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Everything posted by REtransInternational

  1. Wide screen is wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide... As the resolution is 5760x1080 it seems OP has three monitors...!
  2. Does this idea come from a VN? If not, it could work well as one.
  3. Well said. And let's not forget about the one who started it all...
  4. This is DRM related --- it's triggering on a false positive caused by some sort of monitoring software. It'll be difficult to figure out exactly what's causing it to trigger so one (not so recommended) way is to do a reformat+reinstall. You could try a VM instead. The real solution is for someone to crack+unpack the executable.
  5. Does the new one just cover the same text as the existing one, but worse?
  6. What graphics hardware do you have? Post the output of dxdiag.
  7. "Test" sounds a little harsh... how about "competition"?
  8. Contact has been made. We just need to confirm the request details first. Meanwhile, until extracted text is available, you may start translating from the game directly.
  9. There's a few requests in the queue right now, so if you request right now it'll take some time before you get processed, but if you don't someone else may request before you...
  10. Seeing how far that project has moved while this one hasn't even gotten off the ground yet, you'll need to find someone who shares your opinion first
  11. You just need to translate the text, we can take care of everything else. If you make a formal request via PM we'll enqueue it and process once it gets to the front.
  12. You're probably thinking of Kimi no Nagori wa Shizuka ni Yurete...
  13. http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/mangagamer.com Try another proxy... there's literally hundreds (or more) of them out there.
  14. If someone want to translate, put in request for it and then we acquire the game and extract text.
  15. For each character, increment its entry in a table, then sort the table and output it by rank. Not difficult if you know some programming.
  16. LZ77 is a standard compression algorithm. Of course it has several dozen parameterisations so you will need to figure out which one exactly...
  17. Here is another related question to the discussion, for those who prefer the more literal translations, do you like to insert the translation notes when it is about something Japanese that has no English equivalent? In general it seems the ones who like localised just want a story they can easily read and not very interested in learning about Japanese culture, but those who like literal translation will like the experience to possibly learn something from the translation notes.
  18. ワルキューレロマンツェ体験版 is "Walkure Romanze trial" according to Google so apparently yes... but if you don't want to translate 10k lines then doing the full version is out of the question.
  19. ワルキューレロマンツェ体験版 11029 lines containing Japanese text, total in ~588KB.
  20. Do you remember if you did anything that could be significant between the last time it worked and now? E.g. driver install/uninstall/update, software install/uninstall/update?
  21. As it turns out we did text extraction for Walkure Romanze a long time ago; the client went dark so the project has been sitting in the archive. It's ready for anyone to start translating the text. Don't wait... this is an excellent chance for you to learn Japanese and give it a go!
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