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Everything posted by hsmsful

  1. I don't know that lewd senpai , take him away plz, save us!
  2. I will become the slave to anyone (even sex slave who gives him blowjobs everyday) who gets me the physical copy of katawa shoujo , koskos nya I am poor nya ;-;
  3. And here I was going to buy sakura spirit ;-; I guess Imma just put dem 5 dollars in my steam wallet for now ... and see when there's a worthy game on sale or smth
  4. C-C-C-C-c-c-c-can I know it , senpai? I promise I won't tell anyone
  5. Noh I was never able to do that, the reason being that I like (more like need) sleeping too much , the longest time I stayed awake in my life straight was 24 hours and if I push myself to that limit I will fall asleep for 15-20 hours straight. In addition that (but this is a secondary reason) I get distracted easily,like I have skype, league of legends , facebook ..... etc.. and lastly real life and if I leave a vn, I might lose interest in it amd leave it then come back to it later (god how much I hate it when I am immersed in reading a vn and my parents drag me out for whatever reason ;-; )
  6. Welcome to the forums and u do understimate us if u think we can be offended , we are strong... probably. either way , enjoy ur stay and u will find many jap learners like u here and they even have a skype group I think.
  7. We have a tradition in arab countries which is to pirate any pc game and never to pay any penny unless it is league of legends or crossfire..... Now I have to break it. I am sorry, my brethren. Old restrictions were that u should download at least one game , right?
  8. So the team speak group is falling FINALLY
  9. I can't keep saying how much this is fun, I an so happy I joined <3
  10. ;-; it is never too late especially with my sister, she forgot about it and all is fine hmph
  11. Oh no my darkest secret is out what have u guys done then again probably no one will check this thread other than u guys so fuwanovel won't know shit about me
  13. Confession 1 : I am a guy Confession 2 : I rabu my senpai and my imouto so much Confession 3 : I get bored of nasu's writing so quickly Confession 4 : My English sucks after 12 am ;-;
  14. He's not being abused. He's my imouto, he will always be with me <3
  15. Ilya's homunculus are strong but that's just wizards wize, but no mage can make something as strong as servant and we are talking about Gilgamesh here. As for Archer, yeah he's a cunning character and u will see later his true intentions (GET HYPED DESU). Yeah Caster's backstory was changed a little and it was emoitionless in the anime, but don't read her backstory anywhere, wait till u read the vn, the osts will make it worthwhile for u. Archer's intervention just made Shirou feel less pain but that didn't make it easier for him to project the daggers, he's just projecting them with less power, he will feel so much pain once he projects them so many times , and I mean so many times like over 30 or smth like that. Can I spoil how many lives Gil-chan will take from Hercules? : 3
  16. this is a reminder to me for myself 10 years later If I don't finish half the 50, Imma rape my imouto. On a side note, the title could be : 50 vns you should read before u suicide which are available in English desu~~
  17. Are people from palestine even alive? I thought we left the jews to rape and rek u Goddammit I am not from palestine : 3 I am an arab but I will not tell u guys anymore U should be clever to know the rest , e-mail me the answers and the winner will get a photo of my manly bewbs
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