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Everything posted by Decay

  1. I would refrain from jumping to conclusions about his departure. Usually people don't quite so suddenly, if he's quitting now it was probably in the plans for at least a little while now.
  2. It seems they found a new less-off-putting way to say "porn patch."
  3. Noooo, nonono. I'm sorry, but this is just entirely wrong. You've been poorly influenced by working on a very bad translation. What we're doing with Dracu Riot is NOT the norm, and is not how the process should ideally go. A good translator, and all of the best translators currently in the scene, will write sensible english the first time around. An editor isn't supposed to seek out "lost meaning" or extract hidden nuance, that's actually the translator's job. 1) No one is better equipped to do so than the translator. They know what the line means in Japanese, how it's conveyed to the Japanese readers, and all of that. An editor doing so can misinterpret the line due to inadequate translation and lead things even further off-track. They need to keep in constant contact with the translator, further wasting the translator's time, and they could get the smaller things wrong that they aren't contacting the translator for. 2) Your method leads to an inefficient use of manpower. If the translator gets things right the first time around, an editor doesn't have to waste as much time deeply analyzing every single line for hidden nuance, and basically "retranslating" the script from engrish to english, further necessitating additional editing and proofreading passes due to the heavy amount of rewriting involved. 3) It's just freaking hard. There's just so much you have to think about with every single line about what makes sense, what doesn't make sense. When you read a sentence in english and wish to rewrite it in english again, you end up with preconceived notions about the message it's trying to convey that are sometimes difficult to eliminate. Basically what I'm saying is that it's really too much, and you're going to miss some things here and there. The translator doesn't experience this phenomenon as strongly due to going across languages, which leads back to point #1. It's a pretty safe guess that almost all of the best translations you're most fond of don't go through this process. Their translators get things right the first time around because they're a fairly eloquent writer in English and are capable of putting out natural-sounding english language on their own. They still need editors because they don't have a perfect hit rate, and two heads are better than one, but the process goes so much more smoothly and turns out so much better when major rewrites aren't required on a regular basis.
  4. "Buy lots of all-ages copies and we'll give you an 18+ version" is not something they ever said about Grisaia.
  5. I don't ever recall that happening with Sekai Project at least.
  6. Erm, that's exactly what the 18+ patch is, it's an upgrade option.
  7. Well, I was more referencing Hearts of Stone, which was a smaller quest series set in the same land as the rest of the game sold separately. I don't consider that nickel and diming, but still, it's DLC. Yeah, instead in Japan they sell stuff like KARAKARA for $20 or more. Here, we're getting it $10 + $10. I don't really consider that "nickel and diming." There may be something to be said about what the fairest price distribution is, but it's not like you're being forced to pay more for the game with this setup than you would otherwise, and people who don't care about that content don't have to pay for it.
  8. I haven't seen anything definitive about chapters 2 and 3. What we were told beforehand was that the translator responsible for Chapter 1 did not do the main translation for any additional chapters, and he seemed to indicate that everyone else on the project were much worse. Here's another cool tidbit: Remember this? It turns out that it was for ChuSinGura. Some people who have contacted them claim that they seemed poorly organized and didn't have a clue on what they were doing. They hired a whole lot of translators to translate this thing as fast as humanly possible. They seem to have hired someone decent for chapter 1, but failed to get anyone as good for the rest. It also seems that they failed to hire any editors or proofreaders, as became evident by the release state of Chapter 1.
  9. As someone who has been pretty deeply involved with Fuwanovel the site lately, I felt like responding on behalf of fuwanovel, the site. I do feel that people who post in a community has some of that community's values reflected back onto them, however. If you're posting harmoniously on Stormfront but only in the off-topic threads, I'll still label you a racist.
  10. Back then Fuwanovel indeed didn't deserve respect. I've pirated things in the past, and I would not expect anyone to treat me with respect for having done so, either. Pirates do not deserve to be handled with respect, period. We've been working hard to earn the respect we deservedly lacked for years of torrent use and you can't use that past as a weapon to invalidate the arguments being made here.
  11. There's no way the 18+ version of a game like KaraKara is sold for $10, none of the major VN companies would ever do that. Instead of making every version of the game cost the same, SP decided to give a cheaper option for people who want less content. EA sells games for the standard $60 and then sells DLC on top of that, that's a different story.
