nukige would you most like to see translated   
    https://vndb.org/v18077 ...  
    I bet no one saw this coming  
  7. Like
    Rose reacted to Eclipsed in MySpace passwords stolen   
    The only reason Rooke would care about Myspace so much as to warn the public here when nobody here actually has one (100% guaranteed)
    Is that
  8. Like
    Rose reacted to Tyrael in 5 Point 0 Fking K + AMA   
    Oh god please no
  9. Like
    Rose reacted to Monmon in Looking for highschool romance with a twist   
    Osadai pretty awesome n funny. And u can tap Putin's ass.
  10. Like
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    Rose reacted to Darklord Rooke in New FuwaReviews Scoring System   
    The best part of this new system is it means Little Busters scores a ‘2’ instead of a ‘4’.
  12. Like
    Rose reacted to Zakamutt in New FuwaReviews Scoring System   
    1-10 scoring is a 7/10 system. It has great moments, yes, but overall it isn't all that impressive. IMHO it does not deserve very high a place in the hallmark of scoring systems.
  13. Like
    Rose reacted to solidbatman in New FuwaReviews Scoring System   
    We're switching to a 5 star system effective immediately. Past reviews will be converted to the 5 star system when I get to it. There will be no half stars except on rare occasions. Hopefully this doesn't break anything either. Place all bitchy comments and/or sarcastic praise below. Thank you 
  14. Like
    Rose reacted to Kaguya in New FuwaReviews Scoring System   
    Hey bats, I cropped a new avatar for you:

  15. Like
    Rose got a reaction from LiquidShu in Top favorite Vn developers? Name yours!   
    I guess Nitroplus and Propeller would be my current favorites. Looking forward to improving my JP to read more stuff from them and add Light to the list.
  16. Like
    Rose reacted to LiquidShu in Sup Fuwa, It's Been Two Years / AMA   
    It's been two years since I first read Katawa Shoujo and joined Fuwanovel, and holy fuck does it feel like time flies. I remember posting my introduction thread, not really sure what to expect and honestly kinda nervous for whatever reason. Looking back at that thread I remember I would get so excited every time someone posted a comment  A lot of the members are still on Fuwanovel as well Maef, Asonn, Nosebleed, Dim, Nohman, Monmon, Rose, Flutterz, Emi, Funy, and shcboomer and others all posted and welcomed me to the community which was just really awesome. Asonn would later make the signature I use everywhere to this day, which I am super grateful for. Monmon and I were pretty close friends for a while there. I would stay up super late to message him and talk about anything really, it was just fun. Unfortunately I haven't kept in touch with him lately Maef introduced me to Go, which has become one of my main hobbies right now. Then everyone else I have always wanted to really get to know and participate in more conversations with, but that didn't happen too often. Hopefully this year I can finally change that (though I suppose I would actually need to post more often ).
    There's a lot I want to say but I can't really put it into words. That statement applies to both how I feel now and how I have felt many times in the past on this site. I would always want to write an in-depth summary of my thoughts on VN's or anime or anything else but I've always had trouble. It seemed Rooke, Nosebleed, Rose, Sanah, and others could just do it and I was always so excited about whatever I had to say that's all I could think about  Not to say this is a bad thing, on the contrary, I still look up to a lot of members on this site. At times it even made me not want to post since it would just be a bunch of mumbo jumbo hype. For awhile now I've wanted to improve on this but never took the initiative to do so, which is something I really want to change about myself for sure. Just these past four months I've lost 42 pounds! I've been pushing myself and pushing myself in regards to my health and I don't see why I can't when it comes to being able to better express myself now either. 
    I really love this site and community. There was one time when Tay messaged me last year, just something really simple. I was having a rough time and he messages me saying "Hope you're taking care of yourself. You've got lots of friends 'round here, so don't be afraid to speak up if we can help." and man that was just awesome, it even kinda makes me tear up now. Even when I didn't post a lot, kinda like right now, Fuwanovel has always been a part of my day one way or another. It's even been my homepage for the last two years. I really love it and I've tried to put the best quality me out there but that didn't happen very often, but that means I'm just being myself I guess. I've been hypocritical, on the fence, excited as all hell, and sometimes afraid to speak my mind since I have a habit of changing it more often than not, but that's just what I do. 
    I'm sure I can type up more but I'll be sticking around for awhile longer, so I have time to throw out more thoughts as I go  The last part of this is just going to be an AMA since I have never done one before. If anyone feels like asking a question go for it~ If not oh well 
    Have an Inori 

    I especially want to thank @Tay and all the other mods that help keep this site running! As well as anyone who welcomed me and has continued to on Fuwanovel, you all mean a lot! 
    P.S My official two years is 5/25/16 (tomorrow at the time of posting) but since I will be super busy tomorrow I wanted to make sure this goes up before I go to bed.
    P.S.S It can't be Fuwanovel without  
  17. Like
    Rose reacted to Kkoro in False Elegy [Kickstarter Launched just now!]   
    Hey hello!
    We've got a new update: Team geNe6 has been expanded! We'd like to welcome Anytsdow, and DragoonHP!

    In the past few weeks, we've made significant progress on editing, CG art, and background art. Here's a little preview:

    We are currently working on a new character sprite, music, the GUI, more editing and even more art. Stay tuned!
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  19. Like
    Rose reacted to Asonn in Talk to me - last update 2.6.2016   
    Talk to me
  20. Like
    Rose reacted to Chronopolis in Mahou Shoujo Translation Project   
    Mahou Shoujo (Mahosho) Translation Project

    TL: 11/40 Chapters (updated 2/28/2016)
    Editing: ~3/40 Chapters
    QC: 1/40

    You can always check the Live Progress Report on google docs. That page will always be up to date.
    Project Introduction
      Game info (and screenshots)
    Looking for: None at the moment
  21. Like
    Rose reacted to Jun Inoue in Books!   
    Ah... I just finished Calamity, ending the saga of The Reckoners. Such great books, I can already feel the existential void in me.
    I'm also reading (although quite leisurely due to its format and nature) the Necronomicon, since I found a really neat edition with his most emblematic works in my usual bookstore.
  22. Like
    Rose reacted to Darklord Rooke in What do next? (Oldies edition)   
    Fate was translated horribly, it also rhymes with ‘hate’ which is obviously a sign. Ever 17 is boring and it’ll feel like it’ll drag on ‘forever’. Muv Luv is getting a new translation, so may as well wait. You included the words ‘Neko Para’ in the second option, which is code for ‘the Devil’ so that’s obviously out.
    Alas, it’s option number 5 by default.
  23. Like
    Rose reacted to Valmore in Fate/Grand Order   
    Loli-Oppai Yuri Tag Team Potected:
  24. Like
    Rose reacted to Darklord Rooke in Books!   
    For everyone who liked the recent 'Gate' anime ('Thus the JSDF fought here', not 'Steins Gate',) the novel '1632' by Eric Flint is free on the Kindle. Definitely worth a read and it's the same sort of thing/fun  
  25. Like
    Rose reacted to Darklord Rooke in I Want To Write A Book........   
    That isn’t to say you shouldn’t tell, authors always combine bits of tell with bits of show, but you ‘tell’ far too much. And you exposition too much. It reads a little like a light novel, in parts. You need to fine a balance, but until you do the safest method is to err on the side of ‘showing more’. It’s one of the pieces of advice most often handed out because people always like to abuse 'Tell' in inappropriate ways. (Ew.) I would also advise you to read a lot more English books (don’t read light novels, some people think they count but they don’t,) and to meditate (like a Sith Lord, don’t forget the lightsaber) about techniques used.
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