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Everything posted by GetterEmperor

  1. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  2. Same as the guys above I mostly only use it when I'm eating since I like to read at my own pace.
  3. Congratulation you guys!
  4. I didn't really like the movie much myself, but some of my friends have yet to watch it so we're going. I want to see it in English too.
  5. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay.
  6. Shuffle had it in the game folder and it was called "UserData" could be the same for Really Really.
  7. I find fuwa to be a pretty cool place where people are fun and friendly. I've really enjoyed my time here.
  8. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  9. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay! Those are some cool ideas you have!
  10. I filled this in immediately. I hope this means we can get Angel Beats so I can buy it.
  11. The only place I know of that sells anime related merchandise is some place called Anime Jungle in LA. There is also the Anime Expo that happens every year but I haven't gone to any of these myself.
  12. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  13. I just hit 50 today and this is my first 10+1 and was wondering if this is any good?
  14. I go to Safebooru when looking for pictures that are SFW.
  15. I think it is but I'm not exactly sure since I don't use Foobar very much.
  16. Is your system locale set to Japanese? If not you can check here on how to do so.
  17. The art looks way better. Here's the one from the original. Which still looks pretty cool to me though.
  18. I use Medieval CUE Splitter you can download it here.
  19. Yeah sorry that link doesn't work. The game does work I have the Realta Nua version too I think he didn't use the crack on the second image and the FAQ here says the third image shows a "EAccessViolation" and that installing the latest LAV filters usually fixes the problem.
  20. Started my second route on Comyu so far it's a really fun read.
  21. Try installing this- https://github.com/Nevcairiel/LAVFil...-Installer.exe then try again.
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