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    Infernoplex got a reaction from Aquahorse_ in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    The problem isn't the TLer at the moment. I am a slow editor, kek xD
    Maybe I should open up a position for it, seeing how it takes me a week or two to do barely some 150~200 lines.
    Also, the fact I picked up Moenovel's TL in hopes of salvaging it also adds on the time investment necessary to finish this. I am hoping I won't end up like Konosora project that took a couple of years to finish (I think... 4?). But truth be told, I think I am going exactly in that direction. That's why I am telling people not to wait for this patch because by the time it comes out, it will already be a cold dish.
    In any case, it'll get done... slowly xD
    But thank you for your and everyone else's support
  2. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Aquahorse_ in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Likely not this year (it's impossible to finish it by the end of this year)... ETA is sometime in 2019 (my early ETA, mind you). I will say what I already said before. The VN is readable at the moment, even without the H-scenes. Many people have already read it. I would recommend reading it like it is at the moment, without waiting for the patch because it's going to take a while for it to come out. I originally started this project with intention of fixing the Moenovel's poor work and censorship. And that's why I plan to finish it till the end, no matter how much time it takes me.
    There's a way to read the H-scenes with machine translation by using Marcus's tool. I didn't try it myself, but based on what people said, it kinda works.
    There's another possibility and that's that Moenovel might decide to finally release the full uncensored version by themselves. I don't know how likely that is to happen, but I am gonna continue the project until I see them doing it themselves (which I don't think will ever happen, but some people told me it might).
  3. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Aquahorse_ in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Okay, time for some updates guys
    As you may already know, the only TLer from this project went official and won't be able to work on any fanTL projects anymore (related post). Essentially, that means the progress on H-scenes will stall indefinitely until I find a new TLer (or do them myself at some point). The project isn't dead until I die, so in a nutshell, it's only a setback. I am still going to work on it despite having no TLer. If you know anyone who would want to help out, tell them I am still looking for a TLer ^^
  4. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Clephas in How big is Fuwanovel?   
    Mmm... I dunno about now, but there was a time just a few years ago when Fuwa had a ridiculous amount of influence for what amounts to 'just another otaku site'.  A lot of it was that most of the people here were VN or otaku newbies and we had a solid set of veterans who were less interested in looking down on newbies than getting the good word (eroge) out there.  Most other VN sites, for better or worse, were dominated by the most jaded type of veteran (unwilling to admit that anything outside their favorite genre is good, categorically rejecting anyone who likes OELVNs, etc).  As such, it was easier just to come to Fuwa. 
    A lot of the people doing fanstranslations at least posted here, and there were a lot of helpful people here.
    Unfortunately, that kind of thing never lasts long... and Tay hasn't been around lately, so there is only so much anyone can do to keep things going.  We still have a solid core community, but the ratio of trolls to regular users went up and some people left.  A lot of the veterans are ghosts now, and a lot of the former newbies have gone off on their own (becoming veterans themselves). 
    Edit: The main reason Fuwa was so successful was because it was a VN-centric community in a period when there weren't many of those.  Once SP, MG, and the others started mass-localizing, it was inevitable that the 'guerilla' atmosphere of the VN community would disperse and a VN-centric community would lose ground to more generalistic otaku communities.  The English-only crowd tends to go elsewhere and the otaku crowd tends to head for more generalistic sites.  Those of us veterans of the site (as opposed to VNs) that still hang around do so mostly because this is 'our place'.  Heck, I post blogs on VNs that I know mostly won't be read until months or years later (I go look later and see a thousand views where only fifty to a hundred people look the first month or so) because this is the place I like to be.  I don't have a real presence anywhere else anymore outside of my browsing accounts on Japanese sites, and that isn't likely to change as long as Fuwa is reasonably lively.
  5. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Yeah, it certainly wasn't game breaking - it's just that some sentences looked weird, or rather it felt somewhat rough. But what you said about Crescendo, was almost exactly my experience with ASFOS - I was aware of its issues, but it didn't break the game for me. OTOH in Kazoku Keikaku emotional impact of the routes was damaged for me as I had to struggle with extracting the meaning from unedited lines. Looks like different things bother us, and we have different "pain thresholds" for various text issues.

