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Everything posted by hsmsful

  1. Wow Michiru plz so now only 3 alive? ._.
  2. Wow no deaths? And when did Kodaka become a mass murderer?
  3. Oh no Kodaka god dammit, killing my fav teo chars and one of them is my bet too /me cries In the meantime, amane gets another kill....
  4. Confession: I always and still want to use difficult vocbularies in my arguments online to sound smart. But I always forgrt whatever new kewl word I learn, so sad.
  5. close call, thought gilgamesh died... phew dat cold louise thou
  6. Shhh some stuffz are better left out unsaid (plus I don't want him to go and vote for s;g T.T )
  7. As far as the people who got involved so far are concerned atm, I know many of them don't know jap so yeah it will probably be for english releases only. Time for a jap vn reading club?
  8. Well as far as I tried once , this is what I can say. Artists for graphic (illustrators) re very hard to find but u can just do some sprites although they probably will be crappy. As for backgrounds idk tbh, tbey will probably be crappy if you just do it yourself but it's still possible although it is timr-consuming. As far as music artists go, thdy are even more rare than illustrators but they can be found. Also u can just go and take some pieces from composers on things like sound cloud who are ok with it as long as u put their names in the credits or give them money. Hell u can even hire one of them. Writing is hard since u will probably think that u have good scenarios but when changed into written form , they can't be conveyed/ become crappy/boring and tbh vns are a about writing. As for programming, it's not a hard problem cuz of stuffz like renpy. can't agree more. When I went around recruiting people, I got myself like 10 writers applicationd , 5 programmers applications and no illustrators or musicians. It's as if suddenly eveyone can write a story and eveyone can write codes. P.S: most of those who gave in their applications sucked at doing their parts and were unmotivated easily. TBH I just got bored and unmotivated myself and left the whole thing.
  9. I didn't like it. I was intrigued by the idea and concept of the anime but then my complainst started running in: Firstly, I didn't fancy the art at all. Soundtracks didn't stand out but it was ok I guess. As for the characters, I dunno , didn't feel like there's much development , hell I felt like it was the usual pattern , boy saves girl, girl loves the guy, he gets a harem. But then again that was the whole concept of the anime so I should have known what I was getting but it was a mistake on my side I guess. Finally I really loathed some of the characters (especially kurumi) Subjective views aside, it was decent show with a good setting and story and even the cliche moments were to some extent enjoyable even for me. Edit : I thought this was meant to be opinion about 1st season only but as far as second season goes, I struggled to finish it till the last episode and never looked forward to any episode.
  10. I don't remember either g-senjou no maou or comyu getting localized, maybe I am remembering wrong but they do have a fan patch at least. Edit: I am interested in how many of the group who voted for a certain vn would actually read it
  11. What about the people who wake up using their left foot? They have nothing to do with the equation?
  12. Welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay! *takes 3 cookies and eats them*
  13. If this continues on, I call all g-senjou no maou voters to assist comyu (plz) I wouldn't mind rereading s;g but I wanna read new stuff *pouts*
  14. It seems we are all going to be (re)reading S;G , this is quite the weird development
  15. Well honestly speaking I just chose the one better for my conditions atm especially since I won't be free till 20th of this month but in normal conditions I would have chosen comyu because it doesn't interest me at all so unless someone likr a club makes me read it till the end , I won't even come near it
  16. Well that's rather sad, seems I will have to read the longer out of the two(g-senjou no maou and comyu) but on top of that I will have to download it with Egyptian internet.. sad laifu.
  17. And I guess that should end every discussion here right now. Heck on every topic that was mentioned here, everyone said and made his opinion Tay will resolve this with Lewy hopefully. Again zi suggest locking the thread.And I didn't mean to butt in or hijack this thread, all I wanted is to end these pointless continuous posts by all members about sexism. And if doing that was wrong, I sincerely apologize.
  18. Ok then first off u shouldn't have mentioned sexism since it is clearly not your point here. I do know the three hidden/closed posts and if u want I can even say their names which for some reason seems to be a taboo in the discussion. You here are just getting off topic. I suggest dropping all the ongoing conversations here and if u have a problem, come outright and say it. Do you want old fuwa? This is the same as old fuwa except for the small things I mentioned. Do you want there to be a rule that anything thay harms morals aka is offensive shouldn't be posted? Then the mods said they will resolve this. Finally do you want the pointless threads to vanish? Then just ask tay to remove the coc since yeah if u haven't already guessed it, this is a board for pointledd threads. I agree with babi, this should be locked since we are going nowhere.
  19. Is it only me or the video that's been mentioned here and made all that ruckus was actually not offending and not sexist in any way? (if it was offending to anyone , it was hestia : < ) Stop trying to pin the crime of sexism on that video and that thread, it's like saying that things like Isis-chan on youtube are offending to muslims. Even if you do see it to be offending, the guy in question deleted the video and apologized, isn't that enough? can't we lay the whole thing to rest already? This like a waste of time especially to some busy people like Tay. And I will stress on this part since it's rather really important: Fuwa is the same as back then , don't make it seem as if you suddenly woke up from your long slumber and found fuwa very different, the only difference here is that the people who make these pointless threads are people who you are not accustomed with at all. And that doesn't mean that they should stop it. They totally have the right to make them as much as you had the right to back in the day. if there is anything different now, it's that there are no lolis and no steve as much as before
  20. 1-maybe~ 2-idk , if I remember correctly, that's what reality marble is and he didn't know the extents of his power unless we are talking about ubw or hf. But in fate's route, he should have only been able to do the mere immitation but then again maybe : avalon being inside him,the sword being held by his original owner who has so much mana and Caliburn being that strong made them win 3-It's the strongest noble phantasm as in anti-personnel fights, I think. Maybe I am just overreacting over the reverse of cause and effect curse. 4-Shirou used much of Rin's mana to be able to pull his reality marble off
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