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Everything posted by hsmsful

  1. We don't talk about traps that much thou >_>
  2. I think SSW was the favorite to win too but 3/0 .... is so harsh against a team who supposdely won by 3/1 against C9 Also I think that SHR is much weaker than SSW , I think SSW will win this worlds , SHR will be the runner up. Oh well this was such a boring worlds :/
  3. ze arab has neither been reborn or lost , wtf guys
  4. Well from now on ,I have officially lost faith in NA and EU
  5. Currently, the feeding player ._. just play support .... all support champions are relaxing ... especially sona, morgana , taric , Janna.... etc..
  6. Yeah I remember jungler yi ... you can't kite him ... you just can't ... and he just needs a few strikes to kill you How do you know that in LoLKing?
  7. I still remember when people used to jungle with hecarim, volibear, yi and udyr all the time
  8. Well you play slightly worse because you are stressed and people are toxic because they are stressed too... people treat ranked like they are putting their life on the line ... when you enter a game, you might find someone who's so stressed because he's playing his series so he will mess up then he will flame his team so he could say that it wasn't his fault and his nervousness that made him lost the game. Another one might have been losing many games in a row so he will just turn toxic whenever he loses another game because instead of climbing, he's falling down. So he will just flame , flame and become toxic... so to all these players out there: relax, never give up, play smartly , know this is just a game and know what you might win games and lose others. Bronze hell isn't really real ... do you know why? because you are matched with and against bronze players, it's not like your teammates are all bad and your enemies are all good .... you will have noobs on your team and they will have noobs on their team ... it's a matter of how things turn out
  9. I have some friends of mine who bought Azir and played him ... only one seemed to have got the hang out of it. Azir is strong, has too much burst damage , but most of the time of the laning phase , you should just farm and poke all the time and have as many soldiers around you as possible ... also in team fights he pretty much hopes to get assists not kills as he will just stay away and then boob three soldiers and go with them then use his ulti, wait for the cds and then attack again. He's pretty hard to use. Gnar's much easier. But I hate how Gnar wasn't seen that much in ranked but people are playing Azir when they haven't even mastered him .....
  10. hmmm in Aram .. you just have to pick a champion like her .... or pick someone with really strong cc ... In ascension: I always ban her, fizz, fiora and akali (one is usually banned by the other team). Well tbh I always call her the ap version of master yi .... and that's not wrong actually... she just needs a peel to go super strong ... the only way to face her is cc and only cc since she's too squishy ... especially stuns ... Oh btw play ranked since the worlds are starting today so technically the season will be finished after a month or two. That aside, when I play against katarina ... I just ask my mid and jungler (since I am usually adc) to keep tabs on her (in other words, jungler just babysit mid).... make the top and bot sure to ward the river so that she doesn't roam once I told my supp to leave me to solo bot after lvl 3 and go gank mid (it was a blitz)
  11. How could you say this about our dear game? It's not a disease... it's more like drugs ... it gets you too addicted to it .... then it owns your soul and maybe our money while it is at it
  12. Sign me up for the guild of senpais, Ren-senpai.
  13. yeah I saw the Jinx terror with my eyes in ascension ... actually that made me lose interest in ascension .... probably because it is not that fun to play imo.. we need more fun modes like urf or one for all .... well I play mainly adcs but I always go back on my decision of buying Jinx , it's because she's a high risk, high reward champion since she has no escape route (if you fail your e and w and this can happen) but playing her is really fun thou... I am still hesitant about using 6300 IP to buy her since there are other adcs who are not high risk high reward. And did patch 4.16 end already? they said they were going to bring us azir .... those liars (I don't care about azir and just wanted to buy ahri after the price reduction) ... well for me both in east and west .. no new patch has come out yet
  14. Yeah I am having that too .... it's kinda annoying too but here it just doesn't allow me to reconnect so I have to restart the client which takes about a min or so and because my pc has low specs so I take about 1:30 min to reconnect so I am like 3 or more min late in the game ... which makes it hard to win the lane. I hope it's not another DDoS attack .... Also I heard riot's servers were crappy last month too ... Crashes weren't happening ... it was most of the time the maxed out ping thing. I experienced it in both eu east and west. So it maybe just Riot's servers suck too much right now XD and it's not really any attack from anyone.
  15. I have it in eu east and to make things worse, the game crashes and they tell me they can not recconect to the server because something's blocking it and telling me to check my firewall setting but restarting the client usually fixes everything. that's because yasuo's not that easy of a champion and people tend to mess up with him but because he is mainstream and fun, people play him a lot XD (including me)
  16. Well you can't blame them , yasuo's too op and if that's not enough reason to play him ... he's fun to play .... I don't care about engages... as long as I can dash all the time ... I am happy Azir doesn't look that interesting to play tbh.
  17. I didn't know that such a thread exists , well hmm I am not really known that much on the forums since I rarely come here but anyways: Eu West (main one) : hsmsful Eu nordic east : Red Beam Eu west (smurf) : Vicious Despair , I made this one when my internet was crappy and I got banned on my main multiple times. I don't play on NA since I have a ping of over 200 there ... it is really annoying since I usually miss the cs and it is a disaster with champions like lux or nidalee. I usually play adcs... actually I main adcs but I suck with certain adcs like twitch, ezreal and lucian .....I can also supp with apcs like annie or tanks with heavy cc like nautilius (but not alistar). I don't really play ranked on my main , since everytime I get so nervous that I mess up a lot and end up losing with a pretty bad score : for example 1/6/2 or something like that .... I have only played like 6 ranked games in my life ._. My favorite champion has to be Draven but he's a big risk big reward champion so I don't think I will play him that much in ranked, I also love playing tristana a lot ..... corki too. Also Jinx is good but as Draven , big risk big reward champion. P.S.: I should never ever play jungler ..... my jungling is the worst ... no matter how many times I try it ... I just suck at choosing the best route for ganking and I mess my skillshots really badly (especially with less sin)... my red and blue will probably get stolen and I might even be killed by a minion or flash away and recall (yeah I just waste too many flashes in the jungle early game that bot ends up being lvl 6 and I am lvl 4 ._. ) and I also suck at playing top unless it is Yasuo.
  18. False. Next person has a feet fetish.
  19. It is time for someone like me to shine, become a mod and argue. Meh *gets tired just thinking about it* I am happy thou that even thou you are exhausted, you won't disappear. You will still be with us. You know , on the internet , people die when they disappear. So as long as you are alive with us , it is ok. It is not like you won't totally be relieved from arguing This is quite obvious but why are you planning for a riot after leaving your position?
  20. False , I will never become too old for this shit (unless it is studying). Next person is a lolicon.
  21. Welcome to the best VN forums in the world. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Your youtube channel is good , keep up the good work.
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