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Everything posted by Life

  1. Welcome to the party James! Pretty much what flutterz said... or maybe you need an updated graphics driver/direct x.
  2. I don't know... I just like how it's different from the usual.
  3. Life

    Who's she?

    wait... so the LN and anime weren't similar. I thought season one was an adaptation. o.0 My life has been a lie.
  4. Ladies and Gentlemen! I introduce you to a fairly old unit of measurement. The cuil.
  5. I'm enjoying it too. I like how the OP is different from the traditional ones. Seeing as how everything is ending though I have to say my favourite from this season is Bokura no Minna Kawaisou.
  6. I think I've linked this before but have some zelda. Hold Close
  7. I tend to listen to game/VN/film soundtracks. I like powerful or simple music that carry emotion along with it.
  8. I only have one friend who plays VN's and he is probably the only one who understands the difference between a VN and an eroge. We don't see each other much anymore but when we do, we are able to have great conversations.
  9. Like most others, Makoto from school days is the my most hated character. The guy is just an ass.
  10. Not a comedy but still awesome.
  11. Something like... Stongdiamond Chinfuzz? Either way Beardbeard Beardbeard is a pretty solid name.
  12. Not just a character but the relationship between two people can be fleshed out using them. i get your point man. I guess some people just think differently
  13. I'm not really a fan of h-scenes either but I can see why people can potentially enjoy them. It can help show how strong the relationship between two people are or help develop a strong relationship if done properly. Even though the plot is a large contributor to a great VN, there are many things that people look for such as music, the characters or art style so some people just look forward to the h-scenes.
  14. 10 Sandwiches and 100 thing shoved into them (Although a few have just been previous sandwiches)... Though honestly I don't like how this one was made sorry guys. I'll try make it up with the next one.
  15. Welcome to the party Boon! We've talked a bit I think. You should definitely try finish rewrite. You should try out Ever 17 too if you want. however both of these have the true route which kind of makes things linearish?
  16. I don't see Ever 17. It's always a classic and a good read.
  17. Wow... everyone is praising the VN. Has it been translated yet? I liked hoshizora so I might try it.
  18. Welcome to the party! We have had quite a few people join recently.
  19. Welcome to the party Green! You have finally come out from the Shadows.
  20. Life


    Welcome to the party!
  21. So far, I'm liking the VN quite a bit. It's hard for me to thoroughly enjoy VNs in general unless they have the non-linear nature of Clannad or School Days (due to my short attention span and the need for 'engaging' CYOA-style VNs), but I think I could spare my free time every now and then just enjoying the trip to Mihama Academy... and all the morbid grimdark stuff that comes with it. Brrr... Oh, and it's my first time in this forum. Hi everybody. Hi Boon. You should introduce yourself in the introduction thread. Anyway... I found Makina's bad end the most screwed up due to Yuuji's... "condition". I still stand by having Amane and Sachi as my two favourite routes but I'm glad you're enjoying Grisaia so far.
  22. With the introduction of swarmhosts, I have found most pvz games I've watched to be very slow paced.
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