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Everything posted by hsmsful

  1. I can't agree more... and to make things worse for me , I am late to the party and I have exams, no SR hanayo for me :'(
  2. woke up late , then got my laptop and mob confiscated and when I get my hands on them , it's already this late ;-;
  3. Lino wanna be my imouto? Welcome to the forums too
  4. *breaks down* Meanie I tried to help with whatever time and resources available to me ;-; Ok too lazy to write a long reply anyways let's not go off topic too much
  5. it was already dead before getting merged
  6. Are we talking about earphones or headphones here: I am confused
  7. Welcome to the forums, u lolisiscon dawg. Now lick my feet with PASSION! And don't worry hopefully mods are so kind and wouldn't ban us unless server goes down
  8. put it in spoilers tag plz ....
  9. Cri, u cewld dawg can't help u more than this, sorry : < Least I tried
  10. ok lemme correct an irl loli with a c cup , I call bs
  11. Imouto take my rabu plz <3
  12. a loli with a c cup? I call bs
  13. I am not a siscon but thanks ikr , hmn isn't on my sister's level.Also don't talk about my sister's cup size so openly god dammit wut No it was not, thank god she's somewhat young so she didn't overthink it.
  14. so cold... And well for me I just wanna see the main char go out on a date near the sea and if he tells her to walk by the beach, a shark comes out and eats the hell of both of them. That's what I call a glorious outrageous funny bad ending.
  15. my turn now? Sigh... Hi there, dog I am not a fucking siscon but thank u ha ha ha suppah funneh, now shut up , ur bewbs aren't even close to A
  16. But but but it's fun As for kamidori , it's because of school and how dumb I am with games like kamidori ignore them altogether~~
  17. Shut up lewd imouto but then again u don't hate being always wet do u? ^^
  18. I don't think there's a place where people are totally ok with brother-sister couples...
  19. Don't question your onii-sama And plz no more kamidori , I spent like 4 or 5 months to reach one ending like plz ;-;
  20. They are not doing a wrong thing but they will be looked down on by the society probably so if they can live it , so be it. I myself can't. As for arab countries, cousins marriage is totally halal
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