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Everything posted by hsmsful

  1. Welcome to the forums , imouto-chan! Hope you have enjoyed ur stay and will enjoy your stay for years and years to come... and look we have emoticons now
  2. So yeah I had my mob confiscated for a while and then when I tried updating , many errors happened for no reason ... maybe spooky internet .. dunno Got it to work finally today and there's this event going on .... this is really sad Edit: and wow I failed the event song on first try *sad violin*
  3. oh pleeeease, people like u are so evil desu.... like basically I am not saying that the community isn't full of kids who would rage at any lose in a game to the point where they would want to destroy their keyboard but that doesn't mean it's ok to troll and flame : < Like there are people who play for fun and u are still destroying their fun
  4. This is rly great, I like it, continue on with it. Well from my personal experiences , girls are much more sensitive , however , they don't get wet that easily like how we get an erection. Sound contradictory, right? But that's how I think it is. Let's talk about us males instead, why is it usually awkward when u get a boner in public? Why do u have to try ur best to hide it? Like it's not a must that u are getting because of sexual urges but even when u get it from normal stuffz like having an urge to pee , u have to hide it no matter what. Also Ren why did u have to forget their response to that question? plz remember
  5. I wish I would just be able to idolizd her before I die, luck doesn't seem to be on my side
  6. wow I totally forgot about this thread , maybe cuz I hate league in general U should know that all these problems would never be fixed unless they do totalt reworks which will ptobably butcher the champ like what happened with veigar (people were complaining about how he oneshots people and then rito didn't even focus about that , changed other points instead like wtf) assasins can just butcher squishy targets and get out of there safely and it won't be changed (imma just keep worshipping qss for saving my ass from zeds as an adc) bruisers will still be the most annoying champs when they get tanky, like tons of damage and tons of tankiness... I wish I could quit this game but I don't know why I keep coming back... but at least for now I don't play more than 3 sr games per day and playing ranked when I am in a good mood And here I thought his only happened to me
  7. this pic has so mant stuff wrong with it.... I... don't even... gawd.. T.T
  8. So everyone does get this ur nozomi somehow... and here I was wondering how I got it on the 3 accounts I made
  9. I am not surprised , I am hoping for another delay for the lulz and for me to be more informative in jap But yeah the hype gets destroyed with delays Now I am not that much interested in AB tbh (Unless a certain imouto agrees to read it for me since I can't read it in jap)
  10. Who wouldn't want a route for Misha where she is Hisao's not Shizune's?
  11. *Gets his hopes up* *and they are destroyed in mere seconds* Welcome to the forums thou,I hope u enjoy ur stay!
  12. It is not like I am ok with it but it's still Nozomi , I can't bring myself to hate any of her cards. In the meantime, hype hype hype about the movie.
  13. just started playing grisaia thanks to my wonderful imouto who got me hooked on it. So far, Sachi is the best girl ,nya.
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