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Everything posted by Decay

  1. Erm, the conversation was about 50+ hour VNs. The only one of the last few posts that qualifies was probably Umineko 1-4.
  2. There are MANY like that? Really? Because Grisaia and Clannad are probably the only ones that seem like they fit the bill to me. Besides, there's more to price than just length.
  3. I'm basically just expecting Dies Irae to be a pretty good action story. Which makes it one of the few VNs I actually have expectations for. I typically try to have absolutely no expectations when going into something new but with Dies Irae, that's pretty much impossible. But still, got to keep it realistic.
  4. We have unfortunately heard very little about it. However, this google doc that Doki Fansubs used to track their progress silently updated a couple of months ago: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nos5YweGwSeVqmIkTCM2Lvt3IhRGGP-mjpzbZgZDc6s/edit It added a whole lot of editing progress. I'm not sure what to make of it since it is highly unofficial and operated by Doki, not Fruitbat, but Doki are apparently assisting on the official release so perhaps it could be used as some indication of progress.
  5. Also the rap discussion from earlier got me going back to listen to some of the recent stuff coming out.
  6. High res art is expensive, and doujin circles work with very limited budgets.
  7. Double posting is simply when you make two posts in a row without anyone posting in between them. IMO there's nothing wrong with it if you actually have a half decent reason, even if it's just to be funny or something, but SOME NAZI MODS have a problem with it. Generally, the rule is in place to prevent blatantly flooding threads with nonsense, drowning out actual discussion.
  8. Zenophilious has a post merging fetish. I smell his handiwork here.
  9. At this point JAST actually said not to expect Sumaga this year. Or was that Django? Or both? I really only expect Nympho Sensei Ryoko and maybe Sweet Home to release this year and that's it.
  10. Apparently people have gotten their jastusa.com download codes for preorders, although it still isn't available for purchase on Steam.
  11. http://store.steampowered.com/app/452440/ Surprise! Although this time we had slightly more hype than what we've typically been getting, the suddenness still feels jarring. The game will unlock on Steam in approximately four hours from the time of this post, according to Steam's countdown timer. Many of you may remember the demo debacle from this spring. JAST seemed to have taken that criticism to heart and really spent a lot of time heavily retooling the translation. I've talked to @meru, the new main translator on the team dedicated to fixing the translation, and it sounds like a lot of work has been put into making it better. As for what Flowers actually is, check out this extensive review from Golden Sneer. https://goldensneer.wordpress.com/2014/05/25/flowers-le-volume-sur-printemps/
  12. DC3 definitely progressed slower than a VN of its size normally does even with one translator. MG has had similarly sized projects that have progressed much faster, such as Princess Evangile, which was announced and released within the duration DC3 was in translation for. And even that was delayed for like six months during the beta testing process. Kouryuu often has other duties at MangaGamer as their head translator, though, which probably accounts for DC3's delays. I don't think anyone would dispute this, Kouryuu himself was saying how they were aiming for a 2014 release back when they announced it. They really were expecting it to finish and release it a good two years ago. Shit happens, though. Aaeru was basically machine translating it. You shouldn't use her speed as a judge of anything. I don't fully trust that DC3 is as long as MangaGamer would lead us to believe. From what I can tell, it's about on par with Princess Evangile and many of the other long-ish moege getting translated out there. It's not some incredible epic of unprecedented length. And if MangaGamer's forums were still up you could see posts in 2013 from Kouryuu stating they were aiming for a spring/summer 2014 release. Again though, I don't really blame MangaGamer and I'm not harping on them for this. As for SP, they haven't really been announcing any Japanese VN translations outside of cons for the last few months to my knowledge.
  13. The only in-progress translation from SP I'm really confused about is Ley Line. But then again, I never fully understood what was holding it up when it was a fan project, either. I think what's most telling of SP's situation is Wagamama High Spec. They announced it long before the game's release, said they wanted to release it this spring and even entertained the possibility of a simultaneous release. Then after some delays they finally started listing progress a month ago, and it was at like 23% translation. It basically seems like Sekai Project has a manpower issue, they seem to have had some staff turnover issues that have kept some projects from progressing and generally don't have as many translators as they thought they would for handling everything in their pipeline. SP actually have been announcing fewer big translations lately, though. At least, ones they'd have to handle from scratch. They announced SakuSaku and Baldr Sky at AX, both of which were adopted fan translations. Koikuma will be the big "everything must be done from scratch" project from AX. And nothing of particular note was announced at Otakon. As some of their smaller titles are releasing they're shifting staff onto bigger projects and are still finding new talent from outside the VN industry, which is a talent pool other companies haven't been able to tap into . The person they hired just a few weeks ago for Tenshin Ranman will have that as their first VN translation, for instance. So basically, things actually are progressing there now, and I think they're done announcing a large number of huge projects for the time being. It's interesting that the topic of SP announcing too much stuff for them to handle happened right after the con where they basically announced nothing.
  14. Holding this poll before all of the announcements for the year are over is a little weird. Also you missed this one: https://sekaiproject.com/products/connie-amarance/
  15. BBH was successful but this is more due to the fact that the translations for both 5D and VI have been complete for a good year now when they were just fan translation projects, and the translators behind them have been hired to work for MangaGamer already. So releasing them is "easy," relatively speaking. And it makes sense to release them together since 5D is a smaller and by all accounts worse game than VI, so they're basically selling VI with 5D tacked on.
  16. He dropped those plans in like 2014 when MangaGamer first announced Gahkthun.
  17. Sorcery Jokers looks neat, I know Conjueror was talking it up a lot as he played it recently. Suspiciously recently, I wonder if he's working on that.
  18. Bump. Reminder that this is happening tomorrow, and Sekai Project's panel is in about 15-ish hours. I don't know what the streaming situation looks like. I'll also probably be asleep when SP's panel starts, oh well. I haven't been paying attention to the latest rumors too closely, but I have noticed Bad End being particularly excited. It's seeming exceedingly likely that a new Alicesoft game is being announced at MG's panel.
  19. They still do monthly Kickstarter updates: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sekaiproject/the-human-reignition-project-an-english-visual-nov/updates There will be "big news" at Otakon this weekend.
  20. Favorite character was Chihaya, least favorite route was Chihaya, funny how that works out. Actually, I've seen a LOT of similar opinions so I don't think I'm the crazy one here. I think my favorite was Akane's, I really enjoyed the darker and more serious tone to it.
  21. It's been explained multiple times, the secret project in question is NOT the winner of the moe game award for gameplay. That was sukisuki. You are making a misunderstanding here.
  22. It's not like they're going to suddenly lose their only opportunity to translate 428. I wouldn't be surprised if they translate both. Or hell, maybe they won't translate either.
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