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Everything posted by hsmsful

  1. I will fight over my imouto with all my soul anytime
  2. Government and looks of disgust on the faces of almodt the whole (rather shallow-minded) societies
  3. I have no clue what's happening anymore but hmn is my imouto, I am sure of it
  4. Marie-hime sama answer us please. Also this steins;gate suggestion, kuu plz I propose either comyu or go go nippon
  5. ur way of giving nicknames is super funny thou: emby , kossy, hossy... and others I don't remember
  6. wtf she is my imouto, MINE
  7. I was going to get into one, thnx god the two families got into an argument
  8. let's make a poll about the vn we should read then I guess?
  9. Lol not that much tbh, only tryhards who play their mains and wanna "improve" and "win" ffs they can go play ranked if they so wanna tryhard
  10. It's haram and don't change the topic
  11. Imouto accept my rabu plz <3
  12. I don't know why (maybe because of the dangers to the kids) but the so called civilized are not fighting for wincests as much as homos. Discrimination, discrimination everywhere : <
  13. I want glorious funny outrageous bad endings desu
  14. I am a virgin so I don't know ._.
  15. If there is harm to the kids then no plus I have to be against it for my religion and my sanity....
  16. Now I have to study to be able to join the party tonight I am very sad oppais were not mentioned Ren is into butts , not oppais , it's been confirmed.
  17. Now I am really sad, I was hoping to use this as a motivation for me to read visual novels so that I can finish many instead of going at my slow pace which made me finish f/sn after one whole year
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