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Everything posted by hsmsful

  1. do you know how long I was looking for the h-scene? omg I am so happy that I found this thread ahfshgsuhhgus good job Jay on finding it not gonna fap to that thou ~~~
  2. VNs are going down the right way to become famous in the west, We can all rest assured for the dream of fuwanovel will come true soon, just a little more PLOT
  3. So Astro-senpai you recommend just copy pasting japanese text to google translate and the quality of the translation would be 10/10? Edit: also what proof do you give us to make us believe that you are not a lolicon?
  4. GET PINNED PLZ Edit : 2 late I guess but after I read it, all my small hope for creating a vn in the future vanished, 2 lazy 2 do all that: I mean like only getting people to help me is a really hard part, like 99% of the people I know just know a little about programming and might or might not have good ideas for the story (which turns out most of the time that they want to put their fantasies in the vn) , like assembling a team only is hard as fuck unless u try to like get outsiders to help u which requires a lot of courage to go around in anime or visual novel forums and ask for help , and it's still so hard because you will have to be friendly with them and they might not be that motivated to help. Moreover, after u get the team, working on it is so tiring and time-wasting with a lot of possibilities of failure especially since in the end this is a team, it can break down at any moment ... I will just say one thing all people who were able to make visual novels, I salute you, you had enough passion, determination, organization and luck to do so
  5. still no tohsaka rin emoticon @Thread I will always like a character when it has most of the criteria I need for it to have
  6. *still trying to understand what this is about* same here
  7. WHY DID U DO THAT, TAY? CAN U IMAGINE THE MENTAL BREAKDOWN I AM GOING THROUGH? Then again it's fate/zero and there's still a kiritsugi there so happy new year.
  8. I have so much backlog, I don't have time to put more vns there which I am not enthusiastic about reading however if u make me enthusiastic enough, I might download it and play it ~
  9. no like go in and say things about it that doesn't involve spoilers then dive in your review that contains spoilers ... I think
  10. your sister is 10... wait... wait... oh god but I have to say Nagi, that's so adorable, I don't know how I didn't know that And I guess every young sister has a cute side to her.... maybe?
  11. actually being 10 is a plus in your point of view, huh?
  12. I know He's trying to act so honest , innocent and polite while deep inside , he like them he's what you call CLOSET PERVERT
  13. A conspiracy theory is still just a theory, I believe in Babi's honesty to tell us the truth.
  14. 10/10 story, will buy the manga once it's released
  15. So it is the end for me, huh? ... I see ... too bad I have many lives , this is what it says here in my character sheet , yey
  16. we have sanity , we just conserve it for real life ... who would like to use their sanity points on skype? too bad I don't rly know, since I have 0 sanity points
  17. Rilarion is defying the laws of the nature also including ohiowar being a hentai
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