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Everything posted by REtransInternational

  1. This is the main difference, there is a lot more involved with the former as the goal there is to "become like a Japanese person" speaking, hearing, reading, writing while the latter is just reading... Also with VNs you can use applications like AGTH + TA + VNR etc. to extract the text "live", parse it, put it through MT or dictionary lookup. There is no real need to explicitly memorise vocabulary when your computer will very easily do that for you, and your goal here is only to read and not write (although you will probably start associating EnglishJapanese anyway, just out of exposure - the more the better) - more important to learn the grammar; there are a ton of Japanese Learning Resource posts in the forums here for that, go read them and put it into practice. Hook the text, try to parse it into appropriate grammatical structure, look up what the words mean, see if you can figure out what it's saying. If you are so interested in this VN then what better than to make it your goal to understand it! Good luck, have fun. @zoom909: In a few months of (intensive) training you can probably start to extract the text from VNs, if you have some prior programming/computer fundamentals knowledge. Just like a language or other skill, it is something you can never stop learning about.
  2. Make sure the rest of the files are not read-only... (Incidentally, crashing with no other error messages because a file couldn't be written is a really, really horrible way to handle it...)
  3. Here's the visual kanji lookup I mentioned had been posted before.
  4. The manufacturers these days seem to be in a "brighter is better" race so you get devices with eye-burningingly-bright displays by default, but you can just lower the brightness and contrast settings. Have used monitors where when new, minimum brightness/contrast was just bearable, but after a few months tend to dim to more acceptable levels, and after that need the brightness bumped up a few steps (3-4/100) to compensate for aging.
  5. If they don't jailbreak then they'll just be missing out on this and lots of other cool stuff.
  6. How about you? If you really want to see an English version then translate it. If you don't know how, start learning... It's not going to just translate itself!
  7. Also note for the future even if you don't know Japanese you can try matching error messages with https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/1333-error-messages-and-popups/ to figure out. Another tip, ctrl+c in messageboxes will copy the text to clipboard so you can paste it somewhere for translation/etc.
  8. datOtakuGuy has not delegated project control to anyone else so we are also waiting for his direction. In early 2014 the queue will probably open up and by then you can make your own request.
  9. With that username you'd almost be expected to say something like that in this thread...!
  10. "MF" and not "MZ"? Just need a "This program cannot be run in PS1 mode" string and everything feels so familiar...
  11. It depends, see installation instructions distributed with patch for details.
  12. Edit images just means replace the Japanese text with English, you don't need to translate for it. Yes you are correct about QA test. There is someone who made request for VN in Downloads forum, look there if you want to download, if you want to buy maybe someone who knows Japanese can find right site for you.
  13. There are many other sites in Japanese part of the Internet which sell VNs too. Probably not many people on English-only side will know about them.
  14. Don't worry about old culture, if you translate it there will be many to enjoy it!
  15. Yes, and even just open the VN and start reading... you already can see the text.
  16. That is some coincidence... "100 fonts ought to be enough for anybody"
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