    It'll probably take some time too, as I'm squeezing it between various other activities.
  6. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Dergonu in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Might want to check again.
  7. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Kazoku Keikaku has some serious editing issues in character routes (common is mostly OK). Crescendo is better, but it also looked awkward to me in many lines, and there were some moments of "TooLong;Didn'tTL" - some lines were muuuch shorter than what could be heard in voice-over. OTOH Yukizakura and Heart de Roommate were good.
    As for those ancient '90s titles - I didn't read Nocturnal Illusion, but did Sakura no Kisetsu and True Love ~jun'ai monogatari~. I'd say that Miagete is somewhere in between all these titles. Certainly above "True Love", which was rather messy. Maybe around "Sakura no Kisetsu" - readable, but with some obvious errors visible.
    But, like I said, it seems that I'm unable to properly judge "prose quality" in english, unless it's broken or style doesn't match (my impression of) the characters (say, as with Chrono Clock's protag ).
    It's definitely worth reading. And definitely better than MoeNovel's Miagete TL.
    ChronoClock has controversial style for protagonist and narration (lots of swearing mixed with some british(?) slang), but other than that it was okay for me. And I haven't found any obvious issues with SakuSaku.
  8. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    As for TL quailty - it's possible that, not being native English speaker, I'm more forgiving than I should. As long as it doesn't sound completely broken, I'm okay. And original Konosora TL WAS broken in maaaany places (Ageha's route) - meaning that there were some words, but I couldn't get what's going on at all So maybe I rated it too lightly indeed. I'd say, comparing to other works, Miagete TL is around the level of early JAST/G-collections releases. Manages to convey the meaning most of the time, but has issues, which are probably even more jarring for native EN speakers.
    For Sekai translations - I've read SakuSaku, Chrono Clock and Wagamama, and indeed they are much better.
    Good luck with your project, even though I liked all ages version, I'll definitely check it out once it's done.
    Me too, but that's one of those rare situations for me - maybe not remove them all, but halve the amount
    Another case is LittleBusters. I think almost everyone agrees that h-scenes in it were horrible and all-ages version is superior. (But yeah, that's slightly different as game was originally all-ages, with H added later).
  9. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Aquahorse_ in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Oh, I see... 5 years... God, that's an awfully long time spent on a project. They really stayed dedicated to the goal.
    Man, how I hate Moenovel. It pisses me off so much that you need fans to go after them and fix their shit.
  10. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Novel21 in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Oh, I see... 5 years... God, that's an awfully long time spent on a project. They really stayed dedicated to the goal.
    Man, how I hate Moenovel. It pisses me off so much that you need fans to go after them and fix their shit.
  11. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to voidpointer in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    I think I'd be willing to wait 2 years for this TL. Honestly, the thought of playing it without getting the full experience REALLY bothers me. I am definitely disappointed you aren't getting more translators to help, but it's a lot to translate thousands of lines without getting paid.
    Looking forward to the final release! Hope more help comes along!
  12. Thanks
    Infernoplex reacted to Shadow11 in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Okay then, thanks for your answer 
    Good luck for this project !
  13. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from AdventSign in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Yes. It's still ongoing. A kind soul offered to help me with TL, but it's still gonna take a while. I'm editing right now, but it's going slow. Everything I said earlier still stands
  14. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from jetpack003 in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Yes. It's still ongoing. A kind soul offered to help me with TL, but it's still gonna take a while. I'm editing right now, but it's going slow. Everything I said earlier still stands
  15. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Novel21 in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Yes. It's still ongoing. A kind soul offered to help me with TL, but it's still gonna take a while. I'm editing right now, but it's going slow. Everything I said earlier still stands
  16. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from BookwormOtaku in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Yes. It's still ongoing. A kind soul offered to help me with TL, but it's still gonna take a while. I'm editing right now, but it's going slow. Everything I said earlier still stands
  17. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Dreamysyu in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Yes. It's still ongoing. A kind soul offered to help me with TL, but it's still gonna take a while. I'm editing right now, but it's going slow. Everything I said earlier still stands
  18. Thanks
    Infernoplex reacted to AdventSign in Lover Able TL   
    Thanks. Things just need to be redone and reworked. A botched TL project shouldn't stay a botched one.
    The quality is not up to snuff and the last thing I personally want is to be looked down upon because we aren't getting paid or are considered "n00bs".
    Both official and unofficial TL projects require weeks and weeks of work for very little in return, especially in real life. 
    It's demoralizing and tedious at times both with the team and as individuals. We could quit, but those would just be excuses for our own selfish reasons.
    Nobody gets rich off of doing this and it's not exactly something I want on a resume for a job offline.
    It's more than "just a hobby" when people are counting on you to deliver a translation deserving of VNs as a whole.

    For how long we've been working on it, it's no longer an excuse to say that "we are just starting out".
    I want to get this right and I want people to be critical of our work. If our TL is shit, tell us why.
    The people that take the time to point out our mistakes (especially those that are brutally honest) are the ones that deserve the best TL possible because it shows they haven't given up on us.
    They're still taking the time to tell us that our work is pretty shitty and want better. I'm not perfect, but I want to strive for perfection.
    It's why our team is redoing things and not leaving things as is. Because you guys deserve better than that. 