  12. There's also the question of whether or not someone who knowingly and actively provides easy piracy options for your content deserves your respect.
  13. I'm sorry but I don't follow. The reasons you gave have nothing to do with the quality of the writing. What you gave are reasons to like the ideas and story behind those battles, not reasons to like the way they're written. You don't seem to be understanding the dichotomy between the writing and the story that exists here. Kaguya's criticisms are perfectly valid and shouldn't change no matter what happens in future chapters. Anyway, that review comment was especially ridiculous considering Kaguya gave it a 4/5 and did very little "badmouthing." And also, chapters 5-8 aren't as good as 1-4, so I really doubt they're able to redeem the series if someone thinks the first four chapters are bad, lol.
  14. None of that changes the specific criticisms Kaguya employed. The battle scenes are indeed poorly written, regardless of their story reasons for happening.
  15. Ef was broken up into two versions which was further broken up into multiple independent stories each. That's what I was referring to. Supipara was going to be very similar in structure to ef, released in two separate releases, each broken up by multiple chapters. The second release never happened.
  16. If it's anything like ef, the stories will be largely stand-alone, and won't end on cliffhangers. I'm seeing considerably less buzz for this game than I did for eden*. There was a lot of actual fervor for eden, it seemed, but nobody seems to care about this. It's a shame, since this game actually interests me more than eden did, lol. Chapter 2 is practically guaranteed to be funded, I just hope that these do well enough to fund the rest. edit: Also at the pace this campaign has been moving at, I feel like we won't see Chapter 2 for another 12-18 months. I almost forgot that eden came out in freaking January of 2015.
  17. linktriforce007 himself posted a picture of the repository that showed sheeta committing something that seemed to be a large editing update in february 2014, which was dated after the script files included in the leaked patch. So no, Erengy wasn't lying.
  18. 100%ing these games is a huge pain so I wouldn't necessarily recommend doing that, but I would recommend going down every major branch in the flowchart at least once, they all have interesting stuff in them. Once you've gotten an ending or two in each major story branch, you've pretty much seen most of what there is to see in School Days. Keep playing if you want to see even more, but you won't be missing much if you stop there.
  19. "Interesting" is subjective, they released the game announced and many seemed to have enjoyed it, what with it being in the top 5 sellers at mangagamer for such a long time. They are also seemingly set to announce the next Alicesoft game very soon, probably at Otakon next month. MangaGamer will probably start releasing the Rance series as soon as Alicesoft allows them to. Remember, this is a two-way partnership and both sides need to be willing. Alicesoft are the ones holding back Rance in the west, not MangaGamer.
  20. Whole lotta boring lists with no descriptions up in here. Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer is a wonderful manga. The series starts with the college-aged main character suddenly awakening to a hidden power granted by a mystical iguana or something, is charged with a "princess" he must protect from the encroaching threat of evil, and immediately falls for and vows allegiance to this "princess" when she triumphantly declares her plan to destroy the world. The characters are all fantastic, they handle serious topics with a sense of humor while still allowing yourself to get emotionally invested, and is nicely paced, telling a good, complete story at 10 volumes. It's actually one of my favorites.* *Disclaimer: I don't read much manga so it being one of my favorites doesn't mean much.
  21. I finally started playing Danganronpa 2 (which I'm sure will make @Eclipsed happy) and am partway into Chapter 2 now. So far... eh. It's fairly entertaining, but it's not really particularly impressing me. It's basically just a retread as of now. They're revealing end-game plot twists from DR1 in chapters 1 and 2 of DR2 so I expect things to take a different direction soon enough, but I wish it didn't drag its feet at the start. Also I'm not digging the "antagonist" revealed in the first class trial, but they still has ample time to do something good with that. Best character so far is easily Chiaki, she's the only one there with a brain. Thank you, that was indeed more recent than the patch I had. Which also wasn't properly linked all this time? Why didn't anyone report that!? Anyway, I ended up just remaking the archive so the system.dat is in the right place to start with and all you need to do is extract it and play.
  22. Do you mind sharing the version of the patch you found? It's stuff like this why I made this thread, but I'm not 100% sure if the patch I got was the most recent. I remember getting in touch with a former team member but I don't remember what the result of that was, lol.
  23. Decay

    JRPG: I am Setsuna

    I heard that the game was way too somber for its own good. I'm not sure I want a deathly serious take on Chrono Trigger.
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