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Everything posted by Life

  1. Sorry for the wait guys. Heres the latest one But seriously... I'm running out of bread slice pictures.
  2. I liked it. It was a goo anime to watch but I felt that even though everything was set up, the last episodes went by really quick. The pacing was too fast compared to the start of the anime.
  3. Welcome to the party! ... Another stalker is introduced into our ranks.
  4. Life


    When Life throws you lemons... Well I guess welcome to the lemon party? party!
  5. Welcome to the party Juan! Hope to see you around more often.
  6. Welcome to the party! Hope you enjoy Grisaia no Kajitsu. It's one of my favourites.
  7. The good ends were not good at all. Another one from Ever17
  8. Out of those four I like my danderes and kuuderes more.
  9. It's mostly tvp or tvz but never tvt. Also I have found that his micro is almost always early game or late game so that might be something. Anyway I think what I was trying to say at the start was that to be a lot better the first thing you need to do is to develop macro first but what separates a good player from a great player is the ability to integrate micro into gameplay. Sorry if you misunderstood that.
  10. It also depends how far behind you are and the position you're in though. TaeJa was more micro focused and he won quite a few of his games based off almost pure Micro (during engagements) from a really bad position. The multitasking of the pros is insane though. Watching them stream just makes you feel bad.
  11. I guess it's a rock hard lunch today.
  12. The reason I love zvz is the micro. Anyone can learn how to make good builds and macro is wonderful to take you up from a starting point but micro separates the amazing people from the good and zvz just shows that micro put into use. I get you. I normally enjoy how fast paced the zerg playstyle is and the introduction of swarm hosts just takes that away. I love the viper though. Probably the best unit from HOTS.
  13. What mirror match ups do you guys find the most boring/interesting? I think zvz is the most interesting despite everyone else disliking it. It's volatile so things can change so quickly and I think that makes zvz more enjoyable to watch. or... it's my biased towards zerg.
  14. Welcome to the party! Rewrite is awesome.
  15. Suddenly fuwanovel has split into factions and is at the brink of a civil war.
  16. Welcome to the party! (Insert original greeting here) Welcome to the loli fest! What VN's have you read?
  17. That's what makes it insane... It's not spam but you manage the large number of forum posts somehow.
  18. 86 times is insane though. Thats also not including the games/chatter forums. :|
  19. If I'm making it again, I'm just going to find a waffle and recolour it blue. :| 3.sediments
  20. Welcome to the party! try 999 if you liked Ever 17.
  21. It's not a recent dream but I have had a dream where I was in a maze. For some reason everyone had to kill each other in the maze like the hunger games but at the time i had the dream I haven't even heard of the hunger games. Anyway, at one point I ended up getting really hungry and I looked around. The first thing i found was that my leg turned into a chicken drumstick and I started to eat out of it.
  22. At least we know what happened to the family heirloom.
  23. Life


    To think these forums were supposed to be the temple of Mare...
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