    Unfortunately, reworking lines aren't reflected on our progress chart and it might appear that the project is stalled or dead when it's not.
    I'm hoping that redoing things will pay off in the end for both the team and for the people who want to read Loverable in English.
    To those of you that are still around, thanks for not giving up on us. It's been almost a year and a half without anything to show for it.
    We're still here though, even if we aren't active on the forums as much. Hell, I rarely posted at all around here since I don't have much to say.
    I'm still working on it though behind the scenes and I'm okay with that. I'm probably not gaining anything from working on this and finishing it.
    I'm used to doing thankless and unrewarding jobs though, both in person and online. I'm sure there's others out there who feel the same.
    We said we were going to TL Loverable without botching it and it's what we're going to do so you can enjoy it as much as we do.

    Well, this reply is starting to turn into an essay and using time I could be using for Loverable before going to work, so I'll cut it short.
    TDLR: Thanks for whoever is sticking with us and looking forward to our release, whether it's one person or a handful of people.
    We're working on improving on our previously botched effort and will give you more updates when get past redoing our old work.
    Some won't like it or that admitting that we need to redo stuff is a noob thing to do, but after months of showing no progress except for graphs...
    I think it's the respectful and right thing for us as a TL group to do. Peace out.
  19. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Yuuko in Moe Game Award 2017 is out   
    Also known as the list who paid the most money to moeawards
  20. Thanks
    Infernoplex reacted to granit in Moe Game Award 2017 is out   
    I started to think they won't do it this year, but now it's finally out.
    The top 10:
    1. Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart 2
    2. Kin-iro Loveriche
    3. Shin Koihime Musou: Kakumei Souten no Haou
    4. Hikari no Umi no Apeiria
    5. Making*Lovers
    6. Anata ni Koi Suru Renai Rosset
    7. Kizuna Kirameku Koi Iroha
    8. Shugaten! -sugarfull tempering-
    9. Chrono Box
    10. Wagamama High Spec OC
    The individual winners are:
    Users favorite: Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart 2
    Scenario: Kin-iro Loveriche, Chrono Box
    Character design: Shin Koihime†Musou -Kakumei- Souten no Haou, Suisou Ginka no Istoria
    Pure love: Anata ni Koisuru Ren’ai Recette, Haruoto Alice*Gram
    Ero (pink): Haruru Minamo ni!, Onii-chan, Kiss no Junbi wa Mada Desu ka? Ecchi no Junbi mo Mada Desu ka?
    Ero (black): Chrono Box, Boku wa Kou Shite Otasa no Hime ni Narimashita
    Graphics: Kizuna Kirameku Koi Iroha, O-uchi ni Kaeru Made ga Marshmallow Desu
    Fandisc: Wagamama High Spec OC
    Game design: Ouka Sabaki
    燃え系 (I don't know what to translate this. Maybe action?) : Silverio Trinity
    Concept design: Hikari no Umi no Apeiria, Kotonoha Amrilato
    Theme song: Making*Lovers, Aoi Tori
    Series: Fuyu Uso
    Low price: Aikagi
    New brand: Shugaten! (Recette), Iyashi no Megami no Marmot (Shirokuma Dango)
    Topic: Niizuma LOVELY×CATION, Tsukikage no Simulacre

  21. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Decay in Fortissimo FA to be "Translated" to English by SakuraGame   
    Grammarly really wouldn't help much at all. A lot of King Exit's text is so horribly mangled that Grammarly wouldn't know what to do with it. And it takes someone halfway decent at English to look at the suggestions and decide which ones are worth implementing and which ones aren't. Grammarly will frequently want to change perfectly acceptable informal English dialogue, for example, so I can only imagine the dumb suggestions it would give for a mangled machine translation. 
    In general, the only real use I've found for Grammarly in translation work (with proper translations) is for finding double and missing words.
    I would also argue that not all of the problems with SakuraGame's translations are grammar-related. There's a lot more to good English writing than proper grammar. Even if Grammarly could fix all of the grammar, it would still probably be a terrible translation not worth reading unless an actual decent editor came along and gave an extremely thorough editing pass. But you don't want to do that when the base translation is potentially inaccurate, and I really don't trust these translations to be accurate. Even if they get the broad strokes, they're missing so much of the smaller details, tone, and personality.
    So really, SakuraGame's translations need to be thrown in the trash and incinerated, never to be seen again. Trying to help them improve is a fool's errand.
  22. Thanks
    Infernoplex reacted to Dreamysyu in Birthday thread   
    Happy Birthday, @Infernoplex!
  23. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to VirginSmasher in Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi No Translation Project (Completed)   
    Hello again. It's been quite a while since I was able to report a decent amount of progress.
    Here are the updates!
    Prologue - 100% (1791/1791)
    Branch School - 7% (408/5846)
    Prologue - 46% (818/1791)
    Translation has started on the branch school as you can see, which is pretty nice. Other than that, we're still working hard to get that prologue patch out.
    Since our former TLC left last week, we are looking for a TLC for this project again. If you feel confident in your abilities, please PM me.
    That's all the progress I have for this week. I'll see you all soon with more progress.
  24. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Zakamutt in Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi No Translation Project (Completed)   
    > no total %
  25. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Plk_Lesiak in Birthday thread   
    Thank you guys
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