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Everything posted by REtransInternational

  1. You need to enable display scaling, it can be setting in drivers or BIOS.
  2. The old culture of 4chan, VNDB, etc. is what lead to Fuwanovel's existence, so you do not need to care about them anymore now that here we are growing a new, better one.
  3. What do you mean "doesn't work properly " please describe your issue with more detail.
  4. Please do chkdsk, it maybe filesystem corruption.
  5. @Defendos: we are still unclear of the current situation, please advise in email. The old culture elitists are going to hate no matter what so it's best to ignore them. Fuwanovel exists for this reason, and we're going to grow bigger than they've ever imagined. Maybe even get to the point where we have our own VNDB. tl;dr: fuck the haters.
  6. It may not even be only text to be extracted, but mixed with lots of other bytes that are not relevant.
  7. We sent you request for images diffs for building patch, what is status on it?
  8. There are plenty of resources here, good luck. Look in the sticky "skill recruitment thread", you can try asking the translator there.
  9. You are misunderstanding All the lines that need to be translated are present. There is nothing missing. Most if not all of us are enjoying the holidays or doing other things and too busy to work on this. Be patient.
  10. Never used iOS or an Apple product before? Give this a read for the background info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOS_jailbreaking
  11. To be sure, close your torrent client or remove the torrent from it (make sure you don't delete associated files too!)
  12. Hardware acceleration just means you can run the animation loop faster, and with no framerate limiting it still try to run as fast as it can and consume all CPU + GPU. Google "CSS animation high CPU usage" and you will see... real problem here can be fixed by limiting the framerate.
  13. PSP emulation is not perfect yet, and requires much CPU power, you may want to close all other running programs if you want best experience. Also look at the minimum and recommended system requirements.
  14. I do not see any delay in that file, so it is just going to try to loop through the flake drawing as fast as possible, which is going to take up all the CPU time it can. Put a sleep in the main loop, 50ms or so is enough to calm things down, no reason why this needs to go as fast as possible. CSS tends to be even worse...
  15. Crashing? Maybe try keeping your hands on the wheel and eyes on the road... More seriously, have you tried compatibility mode?
  16. FYI jailbreak for iOS 7 just came out very recently. This might open up some new paths for some people.
  17. For a second, thought you were trying to translate a VN and tried to paste text into its text box... Under your user settings you can try choosing the plain text editor instead. That should be a simple textarea and work in any browser.
  18. That's one of the themes of Fuwanovel... promote that it's really not that hard after all. If you already know one language the concepts of another will not be exactly the same, but close enough that you can reuse a lot of knowledge. The main thing is the motivation to keep going, the feel of accomplishment. Good, try reading the first few lines of the VN. If the VN is what your motivation is (and as it seems this is what made you ask the question) then leverage it to boost your study. Don't think "I don't understand any of this - I give up"; your attitude should be more like "I will figure it out!"
  19. It's not really "try and unify the english-speaking visual novel community" here, but more "build a new VN community culture" - and for the same reasons we split off from the old VN community, there likely wouldn't be one specific for Key either.
  20. Also this thread is for asking translation help, you are encouraged to use it.
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