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Everything posted by Life

  1. Granted, but its burnt. I wish for a suit
  2. Reeaally? Really? You sure?... ... ... Really?
  3. I think it was from a mini web series that Age created about all their works.
  4. Just a question but is there any way I can download them as an mp3 file or should I just stream the podcasts?
  5. Haha Chinami looks too happy. 7. A car wheel
  6. Granted, but from your own bodies lactation. I wish for a pet rain cloud.
  7. I'm a person who constantly tries to challenge my own emotions and the stuff that separates good from amazing is the emotional impact. Music plays a major part as it helps set a scene and personally, if the music has helped make a scene stand out then I will find myself enjoying the music as well. One of my concerns is that modern day music is shifting towards more lyrical music based around the words instead of the flow from the instruments. This kind of limits the importance behind the emotional impact in songs and might be one of the reasons why the music is losing such quality.
  8. I think it will be all ages. Key doesn't really do H-scenes and the CGs are most likely just for fan service. They've done at least one suggestive shot in their recent works so I won't be surprised if it isn't a H-scene. I agree with this. Sometimes I feel like the H-scenes with Key don't really fit.
  9. Does anyone know if the Grisaia no Kajitsu anime is actually coming out this season? I've only seen one source.
  10. Thanks guys... I present Sandwich/Burger No.2 However I have made a conclusion. You guys are cannibals.
  11. Granted, but at the cost of the happiness of everyone around you. I wish I could move faster.
  12. Granted, but every piece of tech you make turns out to be/sold as a sex toy. I wish I could breathe underwater for at least an hour.
  13. Granted, but the world is ruled by a single dictator instead. I wish I had wings.
  14. Granted, but the people you speak to in any language forgets about that very language. I wish I could run around the streets butt naked without being judged.
  15. Life


    Welcome to the party Tibor! You should read more. So many things open up when you read enough.
  16. Well... this ended quickly... I think I should have increased the size of the sandwhich but here is our umm.... wonderful creation? Dark matter was annoying so i just added some black thingo with question marks.
  17. Welcome to the party! That intro was awesome so...
  18. Welcome to the party! I like that way of introducing yourself... and yes we have ginger ale at this party.
  19. I will second all of zakamutts recommendations. They all have a similar atmosphere to the two you read.
  20. The one VN in which I liked most of the female characters was rewrite. Others are close but just not quite.
  21. I'm really bored so in this thread we pretty much make a sandwich using anything and the last person has to eat everything. First person : 1.____ Second person: 2.___ and so forth until the tenth item in the sandwich. Once the first has been completed we start again with 1.___ 2.___ etc. Sandwich 1 Sandwich 2 Sandwich 3 Sandwich 4 Sandwich 5 Sandwich 6 Sandwich 7 Sandwich 8 Sandwich 9 Sandwich 10 Sandwich 11 So... I guess I'll start? 1.Soap
  22. I enjoyed narcissu (both of them). It's a pretty good given it's length being pretty short. You won't see any of the characters except for a few CGs so that might be disappointing for you but try to look past it.
  23. Welcome to the party! I agree with flutterz with the recommendations and I hope we can get along.
  24. Everyone reads at a different pace so it can't be helped but might be easier to think of the times relative to one another to compare how long two novels are instead of just the length of a single novel.
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